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Журнали представлені на виставці:
Physical Review A (PRA) provides a dependable resource of worldwide developments in the rapidly evolving area of atomic, molecular, and optical physics and related fundamental concepts. The journal contains articles on quantum mechanics including quantum information theory, atomic and molecular structure and dynamics, collisions and interactions (including interactions with surfaces and solids), clusters (including fullerenes), atomic and molecular processes in external fields, matter waves (including Bose-Einstein condensation), and optics, both quantum and classical.
Abstracting/Indexing Includes: Computer & Control Abstracts, Current Physics Index, Electrical & Electronics Index, INSPEC, Physics Abstracts, PubSCIENCE.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3881:A
Physical Review B is the largest and most comprehensive international journal specializing in condensed matter and materials physics, publishing important papers on a wide range of topics. PRB appears monthly in two sections, B1 and B15; each section is further divided into two parts. B1: Structure, phase transitions, ferroelectrics, nonordered systems, liquids, quantum solids, magnetism, superconductivity, superfluidity. B15: Electronic structure, photonic crystals, semiconductors, mesoscopic systems, surfaces, clusters, fullerenes, graphene, nanoscience.
Abstracting/Indexing: Abstract Bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry, Chemical Abstracts, Computer & Control Abstracts, Current Physics Index, Electrical & Electronics Index, Energy Research Abstracts, GeoRef, INSPEC, International Aerospace Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, Metals Abstracts, Nuclear Science Abstracts, Physics Abstracts, World Aluminum Abstracts.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3881:B
Physical Review C (PRC) contains research articles reporting experimental and theoretical results in all aspects of nuclear physics, including the nucleon-nucleon interaction, few-body systems, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, relativistic nuclear collisions, hadronic physics and QCD, electroweak interaction, symmetries, and nuclear astrophysics.
Abstracting/Indexing Includes: Chemical Abstracts, Computer & Control Abstracts, Current Physics Index, Electrical & Electronics Index, Energy Research Abstracts, INSPEC, International Aerospace Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, Nuclear Science Abstracts, Physics Abstracts, PubSCIENCE.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3881:C
Physical Review D (PRD), a leading journal in elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation, and cosmology, appears monthly in two sections, D1 and D15. D1: reports on experimental high energy physics, phenomenologically oriented theory of particles and fields, cosmic-ray physics, electroweak interactions, applications of QCD and lattice gauge theory. D15: covers general relativity, quantum theory of gravitation, cosmology, particle astrophysics, formal aspects of theory of particles and fields, general and formal development in gauge field theories and string theory.
Abstracting/Indexing Includes: Chemical Abstracts, Computer & Control Abstracts, Current Physics Index, Electrical & Electronics Index, Energy Research Abstracts, INSPEC, International Aerospace Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, Nuclear Science Abstracts, Physics Abstracts.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3881:D
Physical Review E (PRE), broad and interdisciplinary in scope, focuses on collective phenomena of many-body systems, with statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics as the central themes of the journal. Physical Review E publishes recent developments in biological and soft matter physics including granular materials, colloids, complex fluids, liquid crystals, and polymers. The journal covers fluid dynamics and plasma physics and includes sections on computational and interdisciplinary physics, for example, complex networks.
Abstracting/Indexing Includes: Current Physics Index, INSPEC, Medline, Physics Abstracts.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3881:E
In the late 1950's, Editor Sam Goudsmit decided to collect the Letters to the Editor of the Physical Review into a new standalone journal entitled Physical Review Letters (PRL). PRL featured short, important papers from all branches of physics, and quickly assumed a place among the most prestigious publications in any scientific discipline. Today PRL is the world's foremost physics letters journal, providing rapid publication of short reports of significant fundamental research in all fields of physics. International in scope, the journal provides its diverse readership with weekly coverage of major advances in physics and cross disciplinary developments. PRL's topical sections are devoted to general physics (including statistical and quantum mechanics, quantum information, etc.), gravitation and astrophysics; elementary particles and fields; nuclear physics; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; nonlinear dynamics, fluid dynamics, classical optics; plasma and beam physics; condensed matter; and soft-matter, biological, and interdisciplinary physics.
Abstracting/Indexing Includes: Chemical Abstracts, Computer & Control Abstracts, Current Physics Index, Electrical & Electronics Index, Energy Research Abstracts, GeoRef, INSPEC, International Aerospace Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, Medline, Metals Abstracts, Nuclear Science Abstracts, Physics Abstracts, PubSCIENCE, World Aluminum Abstracts.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3881:L
Reviews of Modern Physics (RMP), a part of the Physical Review journals since 1929, serves students and established researchers in physics and related fields. RMP brings the broad fundamental physics literature in established topical areas together and places it within the context of current trends in research and applications. Its review articles offer in-depth treatment of a research area, surveying recent work, and providing an introduction aimed at graduate students and nonspecialists. The journal's shorter Colloquia describe recent work of interest to all, especially work at the frontiers of physics, which may impact several different subfields.
Abstracting/Indexing Includes: Chemical Abstracts, Computer & Control Abstracts, Current Physics Index, Electrical & Electronics Index, Energy Research Abstracts, Excerpta Medica, GeoRef, INSPEC, International Aerospace Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, Nuclear Science Abstracts, Physics Abstracts.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж31004
Physics Today is the membership magazine of the American Institute of Physics that was established in 1948. It is provided to the members of twelve physics societies, including the American Physical Society. Although its content is scientifically rigorous and up to date, it is not a true scholarly journal in the sense of being a primary vehicle for communicating new results. Rather, it is more of a hybrid magazine that informs readers about important developments in the form of overview articles written by experts, shorter review articles written internally by staff, and also discusses the latest issues and events of importance to the science community such as science politics.
The magazine provides a historical resource of events associated with physics, including debunking the physics behind the so-called Star Wars program of the 1980s, and the state of physics in China and the Soviet Union during the 1950s and 1970s.
Published by the American Institute of Physics for members of its 10 member societies, Physics Today keeps its readers informed about science and its place in the world with authoritative feature articles, news stories, and analyses, as well as by providing a lively forum for the exchange of ideas. Physics Today Online serves as Physics Today's home on the Internet, presenting the magazine's digital edition and continually building a valuable online archive.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж36171
Applied Physics Letters is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal that is published by the American Institute of Physics since 1962. Its focus is rapid publication and dissemination of new experimental and theoretical papers regarding applications of physics in all disciplines of science, engineering, and modern technology. Additionally, there is an emphasis on fundamental and new developments which lay the groundwork for fields that are rapidly evolving.
Topics covered in Applied Physics Letters are diverse and reflect the most important topics in applied physics that include: Photonics and Optoelectronics, Surfaces and Interfaces, Structural, Mechanical, Optical, and Thermodynamic Properties of Advanced Materials, Semiconductors, Magnetics and Spintronics, Superconductivity and Superconducting Electronics, Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics, and Multiferroics, Nanoscale Science and Technology, Organic Electronics and Photonics, Device Physics, Biophysics and Bio-Inspired Systems, Energy Conversion and Storage, Interdisciplinary and General Physics.
Content is published online daily, collected into weekly online and printed issues (52 issues per year).
This journal is indexed in the following databases: Chemical Abstracts Service, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, Science Citation Index.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж38460
The Journal of Applied Physics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published since 1931 by the American Institute of Physics. The journal publishes articles that emphasize understanding of the physics underlying modern technology, but distinguished from technology on the one side and pure physics on the other. Applied Physics Reviews is a series of occasional review articles on topics within this scope. The Proceedings of the Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials is an annual feature.
Topics covered in Journal of Applied Physics are diverse and reflect the most current applied physics research, including: Applied Biophysics, Dielectrics and Ferroelectricity, Device Physics, Electronic Structure and Transport, Interdisciplinary and General Physics, Lasers, Optics, and Optoelectronics, Magnetism and Superconductivity, Nanoscale Science and Design, Plasmas and Electrical Discharges, Structural, Mechanical, Thermodynamic, and Optical Properties of Condensed Matter.
Content is published online daily, collected into two online and printed issues per month (24 issues per year).
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж30649
The Journal of Chemical Physics is a scientific journal published since 1933 by the American Institute of Physics. The Journal publishes concise and definitive reports of significant research in methods and applications of chemical physics. Innovative research in traditional areas of chemical physics such as spectroscopy, kinetics, statistical mechanics, and quantum mechanics continue to be areas of interest to readers of JCP. In addition, newer areas such as polymers, materials, surfaces/interfaces, and systems of biological relevance are of increasing importance. The Journal also publishes brief Communications of significant new findings, Perspectives on the latest advances in the field, and Special Topic issues.
Topical coverage includes: Theoretical Methods and Algorithms, Advanced Experimental Techniques, Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters, Liquids, Glasses, and Crystals, Surfaces, Interfaces, and Materials, Polymers and Soft Matter, Biological Molecules and Networks, Perspectives and Review Articles.
Content is published online daily, collected into four monthly online and printed issues (48 issues per year).
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж30512
The Journal of Mathematical Physics is a peer-reviewed journal published monthly by the American Institute of Physics devoted to the publication of papers in mathematical physics. The journal was first published bimonthly beginning in January 1960; it became a monthly publication in 1963.
Content is published online daily, collected into monthly online and printed issues (12 issues per year). Its purpose is the publication of papers in mathematical physics–that is, the application of mathematics to problems in physics and the development of mathematical methods suitable for such applications and for the formulation of physical theories. The mathematics should be written in a manner that is understandable to theoretical physicists. Occasionally, reviews of mathematical subjects relevant to physics and special issues combining papers on a topic of current interest may be published.
Journal of Mathematical Physics welcomes original research of the highest quality in all active areas of mathematical physics, including the following: Partial Differential Equations, Many Body and Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Information and Computation, General Relativity and Gravitation, Classical Mechanics and Classical Fields, Statistical Physics, Representation Theory and Algebraic Methods, Quantum Mechanics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Gravity, and String Theory, Dynamical Systems, Fluids, Methods of Mathematical Physics.
This journal is indexed by the following services: Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts Service, Computer & Control Abstracts, Current Contents / Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, Current Physics Index, Electrical & Electronics Abstracts, Electronics and, Communications Abstracts, Energy Research Abstracts, International Aerospace Abstracts, ISMEC Bulletin, Mathematical Reviews, Nuclear Science Abstracts, Physics Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, Safety Science Abstracts, Science Citation Index, SPIN.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж37064
Low Temperature Physics is a translation of Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur. Guided by an international editorial board, this journal communicates the results of important experimental and theoretical studies at low - mainly liquid helium - temperatures. It offers key work in such areas as superconductivity, magnetism, lattice dynamics, quantum liquids and crystals, cryocrystals, low-dimensional and disordered systems, electronic properties of normal metals and alloys, critical phenomena. The journal publishes original articles on new experimental and theoretical results, review articles, brief communications, memoirs, and biographies.
Subject Coverage Includes: mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of crystals and other materials at low temperatures, phase transitions, liquid and solid helium, hydrogens, superfluidity, electronic transport and conduction at low temperatures; superconductivity, including high-Tc, quantum effects in semiconductors, ultralow-temperature techniques.
Abstracting/Indexing Includes: Current Contents, Current Physics Index, INSPEC, PASCAL, Physics Abstracts, Physics Briefs, Science Citation Index, SPIN.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43226
Physics of Fluids is a peer-reviewed monthly scientific journal on fluid dynamics, published by the American Institute of Physics with cooperation by the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics, since 1958. Until 1988, the journal covered both fluid and plasma physics. From 1989 until 1993, the journal was split into two separate ones: Physics of Fluids A covered fluid dynamics, while Physics of Fluids B was on plasma physics. In 1994, Physics of Plasmas was split off and the fluid dynamics journal continued under its original name, Physics of Fluids. Content is published online daily, collected into monthly online and printed issues (12 issues per year).
The journal is devoted to the publication of original theoretical, computational, and experimental contributions to the dynamics of gases, liquids, and complex or multiphase fluids. The September issues of PoF feature winning entries from the annual Gallery of Fluid Motion exhibit, held at the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting. The Gallery of Fluid Motion, enhanced with winning video entries, is also available online. PoF also publishes selected invited and award papers from the annual meeting.
Topics covered in Physics of Fluids are diverse and reflect the most important topics in fluid dynamics that include: Turbulent Flows, Laminar Flows, Compressible Flows, Geophysical Flows, Biofluid Mechanics, Micro- and Nanofluid Mechanics, Interfacial Flows, Viscous and Non-Newtonian Flows, Particulate, Multiphase, and Granular Flows, Instability and Transition.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж36049
Physics of Plasmas is a peer-reviewed monthly scientific journal on plasma physics published by the American Institute of Physics, with cooperation by the American Physical Society's Division of Plasma Physics, since 1994. Until 1988, the journal topic was covered by Physics of Fluids. From 1989 until 1993, Physics of Fluids was split into Physics of Fluids A covering fluid dynamics and Physics of Fluids B dedicated to plasma physics. In 1994, Physics of Plasmas was split off as a separate journal. Content is published online daily, collected into monthly online and printed issues (12 issues per year).
Physics of Plasmas is devoted to original experimental and theoretical contributions to the physics of plasmas. PoP publishes comprehensive and in-depth review papers covering important areas of study and Special Topics highlighting new and cutting-edge developments in plasma physics. Every year a special issue publishes the invited and review papers from the most recent meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. Physics of Plasmas covers a broad range of important research in this dynamic field including: Basic Plasma Phenomena, Waves, Instabilities, Nonlinear Phenomena, Turbulence, Transport, Magnetically Confined Plasmas, Heating, Confinement, Inertially Confined Plasmas, High Energy Density Plasma Science, Warm Dense Matter, Ionospheric, Solar-System, and Astrophysical Plasmas, Lasers, Particle Beams, Accelerators, Radiation Generation, Radiation: Emission, Absorption, Transport, Low-Temperature Plasmas, Plasma Applications, Plasma Sources, Sheaths, Dusty Plasmas.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж40954
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data is published by AIP Publishing LLC for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); content is published online daily, collected into quarterly online and printed issues (4 issues per year). The objective of the Journal is to provide critically evaluated physical and chemical property data, fully documented as to the original sources and the criteria used for evaluation, preferably with uncertainty analysis. Critical reviews of measurement techniques may also be included if they shed light on the accuracy of available data in a technical area. Papers reporting correlations of data or estimation methods are acceptable only if they are based on critical data evaluation and if they produce “reference data”—the best available values for the relevant properties. The journal is not intended as a publication outlet for original experimental measurements such as those normally reported in the primary research literature, nor for review articles of a descriptive or primarily theoretical nature.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж40717
Medical Physics is the scientific journal of the American Association of Physics in Medicine and is an official science journal of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physics, the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine, and the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP). It publishes research concerned with the application of physics and mathematics to the solution of problems in medicine and human biology. Manuscripts covering theoretical or experimental approaches are published.
The journal is characterized by a rigorous refereeing process with selected associate editors and referees committed only after they have been consulted on the specific manuscript. The journal features review articles, research articles, technical reports, technical notes, Point/Counterpoint debates on controversial issues, Vision 20/20 future-focused articles, and letters. The journal also carries AAPM Task Group Scientific Reports.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41716
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics publishes theoretical and experimental research in nuclear and particle physics including all interface areas between these fields. The journal also publishes articles on nuclear and particle astrophysics.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж30897:G
Progress of Theoretical Physics is a monthly journal which contains academic research papers on theoretical physics. It was founded by Hideki Yukawa in 1946. Now it is published for the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Physical Society of Japan. This journal publishes mainly the submitted and refereed original papers in all fields of theoretical physics such as particle physics, field theory, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, statistical physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Each issue contains Papers and Letters, and, sometimes, Invited Papers on theoretical and experimental physics. PTP terminated in December 2012 and merged into PTEP in January 2013.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж34888
Progress of Theoretical Physics: supplement is published approximately quarterly. Each issue contains either long original or review papers or a collection of papers on some specific topics.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж34888:Suppl.
The Proceedings of the Japan Academy Ser. B (PJA-B) is a scientific publication of the Japan Academy with a 90-year history, and covers all branches of natural sciences, except for mathematics, which is covered by the PJA-A. The Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B was founded in 1912 as the Proceedings of the Imperial Academy by the then Imperial Academy of Japan (now the Japan Academy). The Journal was split to the Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A and Series B in 1977.
PJA Series B publishes both reviews and original articles in broad fields of natural sciences, such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences, biology, engineering, agricultural sciences and medical sciences. Ten issues are published per year. The entire content is now freely available online through J-STAGE. Its original aim was to publish important scientific achievements emanating from Japan, but it now welcomes contributions internationally from any parts of the world.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж37527:B
The Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences is an international scientific journal issued quarterly by the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
The journal publishes internationally peer-reviewed primary research and review papers in the English language. All articles are provided with Estonian summaries.
The journal is open to world-wide scientific community for publications in all fields of science represented at the Estonian Academy of Sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.).
Abstracted /indexed in: Science Citation Index ExpandedTM. (Web of Science), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, INSPEC database, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, Scopus® database, Academic Search Premier (EBSCO publishing database), Recognized by the European Physical Society, Gale's Academic OneFile database, ProQuest LLC, Airiti Incorporation, Researchandmarkets.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж26597:ph.-m.
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences (Latvijas Fizikas un Tehnisko Zinātņu Žurnāls) publishes experimental and theoretical papers containing results not published previously and review articles. Its scope includes Energy and Power, Physical Sciences, Physics and Applied Physics in Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology, Astronomy and Spectroscopy.
The journal is a premier source of high quality research from CEE countries and from all over the world; articles authored by researchers from all over the world, who appreciate our thorough and constructive peer review.
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences is available free of charge as an Open Access journal on the Internet.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж13864:физ.
Lithuanian Journal of Physics is published quarterly by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Lithuanian Physical Society.
The Journal started in 1961 as Lietuvos fizikos rinkinys. The papers were published in Russian with the summaries in Lithuanian and a “foreign” (usually English) language. Since 1993 it has the present title Lithuanian Journal of Physics (Lietuvos fizikos zurnalas). Since 1974 the journal was simultaneously translated into English and published by Allerton Press Inc. in the USA, under a title “Soviet Physics – Collection”; after the historical changes in 1989, it became the “Lithuanian Physics Journal”. Since 2000 the journal is published only in English with summaries in Lithuanian. Hence the Allerton Press terminated the publication of its translated version, and its present title is “Lithuanian Journal of Physics”.
The main aim of the Lithuanian Journal of Physics is to reflect the most recent advances in various fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied physics, including: mathematical and computational physics, subatomic physics, atoms and molecules, chemical physics, electrodynamics and wave processes, nonlinear and coherent optics, spectroscopy, ferroelectrics and superconductors, semiconductors, condensed matter physics and technology, environmental physics, interdisciplinary physics
The Lithuanian Journal of Physics publishes regular research articles, brief communications, and topical reviews of authors from Lithuania and other countries. Special issues of the Journal are devoted to the best papers presented at national and international scientific conferences.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж60186
Romanian Journal of Physics was first published in 1992, as a continuation of the former Revue Roumaine de Physique (established 1957). Romanian Journal of Physics is a journal of the Romanian Academy published by Editura Academiei Romane (eA). The journal has an international character intended for the publication of original physics contributions on the following themes: Theoretical Physics & Applied Mathematics, Nuclear Physics, Solid State Physics & Materials Science, Statistical Physics & Quantum Mechanics, Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma & Laser Physics, (High Energy) Elementary Particles Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Astrophysics, Atmosphere (Environmental) & Earth Science, Environmental Protection.
Publications can be full-length articles, containing original results, or short notes (letters) aimed at a rapid communication of new research results. The Journal may also publish conference papers or proceedings. Recent books may be presented and reviewed.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж33806:P
Archives of thermodynamics is quarterly journal published by the Polish academy of sciences since 1980.
The aim of the Archives of Thermodynamics is to disseminate knowledge between scientists and engineers interested in thermodynamics and heat transfer and to provide a forum for original research conducted in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as all over the world. The journal encompass all aspect of the field, ranging from classical thermodynamics, through conduction heat transfer to thermodynamic aspects of multiphase flow. Both theoretical and applied contributions are welcome. Only original papers written in English are consider for publication. Articles in the journal are abstracted and indexed within: Applied Mechanics Reviews, BazTech, Celdes, CNPIEC, DOAJ, EBSCO Academic Search Complete database, Elsevier – SCOPUS, Google Scholar, INSPEC Database, J-Gate, Microsoft Academic Search, Naviga (Softweco), Primo Central (ExLibris), ProQuest - Civil Engineering Abstracts, ProQuest - Engineering Research Database, ProQuest - Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts, ProQuest - Technology Research Database, Referativnyi Zhurnal (VINITI), Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest), TDOne (TDNet), TEMA Technik und Management, VERSITA, WorldCat (OCLC).
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42591
Optica Applicata is an international, peer-reviewed journal, published in a non-periodical form in the years 1971-1973 and quarterly since 1973. From the beginning of the year 2008, Optica Applicata is an Open Access journal available online via the Internet (here and in DOAJ database), with free access to the full text of articles serving the best interests of the scientific community. It serves the best interests of the scientific community in all fields of optics, optoelectronics and photonics.
The journal is abstracted and indexed in: Chemical Abstracts, Compendex, Current Contents, Inspec, Referativnyj Zhurnal, SCI Expanded, Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41720
Arkhimedes – Journal of Physics and Mathematics (issued since 1948) is published by the Finnish Physical Society, the Finnish Mathematical Society and the Physical Society in Finland. The journal is sent free of charge to the members of publishing societies, and is also subscribed by schools, libraries and individuals interested in physics and mathematics. The journal features articles on current research questions, book reviews, news and discussion on current issues and member events.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42937
Das Physik Journal (bis 2001 Physikalische Blätter) ist die Mitgliederzeitschrift und das offizielle Mitteilungsorgan der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e. V. (DPG). Sie erscheint monatlich mit elf Ausgaben jährlich (Doppelheft August/September).
Das Physik Journal wurde 1943 unter dem Namen Physikalische Blätter gegründet. Der zweite Jahrgang wurde erst 1946 unter dem Namen „Neue Physikalische Blätter“ herausgegeben. Gründer und langjähriger Herausgeber (bis 1972) war Ernst Brüche.
Im Physik Journal berichten DPG-Mitglieder über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Erkenntnisse in allen Forschungsbereichen der Physik und verwandter Wissenschaftsgebiete. Veröffentlicht werden u. a. Übersichtsaufsätze („Überblick“), aktuelle Berichte aus der physikalischen Forschung („Brennpunkt“), wissenschafts- und bildungspolitische Nachrichten, Buch- und Software-Rezensionen, Veranstaltungshinweise und ein Stellenmarkt. Mit einer Auflage von über 50.000 Exemplaren ist das Physik Journal die größte deutschsprachige Physikfachzeitschrift. Das Physik Journal wird von der DPG zusammen mit dem Verlag Wiley-VCH herausgegeben.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42500
Serwis czasopisma „Postępy Fizyki“ Polskiego Towarzystwa Fizycznego, skierowany do polskiej społeczności fizyków. Postępy Fizyki ukazują się od 1949 i są źródłem wiedzy o najważniejszych wydarzeniach w fizyce na świecie i w Polsce. Ważna jest ich rola w ustabilizowaniu polskiej terminologii fizycznej.
Jest to magazyn publikowany jako dwumiesięcznik w języku polskim z angielskimi streszczeniami, prezentujący najnowsze badania w dziedzinie fizyki, sprawozdania z ważnych wydarzeń a także recenzje publikacji naukowych. Informują również o działaniach Polskiego Towarzystwa Fizycznego.
Na stronach serwisu znajdują się spisy treści poszczególnych numerów od 1949 roku, informacje dla autorów, wybrane pełne teksty artykułów (w tym wykłady noblowskie z fizyki) oraz materiały ze Zjazdów Fizyków Polskich.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж33846
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