Оригінал документу знаходиться за адресою:
Переклад — Ірина Багрій
2000-04-06 (20.01.2003)
У Додатку наводяться переліки кодів систем предметизаії для опублікованих тезаурусів і класифікаційних систем. У дужках наводяться найменування агентств, які їх підтримують
Нижченаведені коди записуються до підполя $2 полів 600-608, 615 (тезауруси) та поля 686 (класифікаційні системи)
Інші коди повинні реєструватися IFLA UBCIM Office шляхом реєстрації інформації, котра включає запропонований код, автора, назву, видання та агентство, яке підтримує запропоновану систему предметизації.
agrovoc |
AGROVOC thesaurus. (Rome : AGRIS) |
bic |
BIC subject categories (London: BIC) |
bmsi |
British Museum subject index |
cae |
National Library of Canada (English) subject headings. (Ottawa : National Library of Canada) |
caf |
National Library of Canada (French) subject headings. (Ottawa : National Library of Canada) |
ericd |
Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors. (Washington : Educational Resources Information Center) |
fei |
Fingerprints = Empreintes = Impronte. (Paris : Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes in association with the National Library of Scotland, 1984) |
gmgpc |
Descriptive terms for graphic materials : genre and physical characteristic headings. (Washington: Library of Congress) |
gsafd |
Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc. Chicago: Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association) |
inist |
INIS: Thesaurus. (Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency) |
inspec |
INSPEC thesaurus. (London : Institution of Electrical Engineers) |
lc |
Library of Congress Subject Headings. (Washington : Library of Congress) |
lcch |
Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings. (Washington : Library of Congress) |
lctgm |
United States. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Thesaurus for Graphic Materials. (Washington : Library of Congress) |
mesh |
Medical Subject Headings. Bethesda, Md. : United States. National Library of Medicine |
nal |
U.S. National Agricultural Library subject headings. (Beltsville, Md. : National Agricultural Library) |
rameau |
RAMEAU : rйpertoire d'autoritй-matiиre encyclopйdique et alphabйtique unifiй. (Paris : Bibliothиque nationale de France ; Montpellier : Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supйrieur) |
rbbin |
Binding terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries) |
rbgenr |
Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing. (Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries) |
rbpap |
Paper terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries) |
rbpri |
Printing and publishing evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries) |
rbprov |
Provenance evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries) |
rbtyp |
Type evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries) |
sears |
Sears, Minnie Earl. Sears List of Subject Headings. (New York : H.M. Wilson) |
she |
SHE: subject headings for engineers. (New York : Engineering Index, inc.) |
test |
United States. Dept. of Defense. Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms. (Washington : Dept. of Defense) |
watrest |
United States. Bureau of Reclamation. Thesaurus of water resources terms; a collection of water resources and related terms for use in indexing technical information. (Washington : Bureau of Reclamation) |
Класифіікаційні схеми:
rubbk |
Library Bibliographic Classification Schedules for Research Libraries* (Moscow : Russian State Library, LBS Research Department). |
rugasnti |
State Rubricator for Scientific and Technical Information**. (Moscow : Rector Centre for Scientific Research and Development, Interbranch Commission for Education). |
sab |
Klassifikationssystem fцr svenska bibliotek (SAB:s kommittй for katalogisering och klassifikation) |
usnal |
National Agricultural Library |
usnlm |
National Library of Medicine. National Library of Medicine classification. (Bethesda (Md.) : National Library of Medicine). |
*Бібліотечно-бібліографічна класифікація: Таблиці для наукових бібліотек
**Рубрикатор ГАСНТИ
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