Наукова періодика України Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies

Slyusar V. 
Construction of an advanced method for recognizing monitored objects by a convolutional neural network using a discrete wavelet transform / V. Slyusar, M. Protsenko, A. Chernukha, S. Gornostal, S. Rudakov, S. Shevchenko, O. Chernikov, N. Kolpachenko, V. Timofeyev, R. Artiukh // Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies. - 2021. - № 4(9). - С. 65-77. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2021_4%289%29__9
The tasks that unmanned aircraft systems solve include the detection of objects and determining their state. This paper reports an analysis of image recognition methods in order to automate the specified process. Based on the analysis, an improved method for recognizing images of monitored objects by a convolutional neural network using a discrete wavelet transform has been devised. Underlying the method is the task of automating image processing in unmanned aircraft systems. The operability of the proposed method was tested using an example of processing an image (aircraft, tanks, helicopters) acquired by the optical system of an unmanned aerial vehicle. A discrete wavelet transform has been used to build a database of objects' wavelet images and train a convolutional neural network based on them. That has made it possible to improve the efficiency of recognition of monitored objects and automate a given process. The effectiveness of the improved method is achieved by preliminary decomposition and approximation of the digital image of the monitored object by a discrete wavelet transform. The stages of a given method include the construction of a database of the wavelet images of images and training a convolutional neural network. The effectiveness of recognizing the monitored objects' images by the improved method was tested on a convolutional neural network, which was trained with images of 300 monitored objects. In this case, the time to make a decision, based on the proposed method, decreased on average from 0,7 to 0,84 s compared with the artificial neural networks ResNet and ConvNets. The method could be used in the information processing systems in unmanned aerial vehicles that monitor objects; in robotic complexes for various purposes; in the video surveillance systems of important objects.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Slyusar V.
  • Protsenko M.
  • Chernukha A.
  • Gornostal S.
  • Rudakov S.
  • Shevchenko S.
  • Chernikov O.
  • Kolpachenko N.
  • Timofeyev V.
  • Artiukh R.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Slyusar V. Construction of an advanced method for recognizing monitored objects by a convolutional neural network using a discrete wavelet transform / V. Slyusar, M. Protsenko, A. Chernukha, S. Gornostal, S. Rudakov, S. Shevchenko, O. Chernikov, N. Kolpachenko, V. Timofeyev, R. Artiukh // Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies. - 2021. - № 4(9). - С. 65-77. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2021_4(9)__9.

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