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Журнали представлені на виставці:
Geodiversitas is a quarterly journal devoted to varied aspects of Earth Sciences. It publishes original results particularly on systematics, phylogeny, paleobiodiversity and paleoenvironment. Thematic issues may also be published under the responsibility of a guest editor. Geodiversitas continues from 1997 the Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, section C, Sciences de la Terre.
Indexed in Current Contents, GeoRef (Database for Bibliography and Index of Geology), Biological Abstracts, ASFA (Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts), Pascal, Zoological Record. Geodiversitas is distributed electronically by BioOne.
Текст видання французькою та англійською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж4646:4C.
The journal publishes original research papers in the field of geodesy and geophysics under headings: aeronomy and space physics, electromagnetic studies, geodesy and gravimetry, geodynamics, geomathematics, rock physics, seismology, solid earth physics, history. Papers dealing with problems of the Carpathian region and its surroundings are preferred. Similarly, papers on topics traditionally covered by Hungarian geodesists and geophysicists (e.g. robust estimations, geoid, EM properties of the Earth’s crust, geomagnetic pulsations and seismological risk) are especially welcome.
Abstracted/Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Google Scholar, ASFA, EI-Compendex, Geobase, GeoRef, INIS Atomindex, International Bibliography of Book Reviews (IBR), International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ), ISIS Current Bibliography of the History of Science, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж37167
Studia geophysica et geodaetica is an international journal covering all aspects of geophysics, meteorology and climatology, and of geodesy. Studia publishes theoretical and methodological contributions, which are of interest for academia as well as industry.
Published by the Institute of Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, it was founded in 1956. The journal offers fast publication of contributions in regular as well as topical issues.
Studia geophysica et geodaetica is abstracted or indexed in Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Academic OneFile, Academic Search, CSA Environmental Sciences, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Gale, Geobase, GeoRef, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, Referativnyi Zhurnal (VINITI), SCImago, Summon by ProQuest.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж34999
Journal of GEOsciences is an open access journal, focused on all aspects of nature and origin of crystalline complexes. Until late 2006 it appeared under the name: Journal of the Czech Geological Society. Following the gentlemen's agreement between the Czech Geological Society and the Czech Geological Survey in 2006 this Journal focuses solely on hard rock geology and related subjects.
The Journal of GEOsciences is an international journal published by the Czech Geological Society in collaboration with the Czech Geological Survey. It accepts high-quality original research or review papers dealing with all aspects of the nature and origin of igneous and metamorphic rocks. The Journal focuses, mainly but not exclusively, on: Process-oriented regional studies of igneous and metamorphic complexes; Research in structural geology and tectonics; Igneous and metamorphic petrology; Mineral chemistry and mineralogy; Major- and trace-element geochemistry, isotope geochemistry; Dating igneous activity and metamorphic events; Experimental petrology and mineralogy; Theoretical models of igneous and metamorphic processes; Mineralizing processes and mineral deposits.
All the papers are written in English, even though they may be accompanied by an additional Czech abstract. Each contribution is a subject to peer review by at least two independent reviewers, typically at least one from abroad. The Journal appears 2 to 4 times a year. Formally it is divided in annual volumes, each of them including 4 issues.
The Journal is indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, Geobase, GeoRef, DOAJ and EBS CO. It is also member of the CrossRef association and the Geoscience e-Journals webring.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41210
The Bulletin of Geosciences is an international journal publishing original research papers, review articles, and short contributions concerning palaeoenvironmental geology, including palaeontology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeogeography, palaeoecology, palaeoclimatology, geochemistry, mineralogy, geophysics, and related fields. All papers are subject to international peer review, and acceptance is based on quality alone.
Since the No. 1 / 2007 Bulletin of Geosciences has been accepted to the ISI database (Web of Science) and its impact factor will be calculated.
Following the gentlemen's agreement between the Czech Geological Survey and the Czech Geological Society in 2006, the Bulletin of Geosciences focuses solely on palaeontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy and related fields. The papers concerned with hard rock geology and related subjects are published by the partner Journal of Geosciences.
This journal is abstracted and indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, Scopus, GeoRef.
Текст видання англійською та чеською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж34261
The Italian Journal of Geosciences (Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana e del Servizio Geologico d'Italia) is the official journal of the Italian Geological Society (Società Geologica Italiana) and of the Italian Geological Survey. It is published every four months in February, June and October.
The Italian Journal of Geosciences (born from the merging of the Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana and the Bollettino del Servizio Geologico d'Italia) provides an international outlet for the publication of high-quality original research contributions in the broad field of the geosciences.
It publishes research papers, special short papers, review papers, discussion-and-replies for their rapid distribution to the international geosciences community.
The journal is firstly intended to call attention to the Italian territory and the adjacent areas for the exceptional role they play in the understanding of geological processes, in the development of modern geology and the Earth sciences in general.
The Italian Journal of Geosciences is included in the Journal of Citation Report issued by the Institute of Scientific Information (Thomson ISI database) since 2004. It is indexed by Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE), Web of Science, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC&ES).
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43501
Géochronique est une revue d'information en Sciences de la Terre, d'expression française, sous le patronage du Comité National Français de Géologie. Elle est coéditée par la Société géologique de France et le BRGM.
En 1989, Claude Mégnien du BRGM et Charles Pomerol de l'AGBP évoquèrent la nécessité de publier une revue comparable à la revue américaine Geotimes, qui diffuserait l'information et rendrait compte de l'activité des géologues français.
Le titre de Géochronique fut adopté par le conseil de la Société Géologique de France. Claude Mégnien (BRGM) et Claude LORENZ (SGF), tous deux membres de l'AGBP, furent les premiers rédacteurs en chef, faisant de Géochronique une émanation de l'AGBP.
Текст видання французькою мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж39256
Geoscience Frontiers (GSF) is a bi-monthly international journal that publishes in English high quality original research articles and timely reviews in interdisciplinary fields of Earth and Planetary Sciences. GSF aims to bridge innovative, provocative and challenging concepts and models related to various fields of research including petrology and geochemistry in understanding lithospheric architecture and mantle dynamics, global tectonics, economic geology and fuel exploration, geophysics, stratigraphy and paleontology with new insights on correlations and evolution, environmental and engineering geology, astrogeology, among other themes. The article categories in GSF include Focus papers of high profile overviews published together with author vitae and photographs, Research Papers, Letters, and Discussions. GSF is a unique open access publication that provides free full text download of all articles published in the journal through Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform without any page charges or subscription requirements.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43532
Die Zeitschrift Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung (HyWa) ist eine deutschsprachige Fachzeitschrift, die Themen der Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft umfassend behandelt. Sie bietet eine Plattform zur Veröffentlichung aktueller Entwicklungen aus Wissenschaft und operationeller Anwendung. Das Spektrum der Fachbeiträge setzt sich aus folgenden Themenbereichen zusammen, die unter qualitativen, quantitativen, sozioökonomischen und ökologischen Gesichtspunkten behandelt werden: Hydrologie; Bewirtschaftung der Wasservorkommen; Wasser- und Stoffflüsse, Gewässerschutz; Binnen- und Küstengewässer; Grundwasser.
Zur Veröffentlichung werden nur fachlich fundierte, originäre Artikel zu aktuellen Themen zugelassen. Ein Redaktionsausschuss sowie assoziierte Editoren, bestehend aus Hochschulvertretern, Vertretern des Bundes und der Länder, gewährleisten, dass nur qualitativ hochwertige Fachbeiträge veröffentlicht werden (peer review). Die HyWa enthält außerdem einen nachrichtlichen Teil, der dem Austausch von Informationen aus Bund, Ländern und internationalen staatlichen und nicht-staatlichen Organisationen dient.
Текст видання німецькою мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж36380
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies is an international journal published by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdansk in Poland. The journal publishes original research articles, short communications, reviews and book reviews. The journal has 4 issues per year and contains papers on all aspects of the marine environment and hydrobiology. All manuscripts are reviewed by editors and independent experts. Based on the referees' recommendations, the Editor will make a decision on whether to accept a contribution. All articles are published in English.
Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, CAB International, Academic Search, ASFA, BAZTECH, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, CSA Environmental Sciences, Geobase, GeoRef, Global Health, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest, Zoological Record.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж4253
Geologija is a central Slovenian scientific journal with a 60 year history and tradition. It has an international advisory board. In Geologija publish Slovenian and foreign authors. Contributions cover the fields of geological mapping, stratigraphy, paleontology, sedimentology, petrology, mineralogy, mineral deposits, hydrogeology, environment protection, geochemistry, geohazards, seismology, geoinformatics and related activities.
The journal is indexed in Directory of Open Access Journal, GeoRef, Chemical Abstracts, PASCAL, Zoological Record and EBSCOhost.
Geologija is an open access journal.
Текст видання англійською та словенською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43249
The Geological Quarterly is an International general Earth Science Journal that provides permanent free access to all its publications (starting from 1976) and contents via internet.
Geological Quarterly is published four times a year. Online at http://gq.pgi.gov.pl
The policy of the Geological Quarterly is to publish significant contributions of information and geological insight relevant to an international readership. The journal has been issued since 1957 and, at present, is the leading Earth sciences journal in Poland. All aspects of Earth and related sciences, and universal and broad regional rather than locally oriented topics are covered. The journal is intended to be an international forum for the exchange of information and ideas, particularly on important geological topics of Central Europe.
Geological Quarterly publishes contributions to: stratigraphy, sedimentology and palaeontology; regional geology and geophysics, tectonics and structural geology; geochemistry and isotopic geology; geology of deposits.
The Geological Quarterly is abstracted and indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded including the Web of Science, Research Alert, SCOPUS, Current Contents/(Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences), American Geological Institute/Bibliography and Index of Geology, Elsevier/GeoAbstracts, GEOBASE, BIOSIS UK/Zoological Records, and Geological Bibliography of Poland.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж35968
13. Societas geologorum Poloniae.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (until 1980, Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego) is the leading scientific journal of the Polish Geological Society. It appears in 1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume. Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Institute of Geological Science of the Polish Academy of Science, Information and Publications Section.
Since 2007 the Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae has been abstracted and indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded, ISI Alerting Services, and Current Contents, Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences.
Original contributions, review papers and book reviews from all branches of geological sciences, including applied and economic geology, as well as discussions to the papers previously published in this journal are considered for publication.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж4253
14. Sociètè gèologique de France.
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France is published by Société Géologique de France. SGF wishes to publish in its Bulletin original high-level articles on all fields of the Earth Sciences. Only those manuscripts which present new data, interpretations or methods, of general interest and targeting an informed international audience, will be accepted.
BSGF is indexed by: Current contents, Citation index, BRGM/ INIST (Pascal - Géode), CSA, Geo. Abstr., GeoRef, Biol. Abstr., Eng. Ind., Br. Geol. Lit., Int. Aerosp. Abstr., Petrol. Abst., Risk-Abstr.
Текст видання французькою мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41422
The journal Geologica Balcanica was founded in 1934 by Prof. Stefan Bonchev. The journal has played a significant role in the dissemination of regional and conceptual contributions within the framework of the geological sciences in the Balkans. Since 2008 Geologica Balcanica is the official journal of the Carpathian-BalKan Geological Association (CBGA). It is published 3 times a year by the Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Science and printed by the Academic Publishing House "Prof. Marin Drinov".
Geologica Balcanica welcomes original manuscripts covering all aspects of the geology of the Balkan Peninsula and surrounding regions. It is devoted primarily to research papers but short communications reflecting interesting results, regional syntheses, reviews and book reviews may also be considered. Short contributions and abstracts from recent workshops, symposia, congresses and any relevant scientific activity could also be accepted.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж38915
16. Българско геологическо дружество.
The Review of BGS is a scientific periodical which publishing starts in 1927. Its main purpose is to popularize the scientific achievements of Bulgarian and foreign geologists. The publishing is financed by the Bulgarian Geological Society by means of membership dues, sponsorship from BAS and other organizations and companies. During its existence either three or one issue has been published per year. The Review of BGS is being distributed among the geological association through annual subscription or exchange in 44 countries.
Текст видання англійською та болгарською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж4455
Elements is published bimonthly by the Mineralogical Society of America, The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, the Mineralogical Association of Canada, the Geochemical Society, The Clay Minerals Society, the European Association of Geochemistry, the International Association of GeoChemistry, the Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie, the Association of Applied Geochemists, the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, the Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia, the International Association of Geoanalysts, the Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne (Mineralogical Society of Poland), the Sociedad Española de Mineralogía (Spanish Mineralogical Society), the Swiss Society of Mineralogy and Petrology, the Meteoritical Society, and the Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences.
Every issue explores a theme of broad and current interest in the mineral sciences. Elements also presents regular features like a calendar of events, short course announcements, awards, conference reports, policy news, as well as news of the Societies.
Elements publishes invited peer-reviewed papers for its thematic collection of papers. Topics of interest can be proposed to the editors who will review every proposal submitted.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43726
The Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (JMPS) publishes original articles, reviews and letters in the fields of mineralogy, petrology, economic geology, geochemistry, planetary materials science, and related scientific fields. As an international journal, we aim to provide worldwide diffusion for the results of research in Japan, as well as to serve as a medium with high impact factor for the global scientific communication
Given the remarkable rate at which publications have been expanding to include several fields, including planetary and earth sciences, materials science, and instrumental analysis technology, the journal aims to encourage and develop a variety of such new interdisciplinary scientific fields, to encourage the wide scope of such new fields to bloom in the future, and to contribute to the rapidly growing international scientific community.
To cope with this emerging scientific environment, in April 2000 the journal's two parent societies, MSJ (The Mineralogical Society of Japan) and JAMPEG (The Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists), combined their respective journals (the Mineralogical Journal and the Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology). The result of this merger was the Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, which has a greatly expanded and enriched scope compared to its predecessors.
MSJ and JAMPEG merged into one new society Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS) on September 22, 2007.
The Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences is indexed in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) database (Thomson Reuters), the Science Citation Index-Expanded, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, and ISI Alerting Services.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42538
National Geographic, formerly The National Geographic Magazine, is the official magazine of the National Geographic Society. It has been published continuously since its first issue in 1888, nine months after the Society itself was founded. It primarily contains articles about geography, history, and world culture. The magazine is known for its thick square-bound glossy format with a yellow rectangular border and its extensive use of dramatic photographs.
The magazine is published monthly, and additional map supplements are also included with subscriptions. It is available in a traditional printed edition and through an interactive online edition. On occasion, special editions of the magazine are issued.
As of 2011, the magazine was circulated worldwide in thirty-six language editions and had a global circulation of 8.3 million. Its U.S. circulation is around 5 million per month.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж19363
The Geographical Journal has been the academic journal of the Royal Geographical Society, under the terms of the Royal Charter, since 1893. It publishes original research papers and review articles, all of which are refereed. Editorial policy is not influenced by the views of the sponsors. The papers range across the entire subject of Geography, with particular reference to public debates, policy-orientated agendas and notions of “relevance”. Particular emphasis is placed on:
- Publishing articles that make a major theoretical, conceptual and/or empirical intervention to the advancement of both geography and ideas pertaining to “public relevance”
- Stimulating and shaping future public and policy-orientated agendas across human and physical geography
- Publishing a range of articles, editorial interventions and other forms of commentaries, which investigate why problems, issues and solutions are posed in particular ways
- Evaluating the manner in which geographical knowledge is used to influence and underpin local, national and global policies
- Attracting articles and other contributions that communicate ‘cutting-edge’ research in an accessible manner.
The GJ also carries book reviews and longer comparative reviews of books and other public sources that focus on the public debates, policy-orientated agendas and critical assessments of “relevance”.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3724
Die Zeitschrift Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde erscheint viermal im Jahr. Die Berichte informieren über gegenwärtige Diskurse zur geographischen Fachtheorie und neuere, im Wesentlichen auf Deutschland und Mitteleuropa bezogene Forschungen aus den verschiedensten Gebieten der Geographie. Das Spektrum der von der Zeitschrift in Themenheften und freien Beiträgen behandelten Gebiete ist breit gefächert und entstammt den Bereichen Sozial- und Kulturgeographie, Wirtschaftsgeographie, Stadtgeographie, Geographie des ländlichen Raumes, Politische Geographie, Religionsgeographie und historische Geographie sowie der Küstenforschung, der Geomorphologie und der multimedialen Visualisierung von Räumen. Ein Besprechungsteil macht auf wichtige Veröffentlichungen aufmerksam. Die Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde sind gleichermaßen eine Zeitschrift für Forschung und Lehre an den Universitäten und Hochschulen, für Institutionen und Organe der planungsbezogenen Praxis sowie für Lehrer unterschiedlicher Schularten. Manuskripte für Beiträge sowie Rezensionsexemplare werden an die federführende Herausgeberin erbeten.
Текст видання німецькою мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42384
Geographica Helvetica, the Swiss Journal of Geography, publishes contributions in all fields of geography as well as in related neighbouring disciplines. It is a multi-lingual journal, accepting articles in the three Swiss languages, German, French and Italian, as well as in English. It invites theoretical as well as empirical contributions. The journal welcomes contributions that specifically deal with empirical questions relating to Switzerland.
The agenda of Geographica Helvetica is related to the specificity of Swiss geography as a meeting ground for different geographical traditions and languages (German, French, Italian and, more recently, a type of transnational, mainly English-speaking geography). The journal aims to become an ideal platform for the development of an informed, creative, and truly cosmopolitan geography. The journal will therefore provide space for cross-border theoretical debates around major thinkers past and present and the circulation of geographical ideas and concepts across Europe and beyond. The journal seeks to be a platform of debate also through innovative publication formats in its section "Interfaces", which publishes shorter interventions: reflection pieces on major thinkers as well as position papers.
Geographica Helvetica is promoted and supported by the following institutions: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT); Geographic and Ethnological Society of Zurich/ Geographisch-Ethnographische Gesellschaft Zürich (GEGZ); Swiss Association of Geography/Association Suisse de Géographie (ASG).
Geographica Helvetica co-hosts Social Geography, the international journal of social geography and related disciplines in social sciences and the humanities. Geographica Helvetica publishes one "Special Edition Social Geography" per year that focuses on particular current or emerging topics in the field.
Текст видання англійською, німецькою, французькою та італійською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41895
Geografski vestnik is the research journal of the Association of Slovenian Geographers. It is dedicated to presenting research findings in all areas of geography and related disciplines. It has been published since 1925. Since 2000 it has been issued twice a year in print format and electronically on the Internet (http://zgs.zrc-sazu.si/en-us/publications/geographicalbulletin.aspx).
The first and main part of the journal contains articles organized into four sections. These are Papers, which includes lengthier, primarily research articles, Reviews, which includes shorter, generally survey articles, Methods, which includes articles clearly oriented toward presenting research methods and techniques, and Polemics, with articles about viewpoints on geography.
The second part of the journal contains informative articles organized into four sections: Literature, Chronicle, Meetings, and Reports. The Literature section presents Slovenian books, followed by Slovenian journals, and then foreign books and journals. In Chronicle and Meetings, the material is presented chronologically. The Reports section first presents the work of geographical institutions in alphabetical order (by name), followed by other reports. The “Instructions to authors for the preparation of articles for Geografski vestnik (Geographical Bulletin)” appear at the end of the journal.
Indexed in CGP (Сurrent geographical publications), Geobase (Elsevier indexed journals), GeoRef (database of bibliographic information in geosciences), OCLC (online computer library center), SCOPUS, FRANCIS, Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - dLib.si
Текст видання словенською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж32393
Geografski obzornik je časopis za šolsko geografijo oziroma strokovni časopis za popularizacijo geografije. Izhaja od leta 1954. Je predvsem informativna revija, ki skrbi tudi za modernizacijo pouka geografije in širjenje geografskega znanja in pogleda na svet.
Izhaja 4-krat letno kot enojna ali dvojna številka. Izid publikacije je financno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije iz sredstev državnega proracuna iz naslova razpisa za sofinanciranje domacih poljudnoznanstvenih periodičnih publikacij. Revija je vključena v SCOPUS.
Текст видання словенською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43229
Acta geographica Slovenica - Geografski zbornik is the main Slovenian geographical scientific journal published by the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
The journal is aimed at presentation of scientific articles from the fields of physical, human and regional geography. Review scientific articles are published, e.g. review and synthesis of already published articles on specific topic, and original research articles, e.g. first publication of original scientific results that allows repetition of the study and examination of results.
The journal was first published in 1952, and fourteen issues appeared periodically until 1976. Granted more permanent government funding, it has been published annually since 1976. From 2003, it is published twice a year. The journal is subsequently published in print and on the Internet in both Slovenian and English since 1994 (http://ags.zrc-sazu.si/). Each year, it is distributed in exchange for 200 scientific journals from around the world. The articles on the internet are read in more than 100 countries.
Indexed and listed in: SCIE, Scopus, CGP (Current geographical publications), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EBSCOhost, Electronic publishing Center, Find in a library, GEOBASE Journals, Geosource, JS (Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition), OHSU Electronic Journals, Google scholar, Geoscience e-Journals, FRANCIS, CrossRef, Georef, SJR (SCImago Journal & Country Rank), OCLC WorldCat.
Текст видання словенською та англійською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43237
Geografski horizont je stručno-informativni časopis Hrvatskog geografskog društva. Izlazi dva puta godišnje. Prvi broj objavljen je 1955. nakon odluke III. kongresa geografa Jugoslavije. Tijekom svoje povijesti izlazio je kao dvobroj, jednobroj i četverobroj. U prvom desetljeću izlaženja bio je glasilo Saveza geografskih društava Jugoslavije, dok ga kasnije preuzima Geografsko društvo Hrvatske, odnosno danas Hrvatsko geografsko društvo.
Текст видання хорватською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43256
Acta Geographica Croatica is a scientific journal which publishes the results of original research, as well as reviews in all geographic disciplines. Papers are published in Croatian or English. The journal appears once a year.
Two referees review the typescript. On their suggestion papers are selected into the following categories: Original scientific paper, Preliminary communication, Review.
Acta Geographica Croatica exceptionally publishes the professional papers and discourses of high quality.
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Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43520
Croatian Geographical Bulletin is a scientific journal which publishes the results of original theoretical and empiric research, as well as reviews in all geographic disciplines. A special emphasis is given, but not limited to the articles about Croatia. Papers are expected to be written in Croatian or English.
The journal is published twice a year. The journal is supported by Ministry of Science Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia Conclusively to Vol. 58 (1996) the journal appeared by the name of Geographical Bulletin, and with Vol. 59 (1997) it changed the name to Croatian Geographical Bulletin.
The journal is indexed or abstracted Cab Abstracts, Current Geographical Publications, Geobase, SAGE Urban Studies Abstracts, CSA Sociological Abstracts, Scopus, EBSCO Academic Search Complete.
Текст видання хорватською та англійською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43257
The journal, founded in 1957, was titled Revue Roumaine de Géologie, et de Géographie until 1963, Revue Roumaine de Géologie, Géophysique, et de Géographie, Série de géographie, between 1964-1989, and Revue Roumaine de Géographie from 1990 to 2009, one issue/year.
The journal, permanently issued under the aegis of the Romanian Academy, reflected developments and trends in Romanian Geography, also publishing many of the most valuable research results obtained in this country. In time, it included papers presented at international scientific events held in Romania, among which articles written by foreign specialists.
The host of problems posed after 1990 by transition from a centralized system to the free market economy, focus on the complex relations between society and environmental change, sustainable development, urbanization and the development of metropolitan areas, natural and technological hazards, etc. As well as current issues of Central and South-Eastern Europe, e.g. cross-border co-operation in the eastern extremity of the European Union in the Lower Danube Basin and the Black Sea Basin, etc.
Revue Roumaine de Géographie / Romanian Journal of Geography exchanges publications with over 200 libraries from around the world.
Revue Roumaine de Géographie / Romanian Journal of Geography is indexed in the following databases and directories: DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Copernicus International, JournalSeek, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Cabell's Directories, ETH-Bibliothek, SSOAR (Social Science Open Access Repository), Open J-Gate, Scipio Scientific Publishing & Information Online.
Текст видання англійською та румунською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж35839
30. Universitatea Babes-Bolyai.
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia is an international journal devoted to publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed research articles, papers and notes on all aspects of earth sciences. The journal aims to provide a readily accessible platform to rapidly publish the latest geological information to an interdisciplinary audience. Studia UBB, Geologia also publishes Special Issues of peer-referred collected research papers from symposia, workshops, and meetings sponsored by different geological societies and working groups. The journal appears four times a year. Evaluation of whether a submitted manuscript satisfies the scientific standards of the journal will be made by the Editors-in-Chief and at least one Associate Editor, based on two external peer reviews. The revised version will be reevaluated by one of the Editors.
Studia UBB, Geologia is supported by the University of South Florida Libraries.
Текст видання англійською та румунською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43519:Geogr.
The journal Forum geografic. Studii de geografie şi protecţia mediului was founded in 2002, and it seeks to publish high quality research in the domains of geography, environment protection and other related domains. It addresses a range of issues, such as geomorphology, pedology, climatology, hydrology, human geography and environment. Its content is directed to a broad audience, including both academics and policymakers. The papers selected for publication in the journal are subject to a review process using references from universities worldwide.
The journal is currently indexed by the following databases (also look for: Geographical Phorum): DOAJ – Directory of open access journals, EBSCO Publishing, and Index Copernicus International, Scipio Scientific Publishing & Information Online, CrossRef, ULRICHSWEB - Global Serials Directory, IGU Journals Database.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43844
The Scientific Journal "Problems of Geography" has been issued by the Institute of Geography (currently Department of Geography at NIGGG) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) since 1974. Prior to this year the "Bulletin of the Institute of Geography-BAS" was published (1953-1974). Four volumes of the Journal come out annually of which the last one is only in English. Articles are published in Bulgarian, English, Russian, French and German.
The journal contains papers of theoretical and methodological importance or works, presenting the scientific results from research projects on topical problems in all spheres of geographic investigations and related scientific branches, which are conducted by Bulgarian and foreign scholars. It publishes scientific announcements, discussion materials, reviews and commentaries. All materials are reviewed.
Текст видання болгарською, англійською, російською, французькою та німецькою мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж14070
The journal Geography publishes scientific papers in the following fields: physical geography, landscape geography, social geography, cartography, geoinformatics and landscape management. Papers in geoengineering and educology are also welcome. Since 1961 papers are published in Lithuanian and English. All papers are reviewed.
Geography is published by Lithuanian Academy оf Sciences in two issues per year.
The journal is indexed in: GeoRef (www.agiweb.org.georef), VINITI (www.viniti.ru), EBSCO (Academic Search Complete, www.epnet.com)
Текст видання литовською та англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41280
Przegląd Geograficzny to najdłużej wychodzące (od 1919 r.) naukowe czasopismo geograficzne o ogólnopolskim zasięgu. W latach 1919-1953 organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, od 1954 – Instytutu Geografii (i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania) PAN.
Publikuje oryginalne prace teoretyczne, metodologiczne i empiryczne o tematyce odzwierciedlającej główne nurty i ewolucję zachodzącą w polskiej geografii. Większość tekstów ukazuje się w jęz. polskim, okazjonalnie w jęz. angielskim. Autorami są nie tylko Polacy, ale także obcokrajowcy. Od 2001 r. zeszyty są sprofilowane i dotyczą w całości geografii fizycznej lub społeczno-ekonomicznej.
Kwartalnik, w przeszłości niektóre zeszyty łączone (w latach 1941-1946 jeden numer rocznie). W 2011 r. ukazał się 83 tom. Redaguje Komitet, od 2001 r. przy współudziale organu konsultacyjno-doradczego w postaci Rady Redakcyjnej. W jej skład wchodzą znani przedstawiciele nauk geograficznych z Polski i zagranicy.
Indeksowany w: Scopus, GeoRef, ProQuest-IBBS, Geobase, Current Geographical Publications – Contents, Bibliographie Géographique Internationale.
Wersja drukowana jest wersją pierwotną czasopisma.
Текст видання польською та англійською мовами.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж18641
35. Praha. Universita Karlova.
AUC Geographica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica) is a scholarly academic journal published since 1966 that focuses on actual results of research at wide field of geographical sciences: physical geography and geo-ecology, regional, social, political and economic geography and regional development, cartography and geo-information, demography and geo-demography. The journal disseminates research results on geographical theory and methodology and also strives to help solve practical problems in Czech regional, socio-economic and demographical policy-making.
Текст видання англійською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж35703:G
La Revista Geográfica Venezolana es el órgano divulgativo del Instituto de Geografía y Conservación de Recursos Naturales. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Ambientales. Universidad de Los Andes. Mérida-Venezuela. Publica investigaciones en todos los aspectos de la ciencia geográfica y campos afines, bajo la modalidad de artículos. También se publican trabajos, en la sección de notas y documentos que, por el tema discutido y su tratamiento, son de interés científico. Igualmente revisiones bibliográficas. Todos los artículos son sometidos a por lo menos dos árbitros. Las opiniones son responsabilidad de los autores.
La Revista Geográfica Venezolana está indizada en: Geobase, Geodate Base, Periódica (UNAM, México), Revencyt (bajo el código de identificación RVR 005), Abstracts Journal (Referativnyi Zhurnal-Rusia), FONACIT (reg2005000002), Latindex-Catálogo, Geographical Abstracts (Human Geography and Physical Geography), International Development Abstracts, Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin (PAIS), Bibliography and Index of Geology, Informe Académico y Academic OneFile, Gale Cengage Learning, Dialnet y Scopus. También "Esta revista está incluida en la colección SciELO Venezuela (www.scielo.org.ve)".
Текст видання іспанською мовою.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж36340
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