Нові надходження зарубіжних періодичних видань, якими комплектуються бібліотеки науковo-дослідних установ Національної академії наук України

Шановні користувачі!
З 24 вересня по 20 жовтня 2014 року в Залі іноземних періодичних видань (кімн. 313) експонується виставка нових надходжень зарубіжних періодичних видань, які передаються бібліотекам науково-дослідних установ НАН України.

Журнали представлені на виставці:

1. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. London. ISSN  0024 -6107
Volume 90, Issue 1, August 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

On some Fano manifolds admitting a rational fibration    C. Casagrande
A relative GAGA principle for families of curves   Jack Hall
Topological conjugacy of real projective flows      V. Ayala and C. Kawan
On integral kernels for Dirichlet series associated to Jacobi forms Yves Martin
Growth of primitive elements in free groups         D. Puder and C. Wu
Lower estimates for the expected Betti numbers of random real hypersurfaces Damien Gayet and Jean-Yves Welschinger
On the unirationality of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 2    Cecília Salgado, Damiano Testa, andAnthony Várilly-Alvarado
Cocompactly cubulated crystallographic groups    Mark F. Hagen
Rate of convergence to Barenblatt profiles for the fast diffusion equation with a critical exponent M. Fila, J. R. King, and M. Winkler
Brown representability for exterior cohomology and cohomology with compact supports J. M. García-Calcines, P. R. García-Díaz, and A. Murillo
Deformations of log-symplectic structures Ioan Mărcuţ and Boris Osorno Torres
External definability and groups in NIP theories Artem Chernikov, Anand Pillay, and Pierre Simon
Pair correlation of the zeros of the derivative of the Riemann ξ-function David W. Farmer, Steven M. Gonek, and Yoonbok Lee
On the Zariski–Lipman Conjecture for normal algebraic surfaces Indranil Biswas, R. V. Gurjar, and Sagar U. Kolte<
Kato's local epsilon conjecture: l≠ p case Mahesh Kakde
Dimensional contraction via Markov transportation distance François Bolley, Ivan Gentil, and Arnaud Guillin

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A simple mathematical model for high temperature superconductivity Masao Nagasawa
Global exponential stability of positive almost periodic solutions for a model of hematopoiesis Zhibin Chen
Uniqueness of non-topological solutions for the Chern-Simons system with two Higgs particles Hsin-Yuan Huang and Chang-Shou Lin
On the growth of holomorphic curves Nan Wu and Zuxing Xuan
Convergence of loop erased random walks on a planar graph to a chordal SLE(2) curve Hiroyuki Suzuki
A note on normal triple covers over P2 with branch divisors of degree 6 Taketo Shirane
Detecting Thom faults in stratified mappings Saurabh Trivedi and David Trotman
Collapse of the mean curvature flow for isoparametric submanifolds in non-compact symmetric spaces Naoyuki Koike


The best constant of three kinds of the discrete Sobolev inequalities on the complete graph Hiroyuki Yamagishi, Kohtaro Watanabe, and Yoshinori Kametaka
Almost complete intersections and Stanley's conjecture   Somayeh Bandari, Kamran Divaani-Aazar, and Ali Soleyman Jahan
A Lorentz form associated to contact sub-conformal and CR manifolds Elisha Falbel and José Miguel Veloso
New proofs of theorems of Kathryn Mann   Shigenori Matsumoto
Some family of center manifolds of a fixed indeterminate point Tomoko Shinohara
Planar p-elastic curves and related generalized complete elliptic integrals Kohtaro Watanabe
Corrections to "Extremal disks and extremal surfaces of genus three" Gou Nakamura
Attractors of iterated function systems and associated graphs   Dan Dumitru and Alexandru Mihail
Nonexistence and existence results for a 2nth-order discrete Dirichlet boundary value problem Haiping Shi, Xia Liu, and Yuanbiao Zhang
A generalization of a completeness lemma in minimal surface theory   Yûsuke Okuyama and Katsutoshi Yamanoi

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3. Hokkaido Mathematical Journal. – Sapporo. – ISSN 0385 -4035
Volume 43, Number 2, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

A simple mathematical mCohomological equations and invariant distributions on a compact Lie group. Aziz EL KACIMI ALAOUI, Hadda HMILI
A construction of special Lagrangian 3-folds via the generalized Weierstrass representation. Saki OKUHARA
A remark on the Navier-Stokes flow with bounded initial data having a special structure.Okihiro SAWADA
K-theory for the group C*-algebras of certain solvable discrete groups. Takahiro SUDO
Two applications of matrix volume Qinghua CHEN, Zhenqiang ZHOU, Jinzhou ZHANG, Rongqun CHEN

Журнал надходить до Інституту математики міста Києва.

4. Communications in Mathematics. – Ostrava. – ISSN 1804 -1388
Volume 22, Number 1, June 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Research papers

Fixed point theorems of G-fuzzy contractions in fuzzy metric spaces endowed with a graph Satish Shukla
New hyper-Kähler structures on tangent bundles Xuerong Qi, Linfen Cao, Xingxiao Li
Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for the Jacobi group Benjamin Cahen
A note on the number of S-Diophantine quadruples Florian Luca, Volker Ziegler
Existence of entropy solutions for degenerate quasilinear elliptic equations in L1 Albo Carlos Cavalheiro
Lower bounds for simultaneous Diophantine approximation constants Werner Georg Nowak
Reducibility and irreducibility of Stern (0,1)-polynomials Karl Dilcher, Larry Ericksen

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5. Scientific Annals of Computer Science "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi. – Iaşi. – ISSN 1843 -8121
Volume XXII, Issue 1, 2012

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Towards Interaction Reliability in Concurrent Applications S. Bliudze, R. Bruni, M. Carbone, A. Silva
Contract-Oriented Computing in CO2 M. Bartoletti, E. Tuosto, R. Zunino
Three Algorithms and a Methodology for Amending Contracts for Choreographies L. Bocchi, J. Lange, E. Tuosto
Structured Operational Semantics for Graph Rewriting A. Dorman, T. Heindel, B. König
Innocent Strategies as Presheaves and Interactive Equivalences for CCS T. Hirschowitz, D. Pous
Overview of Thirty Semantic Formalisms for Reo S.-S. T.Q. Jongmans, F. Arbab

Журнал надходить до Інституту математики міста Києва.

6. International Journal of Earth Sciences. – Heidelberg. – ISSN 1437 -3254 Volume 103, Issue 6, September 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Review article

The critical behaviour of a power law between preseismic electric signals and earthquakes of different mechanism in Greece and Japan E. Dologlou


Original Paper

Variscan orogeny in Corsica: new structural and geochronological insights, and its place in the Variscan geodynamic framework M. Faure, P. Rossi, J. Gaché, J. Mellton, D. Frei, X. Li, W. Lin
Detrital zircon U–Pb ages of Late Triassic–Late Jurassic deposits in the western and northern Sichuan Basin margin: constraints on the foreland basin provenance and tectonic implications L. Luo, J.-F. Qi, M.-Z. Zhang, K. Wang, Y.-Z. Han
The tectono-sedimentary evolution of a hyper-extended rift basin: the example of the Arzacq–Mauléon rift system (Western Pyrenees, SW France) E. Masini, G. Manatschal, J. Tugend, G. Mohn, J.-M. Flament
Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of an inverted extensional basin: the Cameros Basin (north of Spain) S. Omodeo Salè, J. Guimerà, R. Mas, J. Arribas
Paleoenvironmental significance of aluminum phosphate-sulfate minerals in the upper Cretaceous ooidal ironstones, E-NE Aswan area, southern Egypt W. Salama


The White Mountains of Harrat Khaybar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   M. R. Moufti, K. Németh
Original Paper
Near N–S paleo-extension in the western Deccan region, India: Does it link strike-slip tectonics with India–Seychelles rifting? A. A. Misra, G. Bhattacharya, S. Mukherjee
Gravity anomalies, flexure, and deformation of the converging Indian lithosphere in Nepal and Sikkim–Darjeeling Himalayas    M. A. Ansari, P. K. Khan, V. M. Tiwari, J. Banerjee
Spatial–temporal differences in climate change at different altitudes, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene period B. Liu, H. Jin, L. Sun, Z. Su, S. Zhao, Y. Miao
Surficial geology indicates early Holocene faulting and seismicity, central Sweden  C. A. Smith, M. Sundh, H. Mikko
Short note
An alternative approach to reveal critical behaviour in the case of the Mw 6.3 Aquila earthquake   E. Dologlou

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7. Geofizika. – Zagreb. – ISSN 0352 -3659

Volume 31, Number 1, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:


The examination of the performances of methods used in separating the total stream flow in different rivers (str.1-12) B. Şengörür, C. Dede, E. Doğan


Fluctuation of rainfall time series in Malawi: An analysis of selected areas (str.13-28) C. P. Kumbuyo, H. Yasuda, Y. Kitamura, K. Shimizu
Intra-seasonal variability of cloud amount over the Indian subcontinent during the monsoon season as observed by TRMM precipitation radar S. B. Saha, S. Sen Roy, S. K. Roy Bhowmik, P. K. Kundu
Influence of soil moisture and dynamic vegetation coupling on numerical simulations of surface temperature, precipitation and evaporation over the Europe I. Ružić, I. Herceg-Bulić

Журнал надходить до Інституту геофізики ім. С.І. Субботіна міста Києва.

8. European Journal of Mineralogy. An internation journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry and related sciences. – Stuttgart. – ISSN 0935 -1221

Volume 26, Number 4, August 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Biomineralization and biomimetic materials

Biomineralization and biomimetic materials A. R. Navarro, W. Schmahl, and M.l Prieto
Manganese incorporation into the magnetosome magnetite: magnetic signature of doping T. Prozorov, T. Perez-Gonzalez, C. Valverde-Tercedor, C. Jimenez-Lopez, A. Yebra-Rodriguez, A. Körnig, D. Faivre, S. K. Mallapragada, P. A. Howse, D. A. Bazylinski, and R. Prozorov
Nanoprobe crystallographic orientation studies of isolated shield elements of the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi R. Hoffmann, A. S. Wochnik, C. Heinzl, S. B. Betzler, S. Matich, E. Griesshaber, H. Schulz, M. Kučera, J. R. Young, C. Scheu, and W. W. Schmahl
Structure and composition of the aragonitic shell of a living fossil: Neotrigonia (Mollusca, Bivalvia) Y. Dauphin, J.-P. Cuif, and M. Salomé
Crystalline organization of the fibrous prismatic calcitic layer of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis A. G. Checa, C. M. Pina, A. J. Osuna-Mascaró, A. B. Rodríguez-Navarro, and E. M. Harper
Crystallography of calcite in pearls A. Pérez-Huerta, J.-P. Cuif, Y. Dauphin, and M. Cusack
Lattice macro and microstrain fluctuations in the calcified byssus of Anomia simplex H. Leemreize, J. R. Eltzholtz, and H. Birkedal
Calcium carbonate bio-precipitation in counter-diffusion systems using the soluble organic matrix from nacre and sea-urchin spine M. Sancho-Tomás, S. Fermani, J. Gómez-Morales, G. Falini, and J. M. García-Ruiz
Sweet on biomineralization: effects of carbohydrates on the early stages of calcium carbonate crystallization A. RAO, J. K. Berg, M. Kellermeier, and D. Gebauer

Other Articles

The triplite–triploidite supergroup: structural modulation in wagnerite, discreditation of magniotriplite, and the new mineral hydroxylwagnerite C. Chopin, T. Armbruster, E. S. Grew, A. Baronnet, C.e Leyx, and O. Medenbach
Peterandresenite, Mn4Nb6O19·14H2O, a new mineral containing the Lindqvist ion from a syenite pegmatite of the Larvik Plutonic Complex, southern Norway   H. Friis, A. O. Larsen, A. R. Kampf, R. J. Evans, R. S.Selbekk, A. Sánchez, and J. Kihle
Whitecapsite, a new hydrous iron and trivalent antimony arsenate mineral from the White Caps mine, Nevada, USA I. V. Pekov, N. V. Zubkova, J. Göttlicher, V. O. Yapaskurt, N. V. Chukanov, I. S. Lykova, D. I. Belakovskiy, M. C. Jensen, J. F. Leising, A. J. Nikischer, D. Y. Pushcharovsky
Okruschite, Ca2Mn2+ 5Be4(AsO4)6(OH)4 · 6H2O, a new roscherite-group mineral from Sailauf, Bavaria, Germany N. V. Chukanov, G. Möhn, I. V. Pekov, D. I. Belakovskiy, Y. V. Bychkova, V. V. Gurzhiy, and J. A. Lorenz
Kaliochalcite, KCu2(SO4)2[(OH)(H2O)], a new tsumcorite-group mineral from the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia I. V. Pekov, O. I. Siidra, N. V. Chukanov, V. O. Yapaskurt, D. I. Belakovskiy, M. N. Murashko, and E. G. Sidorov

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9. Journal of Plant Research. – Tokyo. – ISSN> 0918 -9440

Volume 127, Issue 4, July 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Taxonomy/ Phylogenetics/ Evolutionary Biology

DNA content in South American endemic species of Lathyrus L. Chalup, M. Grabiele, V. S. Neffa, G. Seijo

Ecology / Ecophysiology / Environmental Biology

Leaf developmental stage modulates metabolite accumulation and photosynthesis contributing to acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to water deficit I. Sperdouli, M. Moustakas
Alterations of chemical composition, construction cost and payback time in needles of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana L.) trees grown under pollution N. Liu, L.-L. Guan, F.-F. Sun, D.-Z. Wen
How do sink and source activities influence the reproduction and vegetative growth of spring ephemeral herbs under different light conditions?   N. Sunmonu, G. Kudo

Genetics / Developmental Biology

A promoter analysis of MOTHER OF FT AND TFL1 1 (JcMFT1), a seed-preferential gene from the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas.-B. Tao, L. Luo, L.-L. He, J. Ni, Z.-F. Xu

Physiology / Biochemistry / Molecular and Cellular Biology

Regulation of jasmonic acid biosynthesis by silicon application during physical injury to Oryza sativa L. Y.-H. Kim, A. L. Khan, M. Waqas, H.-J. Jeong, D.-H. Kim, J. S. Shin, J.-G. Kim, M.-H. Yeon, I.-J. Lee
Copper amine oxidase and phospholipase D act independently in abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure in Vicia faba and Arabidopsis Y. Qu, Z. An, B. Zhuang, W. Jing, Q. Zhang, W. Zhang
Establishment of a shortened annual cycle system; a tool for the analysis of annual re-translocation of phosphorus in the deciduous woody plant (Populus alba L.) Y. Kurita, K. Baba, M. Ohnishi, A. Anegawa, C. Shichijo, K. Kosuge, H. Fukaki, T. Mimura
Mg-chelatase I subunit 1 and Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase affect the stomatal aperture in Arabidopsis thaliana M. Tomiyama, S.Inoue, T. Tsuzuki, M. Soda, S. Morimoto, Y. Okigaki, T. Ohishi, N. Mochizuki, K. Takahashi, T. Kinoshita
Salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) negatively mediates tea herbivore-induced direct and indirect defense against the tea geometrid Ectropis obliqua Z. Xin, Z. Zhang, Z. Chen, X. Sun

Журнал надходить до Інституту ботаніки ім. М. Г. Холодного  міста Києва.

10. Willdenowia. Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem. – Berlin. – ISSN 0511 -9618

Volume 44, Number 2, August 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Taxonomy of Plants of Africa

The genus Cotoneaster (Rosaceae) in NW Africa  Romo A., Boratyńsk A.

Taxonomy of Plants of Asia

Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XXX – New species and combinations for Bucephalandra Wong S. Y., Boyce P. C.
Scaphochlamys stenophylla (Zingiberaceae): a new species from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo Ooi I. H., Wong S. Y.
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XXXIX: Schismatoglottis persistens, a new rhizomatous rheophytic species for the Schismatoglottis Multiflora Group     Wong S. Y., Boyce P. C.
Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Borneo XVIII: Homalomena prolixa and H. scutata, two new species of doubtful affinity         Wong S. Y., Boyce P. C.

Taxonomy of Plants of Americas

Anthurium jaimeanum and A. pahumense (Araceae): two new species from the W slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes     Cerón C. E., Croat T. B.
Notes on Cyperus sect. Incurvi (Cyperaceae) from the New World Tropic Tucker G. C.
The genus Plinia (Myrtaceae) in Cuba Acosta Ramos Z.
Inventorying Plant and Fungal Diversity of Europe and the Mediterranean
The epiphytic lichen flora of Platanus orientalis stands in Greece Christensen S. N.
A contribution to the lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi flora of Armenia Gasparyan A., Sipman H. J. M., Brackel W. von
Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 3 Raab-Straube E. Von, Raus Th. (ed.)
Burghard Hein (1944 – 2014)    Raus Th., Sipman H. J. M.

Журнал надходить до Інституту ботаніки ім. М. Г. Холодного  міста Києва.

11. Journal of Plant Physiology. Biochemistry, Physiology, Molecular Biology and Functional Biotechnology of Plants. – Berlin. – ISSN 0176 -1617
Volume 171, Issue 11, 1 July 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:


Two novel phytotoxic substances from Leucas aspera A. K. M. M. Islam, O. Ohno, K. Suenaga, H. Kato-Noguchi
ACC deaminase-containing Arthrobacter protophormiae induces NaCl stress tolerance through reduced ACC oxidase activity and ethylene production resulting in improved nodulation and mycorrhization in Pisum sativum D. Barnawal, N. Bharti, D. Maji, C. S. Chanotiya, A. Kalra
Stress enhances the gene expression and enzyme activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and the endogenous content of salicylic acid to induce flowering in pharbitis K. C. Wada, K. Mizuuchi, A. Koshio, K. Kaneko, T. Mitsui, K. Takeno
lCharacterization and responses to environmental cues of a photosynthetic antenna-deficient mutant of the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120  F. Leganés, F. Martínez-Granero, M. Á. Muñoz-Martín, E. Marco, A. Jorge, L. Carvajal, T. Vida, M. González-Pleiter, F. Fernández-Piñas
Treatment of Amaranthus cruentus with chemical and biological inducers of resistance has contrasting effects on fitness and protection against compatible Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial pathogens K. Casarrubias-Castillo, N. A. Martínez-Gallardo, J. P. Délano-Frier
Fructan metabolism and expression of genes coding fructan metabolic enzymes during cold acclimation and overwintering in timothy (Phleum pratense) K.-i. Tamura, Y. Sanada, K. Tase, M. Yoshida
The tomato phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C2 (SlPLC2) is required for defense gene induction by the fungal elicitor xylanase G. Gonorazky, L. Ramirez, A. Abd-El-Haliem, J. H. Vossen, L. Lamattina, A. ten Have, M. H. A. J. Joosten, A. M. Laxalt
GA4 and IAA were involved in the morphogenesis and development of flowers in Agapanthus praecox ssp. Orientalis D. Zhang, L. Ren, J.-h. Yue, L. Wang, L.-h. Zhuo, X.-h. Shen

Molecular Biology

The dihydrolipoyl acyltransferase gene BCE2 participates in basal resistance against Phytophthora infestans in potato and Nicotiana benthamiana H. Wang, C. Sun, R. Jiang, Q. He, Y. Yang, Z. Tian, Z. Tian, C. Xie

Functional Biotechnology

Multistep involvement of glutathione with salicylic acid and ethylene to combat environmental stress S. Ghanta, R. Datta, D. Bhattacharyya, R. Sinha, D. Kumar, S. Hazra, A. B. Mazumdar, S. Chattopadhyay

Short Communications

The presence of soluble carbonic anhydrase in the thylakoid lumen of chloroplasts from Arabidopsis leaves T. Fedorchuk, N. Rudenko, L. Ignatova, B. Ivanov

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12. Mycological Progress. International Journal of the German Mycological Society. – Heidelberg. – ISSN 1617 -416X
Volume 13, Issue 3, August 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Original Article

Morphology and molecules: the Sebacinales, a case study F. Oberwinkler, K. Riess, R. Bauer, S. Garnica
Hygrocybe virginea is a systemic endophyte of Plantago lanceolata S. A. Tello, P. Silva-Flores, R. Agerer, H. Halbwachs, A. Berk, D. Peršoh
Stemphylium platycodontis sp. nov., isolated from Platycodon grandiflorus in Korea    J. X. Deng, N. C. Paul, M. J. Li, H. S. Cho, H. B. Lee, S. H. Yu
A new species and new records of cercosporoid fungi from ornamental plants in Taiwan R. Kirschner
Lactifluus piperatus (Russulales, Basidiomycota) and allied species in Western Europe and a preliminary overview of the group worldwide        E. De Crop, J. Nuytinck, K. Van de Putte, M. Lecomte, U. Eberhardt, A. Verbeken
Two New Lactifluus species (Basidiomycota, Russulales) from Fazao Malfakassa National Park (Togo, West Africa)         D. L. Maba, A. K. Guelly, N. S. Yorou, A. Verbeken, R. Agerer
Bioaccumulation and biosorption of inorganic nanoparticles: factors affecting the efficiency of nanoparticle mycoextraction by liquid-grown mycelia of Pleurotus eryngii and Trametes versicolorM. Jakubiak, I. Giska, M. Asztemborska, G. Bystrzejewska-Piotrowska
Three new species of Hyphodontia with peg-like hyphal aggregations E. Yurchenko, S.-H. Wu
Two new species of Spadicoides and Gangliostilbe from southern China L.-G. Ma, J.-W. Xia, Y.-R. Ma, R. F. Castañeda-Ruíz, X.-G. Zhang
Epitypification of Hebeloma crustuliniforme J. Vesterholt, U. Eberhardt, H. J. Beker
Phlebiporia bubalina gen. et. sp. nov. (Meruliaceae, Polyporales) from southwest China with a preliminary phylogeny based on rDNA sequences J.-J. Chen, B.-K. Cui
Paratritirachium curvibasidium, a new heat-resistant basidiomycete from flare pit soils in Alberta, Canada H. D. T. Nguyen, J. B. Tanney, D. Chabot, N. L. Nickerson, K. A. Seifert
Formation of 6-n-pentyl-2H-pyran-2-one (6-PAP) and other volatiles by different Trichoderma species H. Jeleń, L. Błaszczyk, J. Chełkowski, K. Rogowicz, J. Strakowska
Fomitiporia neotropica, a new species from South America evidenced by multilocus phylogenetic analyses     M. de Campos Santana, M. Amalfi, G. Robledo, R. M. Borges da Silveira, C. Dekock
Improving the backbone tree for the genus Pestalotiopsis; addition of P. steyaertii and P. magna sp. nov. S. S. N. Maharachchikumbura, L.-D. Guo, E. Chukeatirote, K. D. Hyde
Hymenoscyphus albidoides sp. nov. and H. pseudoalbidus from China H.-D. Zheng, W.-Y. Zhuang
Paraxerula ellipsospora, a new Asian species of Physalacriaceae J. Qin, Y.-J. Hao, Z. L. Yang, Y.-C. Li
Leucoagaricus croceobasis (Agaricales, Agaricaceae), a new species of section Piloselli from Spain G. Muñoz, A. Caballero, M. Contu, E. Ercole, A. Vizzini
Umbelopsis changbaiensis sp. nov. from China and the typification of Mortierella vinacea Y.-N. Wang, X.-Y. Liu, R.-Y. Zheng
Sporoschismopsis angustata sp. nov., a new holomorph species in the Reticulascaceae (Glomerellales), and a reappraisal of Sporoschismopsis M. Réblová
Lepiota sanguineofracta (Basidiomycota, Agaricales), a new species with a hymeniform pileus covering from Italy A. Vizzini, E. Ercole, S. Voyron
Cercosporoid hyphomycetes associated with Tibouchina herbacea (Melastomataceae) in Brazil D. F. Parreira, M. da Silva, O. L. Pereira, D. J. Soares, R. W. Barreto
Marasmioid and gymnopoid fungi of the Republic of Korea. 7. Gymnopus sect. Androsacei V. Antonín, R. Ryoo, K.-H. Ka
Phylogenetic assessment of Chaetomium indicum and allied species, with the introduction of three new species and epitypification of C. funicola and C. indicum  X.-W. Wang, X.-L. Wang, F.-J. Liu, X.-M. Zhao, J. Li, J. Cai
Sebacina sp. is a mycorrhizal partner of Comarostaphylis arbutoides (Ericaceae) K. Kühdorf, B. Münzenberger, D. Begerow, C. Karasch-Wittmann, J. Gmez-Laurito, R. F. Hünt
Variability in nucleus number in basidiospore isolates of Rhizopogon roseolus and their ability to form ectomycorrhizas with host pine roots        K. Sawada, J. Wan, K. Oda, S. Nakano, T. Aimi, N. Shimomura
Nakataea setulosa sp. nov. and Uberispora formosa sp. nov. from southern China        J. Ma, J.-W. Xia, R. F. Castañeda-Ruíz, X.-G. Zhang
Phytophthora asiatica sp. nov., a new species causing leaf and stem blight of kudzu in Japan         M. Z. Rahman, H. Mukobata, H. Suga,K. Kageyama
Flammeopellis bambusicola gen. et. sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis        C.-L. Zhao, X.-S. He, K.-Y. Wanghe, B.-K. Cui, Y.-C. Dai
Hypohelion from China S. Wang, R. Kirschner, Y.-W. Wang, C.-L. Hou
Pucciniales on Annona (Annonaceae) with special focus on the genus Phakopsora         L. Beenken
Polyporus hapalopus sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from China based on morphological and molecular data      H.-J. Xue, L.-W. Zhou
Three new genera of fungi from extremely acidic soils     M. Hujslová, A. Kubátová, M. Kostovčík, R. A. Blanchette, Z. W. de Beer, M. Chudíčova, M. Kolařík
Hispidaedalea gen. nov. and Griseoporia taiwanense sp. nov. (Gloeophyllales, Basidiomycota) based on morphological and molecular characters     S.-H. He, J. Vlasák, Y.-C. Dai
Leptographium globosum sp. nov., a new species with globose conidia      Y.-T. Huang, C.-Y. Chen
New isolation method for endophytes based on enzyme digestion      R. Prior, K. Görges, A. Yurkov, D. Begerow
Geoglossum simile of North America and Europe: distribution of a widespread earth tongue species and designation of an epitype          V. P. Hustad, V. Kučera, N. Rybáriková, P. Lizoň, J. Gaisler, T. J. Baroni, A. N. Miller
Two new species of Cortinarius, subgenus Telamonia, sections Colymbadini and Uracei, from Europe         B. Dima, K. Liimatainen, T. Niskanen, I. Kytövuori, D. Bojantchev
Discovery of Thecaphora schwarzmaniana on Rheum ribes in Iran and Turkey: implications for the diversity and phylogeny of leaf smuts on rhubarbs         A. Vasighzadeh, D. Zafari, F. Selçuk, E. Hüseyin, M. Kurşat, M. Lutz, M. Piątek
Leucoagaricus tangerinus, a new species with drops from Southern China Y. Yuan, Y. K. Li, J. F. Liang
Cortinarius microglobisporus (Basidiomycota), a new species with roundish spores related to C. illuminus U. Peintner, P. Dresch, F. Bellú, E. Borghi
Morphology and molecular phylogeny for two new species of Fomitopsis (Basidiomycota) from South China M.-L. Han, J. Song, B.-K. Cui
Cortinarius beeverorum, a new species of sequestrate Cortinarius from New Zealand    D. A. Orlovich, X. Y. Wang, T. Lebel
Some new species and new varieties of Marasmius (Marasmiaceae, Basidiomycota) from Atlantic Rainforest areas of São Paulo State, Brazil J. J. S. de Oliveira, S. Sanchez-Ramirez, M. Capelari
New species and new records of Rhytismataceae from Japan   Z.-J. Li, N. Cao, H.-F. Chen, J. E. Taylor, C.-L. Hou

Short Communication

Comparing fungal richness and community composition in coarse woody debris in Central European beech forests under three types of management W. Purahong, T. Kahl, M. Schloter, J. Bauhus, F. Buscot, D. Krüger

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13. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. An international journal devoted to the study and conservation of animal biodiversity. – Barcelona. – ISSN 1578 -665 X

Volume 37, Number 1, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Diversity of large and medium mammals in Juchitan, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico M. Cortés-Marcial, Y. M. Martínez Ayón, M. Briones–Salas
Plankton composition and environmental parameters in the habitat of the Iranian cave barb (Iranocypris typhlops) in Iran   A. Farashi, M. Kaboli, H. Reza Rezaei, M. Reza Naghavi, H. Rahimian
A spatially explicit approach for estimating space use and density of common genets P. Sarmento, J. Cruz, C. Eira, C. Fonseca
Assessing the response of exploited marine populations in a context of rapid climate change: the case of blackspot seabream from the Strait of Gibraltar       J. C. Báez, D. Macías, M. De Castro, M. Gómez–Gesteira, L. Gimeno, R. Real.
Sarpa salpa herbivory on shallow reaches of Posidonia oceanica beds      L. Steele, K. M. Darnell, J. Cebrián, J. L. Sanchez–Lizaso
Preferencia de hábitat del murciélago hortelano meridional Eptesicus isabellinus (Temminck, 1840) en ambientes mediterráneos semiáridos F. Lisón, A. Haz, J. F. Calvo
Habitat use pattern and conservation status of smooth–coated otters Lutrogale perspicillata in the Upper Ganges Basin, India       M. S. Khan, N. K. Dimri, A. Nawab, O. Ilyas, P. Gautam
Invertebrates outcompete vertebrate facultative scavengers in simulated lynx kills in the Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany      R.–R. Ray, H. Seibold, M. Heurich
Chinchilla lanigera (Molina 1782) and C. chinchilla (Lichtenstein 1830): review of their distribution and new findings    P. Valladares, C. Zuleta, A. Spotorno
Is the ‘n = 30 rule of thumb’ of ecological field studies reliable? A call for greater attention to the variability in our data A. Martínez–Abraín
Improving the reviewing process in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology G. D. Grossman

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14. Annales Zoologici International Journal of Systematic Zoology. – Warszawa. – ISSN 0003 -4541
Volume 64, Issue 2, Jun 2014

Mites of the Family Zerconidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) of the Nearctic Region  B. Sikora
New Eriophyoid Mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Poland M. Lewandowski
Descriptions of Two New Species of Austrophthiracarus Balogh et Mahunka, a Newly Recorded Genus of Ptyctimous Mites from China (Acari: Oribatida: Phthiracaridae) D. Liu and J. Chen
New Species and New Record of the Genus Caesarodispus (Acari: Heterostigmatina: Microdispidae) Phoretic on Temnothorax sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) A. Loghmani, H. Hajiqanbar and A. Asghar Talebi
Some Observations on Ogma aquitanense (Fies, 1968) (Nematoda: Tylenchida: Criconematidae)  Ł. Flis, A. Gralak, K. Kowalewska and A. Skwiercz
New Species of the Genus Laena Dejean (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Southeastern Asia (2)   W. Schawaller
A Review of the Subgenus Neopullus of Scymnus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from China X. Chen, W. Li, X. Wang, and S. Ren
Amphistethus biwenxuani, New Species of Endomychidae from Xizang, China (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea)  L.-X. Chang, G.-D. Ren and Y. Zhang

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15. Soil Organisms. – Görlitz. –ISSN 1864 -6417
Issue 86 (2), August 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

9th Colloquium on Acarology

Computer-generated images of microscopic soil organisms for documentary films Martina Fröschl, Stephan Handschuh, Rudolf Erlach, Thomas Schwaha, Helmuth Goldammer, Reinhold Fragner & Manfred G. Walzl
Fine structure of the naso with median eye and trichobothria in the prostigmatid mite Rhagidia halophila (Rhagidiidae, Actinotrichida).          Gerd Alberti & Rainer Ehrnsberger
Diversity of the oribatid mite fauna (Acari, Oribatida) in two dry meadows in Styria (Austria).         Stefanie Lazarus & Günther Krisper
Global distribution of the thalassobiontic Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidae (Acari, Oribatida).         Tobias Pfingstl & Reinhart Schuster
The oribatid mite community of a German peatland in 1987 and 2012 – effects of anthropogenic desiccation and afforestation          Ricarda Lehmitz

Additional contribution

Surface-active millipedes (Diplopoda) and associated mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) in Pigeon Valley Nature Reserve in Durban, South Africa      Tarombera Mwabvu

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16. Vertebrate Zoology. – Dresden. – ISSN 1864 -5755
Issue 64 (2) August 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Zur Systematik einiger Blutsalmler oder „Rosy Tetras“ (Teleostei: Ostariophysi: Characidae) A. ZARSKE
Gymnotus capitimaculatus, a new species of electric fish from rio Jucuruçu basin, northeastern Brazil (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes: Gymnotidae)        F.S. RANGEL-PEREIRA
Phylogeny and radiation in seasonal rachovine killifishes: biogeographical and taxonomical implications          WILSON J. E. M. COSTA
A new miniature killifish of the genus Melanorivulus (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) from the Xingu river drainage, Brazilian Amazon   W.J.E.M. COSTA, P.F. AMORIM & P.H.N. BRAGANÇA
Genetically determined mate choice can be influenced by learning in Apistogramma cacatuoides Hoedeman, 1951 (Teleostei, Cichlidae)        U. RÖMER, B. ENGELKING & W. BEISENHERZ
Reproduction and diet of Hyla euphorbiacea (Anura: Hylidae) in a pine-oak forest of southeastern Puebla, Mexico    R. LURÍA-MANZANO & G. GUTIÉRREZ-MAYÉN
Comparison of vomerine tooth rows in juvenile and adult Hynobius guabangshanensis (Urodela: Hynobiidae)     JIANLI XIONG, XIUYING LIU 3, LIYAN QING 4 & XIAOMAO ZENG
Scaling of the sexual size and shape skull dimorphism in the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis L.)         B. BORCZYK, J. KUSZNIERZ, Ł. PAŚKO & E. TURNIAK
Phylogeography of the Asian softshell turtle Amyda cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770): evidence for a species complex     U. FRITZ, R. GEMEL, Ch. KEHLMAIER, M. VAMBERGER, P. PRASCHAG
A peculiar association: the skin and the subcutaneus diverticula of the Southern Screamer (Chauna torquata, Anseriformes)     M.B.J. PICASSO, M.C. MOSTO, R. TOZZI, F.J. DEGRANGE & C.G. BARBEITO
Genetic barcoding confirms first breeding record of the Yellow Bittern, Ixobrychus sinensis,(Aves: Pelecaniformes, Ardeidae) in the Western Palearctic   M. PÄCKERT, J. HERING, E. FUCHS, P. BARTHEL & W. HEIM
Rediscovery of the Black-fronted Francolin Pternistis (castaneicollis) atrifrons (Conover, 1930) (Aves: Galliformes: Phasianidae) with notes on biology, taxonomy and conservation       T. TÖPFER, L. PODSIADLOWSKI & K. GEDEON
Phylogenetic Status of the Turkish Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) based on Partial Sequences of the Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene        O. İBIŞ, C. TEZ & S. ÖZCAN
Phylogenetic Status and Genetic Diversity of the Turkish Marbled Polecat, Vormela peregusna, (Mustelidae: Carnivora: Mammalia) inferred from the Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene O. İBIŞ & C. TEZ

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17. Acta Ornithologica. – Warszawa. – ISSN 0001 -6454 
Volume 49, Issue 1, Jun 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Research Papers

Influence of Habitat and Nest-Site Quality on the Breeding Performance of Lanner Falcons Falco biarmicus   M. Amato, A. Ossino, A. Brogna, M. Cipriano, R. D'Angelo, G. Dipasquale, V. Mannino, A. Andreotti & G. Leonardi
Relationships between Nest-Cavity and Mate Selection, Reproductive Performance and Fidelity in the Mediterranean Endemic Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan     K. Bourgeois, S. Dromzée & E. Vidal
Nest-Site and Landscape Characteristics Affect the Distribution of Breeding Pairs of European Rollers Coracias garullus in an Agricultural Area of Southeastern France       J.-C. Bouvier, I. Muller, M. Génard, F.e Lescourret & C. Lavigne
Spatial Distribution and Breeding Performance of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Sicily: Implications for Conservation M. Di Vittorio & P. López-López
Intensity of Melanin-Based Color and Risk of Predation in the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica         I. Galván, J. T. Nielsen & A. P. Møller
A Multi-Isotope (δ2H, δ13C, δ15N) Approach to Establishing Migratory Connectivity in Palearctic-Afrotropical Migrants: An Example using Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix    K. A. Hobson, S. L. Van Wilgenburg, T. Wesołowski, M. Maziarz, R. G. Bijlsma, A. Grendelmeier & J. W. Mallord
Body Size Variation of European Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus in Relation to Environmental Variables D. Jakubas, K. Wojczulanis-Jakubas & J.-K. Jensen
Nest Site Selection and Breeding Success in Three Turdus Thrush Species Coexisting in an Urban Environment        P. Mikula, M. Hromada, T. Albrecht & P. Tryjanowski
Ecology of Aquatic Warblers Acrocephalus paludicola in a Fall Stopover Area on the Atlantic Coast of France          R. Musseau, V.e Herrmann, S. Bénard, C. Kerbiriou, T. Herault & F. Jiguet
Partial Dietary Segregation between Adult and Nestling Bluethroats Luscinia svecica       G. Orłowski, S. Rusiecki & J. Karg
Seed Predation on the Ground or in the Tree? Size-Related Differences in Behavior and Ecology of Granivorous Birds R. Perea, M. Venturas & L. Gil

Short Notes

Extra-Pair Paternity in Varied Tits Poecile varius   J. Ju, J. Yin, P. Racey, L. Zhang, D. Li & D. Wan
Individual Variation in the Over-Summering Areas of Immature Short-Toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus B. Yáñez, A.-R. Muñoz, K. L. Bildstein, I. Newton, A. G. Toxopeus & M. Ferrer

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18. European Journal of Entomology. – Ceske Budejovice. – ISSN 1210 -5759
Volume 111, Issue 3, 2014


Unbalanced sex ratio and triploidy in the genus Cyclocephala (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Dynastidae) in the Lesser Antilles: An example of parthenogenesis on islands?       B. DUTRILLAUX, D. PLUOT-SIGWALT, A.-M. DUTRILLAUX
The early evolutionary history of neo-sex chromosomes in Neotropical grasshoppers, Boliviacris noroestensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae) E. R.D. CASTILLO, A. TAFFAREL, D. A. MARTÍ
Chromosomal mapping of two Mariner-like elements in the grasshopper Abracris flavolineata (Orthoptera: Acrididae) reveals enrichment in euchromatin        O. M. PALACIOS-GIMENEZ, D. BUENO, D. C. CABRAL-DE-MELLO
Bioluminescent assay for evaluating antimicrobial activity in insect haemolymph     L. VOJTEK, P. DOBEŠ, E. BÜYÜKGÜZEL, J. ATOSUO, P. HYRŠL
Reproductive performance of Propylea japonica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) under various light intensities, wavelengths and photoperiods      S. WANG, K. WANG, J.P. MICHAUD, F. ZHANG, X.-L. TAN
Differences between beetle communities colonizing cattle and horse dung    R. MROCZYŃSKI, K. KOMOSIŃSKI
Life cycle, seasonal and interannual polymorphism in a monoecious aphid Cinara mordvilkoi (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea: Lachnidae)   R. DURAK
Stage specific consumption and utilization of aphids, conspecific and heterospecific eggs by two species of Coccinella (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)    B. KUMAR, M. BISTA, G. MISHRA, OMKAR
Preference and performance of the larvae of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) on three species of European oaks     S. MILANOVIĆ, J. LAZAREVIĆ, Z. POPOVIĆ, Z. MILETIĆ, M. KOSTIĆ, Z. RADULOVIĆ, D. KARADŽIĆ, A. VULETA
Biology of Rhembobius quadrispinus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae): Pupal parasitoid of saprophagous species of syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae)   P. HURTADO, C. PÉREZ-BAÑÓN, S. ROJO
Numerical response of Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae) preying on Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in tomato crops  J. A. SANCHEZ, M. LA-SPINA, A. LACASA
Efficacy of semiochemical-baited traps for detection of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Russian Far East        J. D. SWEENEY, P. J. SILK, V. GREBENNIKOV
Recorded and potential distributions on the iberian peninsula of speciesof Lepidoptera listed in the Habitats Directive  H. ROMO, E. CAMERO-R., E. GARCÍA-BARROS, M. L. MUNGUIRA, J. MARTÍN CANO
Age-related changes in the frequency of harassment-avoidance behaviourof virgin females of the small copper butterfly, Lycaena phlaeas (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)       J.-Y. IDE
Comparison of the exotic and native ant communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in urban green areas at inland, coastal and insular sites in Spain              J. REYES-LÓPEZ, S. CARPINTERO
Patterns of acoustic and morphometric variation in species of genus Tettigettalna (Hemiptera: Cicadidae): Sympatric populations show unexpected differences        R. MENDES, V. L. NUNES, J. A. QUARTAU, P. C. SIMÕES


Rearing of Microplitis mediator (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and its host Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)          E. BELZ, C. E. GÉNEAU, M. FÜRST, O. BALMER, P. ANDERMATT, L. PFIFFNER, L. WESTERD, H. LUKA
Suitable food plants for mass rearing of the short-horn grasshopper Oxya hyla hyla (Orthoptera: Acrididae)   S. GHOSH, P. HALDAR, D. K. MANDAL

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19. General Physiology and Biophysics. An International Journal. – Bratislava. – ISSN 0231 -5882
Volume 33, Number 3, 2014

Most frequent molecular and immunohistochemical markers present in selected types of brain tumors         Romana Richterová, Jana Jurečeková, Andrea Evinová, Branislav Kolarovszki, Martin Benčo, Július De Riggo, Juraj Šutovský, Silvia Mahmood, Peter Račay, Dušan Dobrota
The new low shear viscosimeter LS300 for determination of viscosities of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids       Peter Ruef, Jutta Gehm, Lothar Gehm, Claudia Felbinger, Johannes Pöschl, Navina Kuss
Determination of whole blood and plasma viscosity by means of flow curve analysis       Peter Ruef, Jutta Gehm, Lothar Gehm, Claudia Felbinger, Johannes Pöschl, Navina Kuss
ERK inhibitor U0126 enhanced SDT-induced cytotoxicity of human leukemia U937 cells           Xiaomin Su, Xiaobing Wang, Kun Zhang, Shuang Yang, Qin Xue, Pan Wang, Quanhong Liu
Spatial abilities are not related to testosterone levels and variation in the androgen receptor in healthy young men           Aneta Kubranská, Silvia Lakatošová, Eva Schmidtová, Jaroslava Durdiaková, Peter Celec, Daniela Ostatníková
A chloride conductance exhibiting bicarbonate conductivity in renal inner medullary collecting duct cells      Juan J. Bolívar, César O. Lara-Figueroa, Ramón H. Martínez-Mayorquin, Florencio Monroy-Romero, Gabina Arenas
Ouabain modulation of snail Br neuron bursting activity after the exposure to 10 mT static magnetic field revealed by Higuchi fractal dimension        Srdjan Kesić, Ljiljana Nikolić, Aleksandar G. Savić, Branka Petković, Sladjana Z. Spasić
Thromboembolic injury and systemic toxicity induced by nicotine in mice    Mohamed A. Fahim, Abderrahim Nemmar, Suhail Al-Salam, Subramanian Dhanasekaran, Mohamed Shafiullah, Javed Yasin, Mohamed Y. Hasan
Heart ventricles specific stress-induced changes in β-adrenoceptors and muscarinic receptors           Andrej Tillinger, Martina Novakova, Olga Krizanova, Richard Kvetnansky, Jaromir Myslivecek
Role of Mas receptor in renal blood flow response to angiotensin (1-7) in male and female rats           Mehdi Nematbakhsh, Tahereh Safari

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20. ISIJ International. – Tokyo. – ISSN 0915 -1559
Volume 54, Number 6, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Fundamentals of High Temperature Processes

Representation of Reaction Ability for Structural Units in Fe–Al Binary Melts                 P.-c. Li, J.-l. Zhang
Effects of Interfacial Properties between Molten Iron and Alumina on Neck Growth of Alumina Balls at Sintering in Molten Iron      M. Nakamoto, T. Tanaka, M. Suzuki, K. Taguchi, Y. Tsukaguchi, T. Yamamoto
CO Reactivity and Porosity of Manganese Materials       K. Turkova, D. Slizovskiy, M. Tangstad
Interfacial Reactions at Early Stages of Mn Addition to Liquid Fe      P. Yan, L. Pandelaers, M. Guo, B. Blanpain
Dissolution Behavior of MgO and Al2O3 in FeS–Na2S Fluxes   Y. Lei, Y. Uchida, T. Yoshikawa, C. Q. Jia, K. Morita


Quantitative Analysis of Mineral Composition of Iron Ore Sinter Based on Comprehensive Image Processing Techniques H.-w. Guo, B.-x. Su, Z.-l. Bai, J.-l. Zhang, X.-y. Li, F. Liu
Effect of Coal Size Segregation in Coal Bin on Discharging Coke Cake       Y. Dohi, K. Hanaoka, T. Yamamoto, M. Yokoyama, K. Fukada, T. Matsui
Re-Oxidation Kinetics of Flash Reduced Iron Particles in O2–N2 Gas Mixtures Relevant to a Novel Flash Ironmaking Process        Z. Yuan, H. Y.Sohn
Effect of Powder–Liquid Interaction on Their Accumulation Behavior in Packed Bed     S. Kikuchi, S. Ueda, T. Kon, R. Inoue, S. Natsui, H. Nogami
Static Holdup of Liquid Slag in Carbonaceous Beds       D. Jang, M. Shin, J. S. Oh, H.-S. Kim, S. H. Yi, J. Lee
Reduction Behavior of Carbon Composite Pellets Including Alumina and Silica at 1273 K and 1373 K        H. Park, V. Sahajwalla
High Temperature Reduction of the Stiff Vacuum Extrusion Briquettes under the ITmk3 Conditions A. Bizhanov, A. Pavlov, O. Chadaeva, Y.Dalmia, B. Mishra


Three Dimensional Evaluations of REM Clusters in Stainless Steel     Y. Bi, A. V. Karasev, P. G. Jönsson

Casting and Solidification

Computation of Phase Transformation Paths in Steels by a Combination of the Partial- and Para-equilibrium Thermodynamic Approximations T.Koshikawa, C.-A. Gandin, M. Bellet, H.Yamamura, M. Bobadilla
Influence of a Slow Rotating Magnetic Field in Thermoelectric Magnetohydrodynamic Processing of Alloys      A. Kao, P. D. Lee, K. Pericleous
Effect of the Quality of Furan Moulding Sand on the Skin Layer of Ductile Iron Castings          R. Dańko, M. Górny, M. Holtzer, S. Żymankowska-Kumon
Numerical Modeling of Carbide Redistribution during Centrifugal Casting of HSS Shell Rolls          L. Nastac
Numerical Study of Internal SEN Design Effects on Jet Oscillations in a Funnel Thin Slab Caster         H. Arcos-Gutierrez, G. Barrera-Cardiel, J. de J. Barreto, S. Garcia-Hernandez
Euler-Euler-Lagrangian Modeling for Two-Phase Flow and Particle Transport in Continuous Casting Mold        Z.-q. Liu, B.-k. Li, M.-f. Jiang, F. Tsukihashi

Instrumentation, Control and System Engineering

Scenario-based Modeling Approach and Scatter Search Algorithm for the Stochastic Slab Allocation Problem in Steel Industry Y. Lv, G. Wang, L. Tang

Chemical and Physical Analysis

Quantitative Determination of Free Lime Amount in Steelmaking Slag by X-ray Diffraction          J. Vaverka, K. Sakurai

Forming Processing and Thermomechanical Treatment

Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Circular Water Jet Impinging on a Moving Hot Solid   H. Fujimoto, K. Tatebe, Y. Shiramasa, T. Hama, H. Takuda
Unusual Crystallographic Aspects of Microband Boundaries within {111}<110> Oriented Grains in a Cold Rolled Interstitial Free Steel         N. Afrin Zinnia, Md Z. Quadir, P. R. Munroe, M. Ferry

Hot Ductility of Incoloy 901 Produced by Vacuum Arc Remelting     F. Mohammadi Shore, M. Morakabati, S. M. Abbasi, A. Momeni, R. Mahdavi

Welding and Joining

Welding Behaviour of Low Nickel Chrome-Manganese Stainless Steel         H. Vashishtha, R. V. Taiwade, R. K. Khatirkar, A. V. Ingle, R. K. Dayal
Bonding and Separation between Ti-15 mol% Sn Alloy and Iron Materials   Y. Morizono, S. Nakatsukasa
Elastic Limit of Fe–Pd Alloys Exhibiting Lattice Softening        F. Xiao, T. Fukuda, T. Kakeshita

Surface Treatment and Corrosion
High-temperature Oxidation Behavior of 9Cr Ferritic-steel in Carbon Dioxide        K. Kaya, S. Hayashi, S. Ukai

Transformations and Microstructures

Three-dimensional Frontal Cellular Automata Model of Microstructure Evolution – Phase Transformation Module D. S. Svyetlichnyy, A. I. Mikhalyov
Numerical Simulation with Thorough Experimental Validation to Predict the Build-up of Residual Stresses during Quenching of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels          E. A. Ariza, M. A. Martorano, N. B. de Lima, A. P. Tschiptschin
Microstructural and Texture Development during Multi-Pass Hot Deformation of a Stabilized High-Chromium Ferritic Stainless Steel        S. Mehtonen, E. Palmiere, D. Misra, P. Karjalainen, D. Porter
Influence of Sheared Edge on Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance in an Ultra-high Strength Steel Sheet M. Yoshino, Y. Toji, S. Takagi, K. Hasegawa
Wetting and Cooling Performance of Mineral Oils for Quench Heat Treatment of Steels G. Ramesh, K. N. Prabhu
Improved Thermodynamic Formula for Austenite/(Austenite+Cementite) Phase Boundary in Low Alloy Steels   S. Yoon, S.-J. Lee

Mechanical Properties
Gigacycle Fatigue Properties of Double-Melted SCM440 Steel and Size Effects    Y. Furuya

Social and Environmental Engineering

Influence of Gluconic Acid on Dissolution of Si, P and Fe from Steelmaking Slag with Different Composition into Seawater X. Zhang, H. Atsumi, H. Matsuura, F. Tsukihashi

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21. Steel Research International. – Weinheim. – ISSN 1611-3683
Volume 85, Issue 6, June 2014, Special Issue: Multiscale Modeling

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Full Papers

Microstructure-Based Modeling of Deformation in Steels Based on Constitutive Relationships from Micropillar Compression  E.-Y. Guo, S. S. Singh, H.-X. Xie, J. J. Williams, T. Jing and N. Chawla
Influence of Deformation on Phase Transformation and Precipitation of Steels for Oil Country Tubular GoodsA. Timoshenkov, P. Warczok, M. Albu, J. Klarner, E. Kozeschnik, G. Gruber and C. Sommitsch
Comparison of a Fluid and a Solid Approach for the Numerical Simulation of Friction Stir Welding with a Non-Cylindrical Pin    P. Bussetta, N. Dialami, R. Boman, M. Chiumenti, C. Agelet de Saracibar, M. Cervera and J.-P. Ponthot
Effect of Microstructural and Morphological Parameters on the Formability of BCC Metal Sheets         G. Franz, F. Abed-Meraim and M. Berveiller
Determination of Mechanical Properties of Polycrystals by Using Crystal Plasticity and Numerical Homogenization Schemes  M. Baiker, D. Helm and A. Butz
Coupling of Crystal Plasticity Finite Element and Phase Field Methods for the Prediction of SRX Kinetics after Hot Working                 O. Güvenç, M. Bambach and G. Hirt
Micromodeling of the Diffusion-Controlled Equiaxed Peritectic Solidification        A. Burbelko, J. Początek, D. Gurgul and M. Wróbel
Two-Scale Modeling of Grain Size and Phase Transformation Effects         T. Böhlke, R. Neumann and F. Rieger
Microstructure Evolution of Cold-Rolled Dual Phase Steel Simulated by Cellular Automata         G. Zhu, Y. Kang, C. Lu and S. Li
Meso-Scopic Analysis of Strain Path Change Effect on the Hardening Behavior of Dual-Phase Steel  J. Ha, J. Lee, J. H. Kim, F. Barlat and M.-Gyu Lee
Effect of Finishing Hot-Working Temperature on Microstructure of Thermomechanically Processed Mn–Al Multiphase Steels  A. Grajcar, P. Skrzypczyk, R. Kuziak and K. Gołombek
Selection of Parameters of the Heat Treatment Thermal Cycle for Rails with Respect to the Wear Resistance   D. Szeliga, R. Kuziak, T. Zygmunt, J. Kusiak and M. Pietrzyk
Impact of the Microstructure on the U–O Forming Simulations of a Ferrite–Pearlite Pipeline Tube  G. Laschet, M. Shukla, T. Henke, P. Fayek, M. Bambach and U. Prahl
Modeling Static and Dynamic Kinetics of Microstructure Evolution in Type 316 Stainless Steel  E. Dupin, A. Yanagida and J. Yanagimoto
Adaptive Projection-Based Interpolation as a Pre-Processing Tool in the Finite Element Workflow for Elasticity Simulations of the Dual Phase Microstructures        M. Sieniek, M. Paszyński, Ł. Madej and D. Goik
Self-Consistent Modeling of Texture Evolution in TWIP Steel During Uniaxial Tension   A. A. Saleh, E. V. Pereloma and A. A. Gazder
Multiscale Analysis of Processing-Microstructure-Mechanical Behavior Interrelationships of UFG Microalloyed Steels         K. Muszka and J. Majta

Журнал надходить до Фізико-технологічного інституту металів та сплавів міста Києва.

22. Steel Research International. – Weinheim. – ISSN 1611-3683
Volume 85, Issue 7, July 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Full Papers

Reverse Transformation Mechanism of Martensite to Austenite in 00Cr15Ni7Mo2WCu2 Super Martensitic Stainless Steel        W. Jiang, D. Ye, J. Li, J. Su and K. Zhao
TiN/NbC Compound Particle Formation during Thin Slab Direct Rolling of HSLA Steel Y. Lee and B. C. De Cooman
A Study of Post-Combustion in an AOD Flue       Z. Song, M. Ersson and P. Jönsson
Fundamental Investigations on the Corrosion of ZrO2–C Refractories during Interaction with a Casting Mould Meniscus Slag  A. Kumar, R. Khanna, J. Spink and V. Sahajwalla
Structural Behavior of Al3+ in Mould Flux Glasses of CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–Na2O–CaF2 System         Y. Min, M. Zhong, J. Huang, C. Liu and M. Jiang
Nitrogen and Ausforming to Improve Stainless Martensitic Steels       H. Berns, N. Krasokha and M. Seifert
Investigation of Neutral Axis Shifting in Rotary Draw Bending Processes for Tubes        B. Engel and H. R. Hassan
Behaviors of Normal Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Fe–3%Si Alloys         W. Mao, M. Zhang and P. Yang
Interfacial Reaction between Iron-Based Alloys and Polycrystalline α-Al2O3 T. Dubberstein, A. Jahn, M. Lange, H.-P. Heller and P. R. Scheller

Журнал надходить до Фізико-технологічного інституту металів та сплавів міста Києва.

23. Steel Research International. – Weinheim. – ISSN 1611-3683
Volume 85, Issue 8, August 2014, Special Issue: Science and Technology of Steelmaking

Статті, опубліковані в номері:


Environmental Metallurgy: Continuity or New Discipline? J.-P. L. Birat

Full Papers

In Situ Quantification of Micro-Segregation that Occurs During the Solidification of Steel         S. Griesser, M. Reid, R. Pierer, C. Bernhard and R. Dippenaar
Visualization of the Flow in a Mold of Continuous Casting by Contactless Inductive Flow Tomography and Mutual Inductance Tomography          T. Wondrak, S. Eckert, G. Gerbeth, F. Stefani, K. Timmel, A. J. Peyton, N. Terzija and W. Yin
Optimizing Steelmaking System for Quality Steel Mass Production for Sustainable Future of Steel Industry        T. Emi
Use of Cold Liquid Metal Models for Investigations of the Fluid Flow in the Continuous Casting Process    K. Timmel, T. Wondrak, M. Röder, F. Stefani, S. Eckert and G. Gerbeth
Horizontal Single Belt Casting of Aluminum and Steel     R. I. L. Guthrie and M. Isac
Effect of Mg–Ti Deoxidation on the Formation Behavior of Equiaxed Crystals During Rapid Solidification of Iron Alloys     J. S. Park and J. H. Park
Inclusion Development in Steel During Ladle Metallurgical Treatment - A Process Simulation Model – Part: Industrial Validation     R. Scheller and Q. Shu

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24. InterCeram: International Ceramic Review. – Freiburg. – ISSN 0020-5214
Volume 63, Issue 4-5, July/August 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Trade Fairs & Conventions

Kromatech: Focus on Colour and Creativity
International Colloquium on Refractories 2014
Indian Ceramics 2015 – Powered by Ceramitec
MosBuild: Reviewed and Renewed to Forge Ahead in 2015
VIII. International Conference – Refractories, Furnaces and Thermal Insulations

Ceramics Forum

Company News

Short Communications

Process Compensated Resonance Testing: Whole Body Surface NDT for Ceramic Balls         T. Köhler, L. J. Hunter


Zircon Markets Draw a Line in the Sand      J. Roberts

Raw Materials Worldwide

Mineralogical and Physical Changes during Sintering of Plastic Red Clays from Sanaga Swampy Valley, Cameroon      N. A. Nzeukou, K. Traina, E. R. Medjo, Elie Kamseu, A. Njoya, U.C. Melo, B.V. Kamgang, R. Cloots, N. Fagel

Building Materials

Synergistic Effect of Soda-Lime-Silica Glass and Porcelain Scrap on the Vitrification Behavior of Porcelanized Stoneware Tile     A. K. Oluseyi, S. K. Das
Effect of SiC Additions on Bloating in Clay from Toshka, Egypt       A. Tawfik, H. Awaad, T.M. El-Sokkary, F. Abd El-Raoof
Reduction of Extrusion Wall Friction in a Screw Press by Electroosmosis, Part 1 A. Winkel

Protective Engobes for Si3N4 Ceramics Sintered in Air-Atmosphere Furnace        N. Tsanova, S. Djambazov, Y. Dimitriev


Refractories in IGCC Technology – State of the Art and New Approaches P. Gehre, C. G. Anzeziris

High-Performance Ceramics

Microwave Dielectric Characteristics of Calcium Titanate–Lithium Lanthanum Titanate Ceramics     A. E. Reda, D. M. Ibrahim, E. R. Souaya, D. A. Abdel-Aziz
Characterization of Synthetic Amorphous Silica (SAS) Used in the Ceramics Industry    I. Fernandes, C.C. de Arruda, A.D.V. Souza, R. Salomao

Журнал надходить до Інституту проблем матеріалознавства ім. І. Г. Францевича міста Києва.

25. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. – Prague. – ISSN 1212-1975
Volume 50, Number 2, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Biotechnology in Legume Breeding – International Workshop organised on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of agrobiological research and plant breeding at Šumperk Griga M.
Gregor J. Mendel – genetics founding father Schwarzbach E., Smýkal P., Dostál O., Jarkovská M., Valová S.
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) in biology prior and after Mendel's discovery Smýkal P.
Grain legume crop history among Slavic nations traced using linguistic evidence Mikić A.
The use of legume seed for expression and storage of high value proteins Moravec T., Čeřovská N.
Influence of PEG generated osmotic stress on shoot regeneration and some biochemical parameters in Lathyrus culture  Piwowarczyk B., Kamińska I., Rybiński W.
Studies on cell wall regeneration in protoplast culture of legumes – the effect of organic medium additives on cell wall components   Wiszniewska A., Piwowarczyk B.
Modern methods for genetic improvement of Trifolium pratense. Řepková J., Nedělník J.
Genetic variability of the Czech Pea enation mosaic virus isolates Šafářová D., Navrátil M.
Effect of artificial dsRNA on infection of pea plants by Pea seed-borne mosaic virus Šafářová D., Brázda P., Navrátil M.
Response of Vicia species to Ascochyta fabae and Uromyces viciae-fabae Sillero J.C., Rubiales D.
Resistance to rust and powdery mildew in Lathyrus crops Vaz Patto M.C., Rubiales D.
Obtaining calli and regenerated plants in anther cultures of pea  Bobkov S.
Hybridization of cultivated lentil Lens culinaris Medik. and wild species Lens tomentosus Ladizinsky   Suvorova G.
Resistance to rusts (Uromyces pisi and U. viciae-fabae) in pea Barilli E., Sillero J.C., Prats E., Rubiales D.
Legume breeding for broomrape resistance  Rubiales D.
The application of high resolution melting in the analysis of simple sequence repeat and single nucleotide polymorphism markers in a pea (Pisum sativum L.) population   Knopkiewicz M., Gawłowska M., Święcicki W.
Variability in the oligosaccharide concentration in seeds of the mapping population of pea (Pisum sativum L.)         Gawłowska M., Lahuta L., Święcicki W., Krajewski P.
Variability of PSPAL1 (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene-1) proximal promoter sequence and expression in pea challenged with Mycosphaerella pinodes         Okorska S., Michalczyk D., Okorski A., Piotrowicz-Cieślak A., Pupel P., Głowacka K., Jagielska T., Górecki R.
Molecular mapping of QTLs for resistance to early and late Fusarium wilt in chickpea     Patil B.S., Ravikumar R.L., Bhat J.S., Soregaon C.D.
Genetic diversity of Albanian pea (Pisum sativum L.) landraces assessed by morphological traits and molecular markers     Gixhari B., Pavelková M., Ismaili H., Vrapi H., Jaupi A., Smýkal P.
Potential of legume-cereal intercropping for increasing yields and yield stability for self-sufficiency with animal fodder in organic farming   Huňady I., Hochman M.

Журнал надходить до Інституту фізіології рослин і генетики міста Києва.
26. Horticultural Science. – Prague. – ISSN 0862-867X

Volume 41, Number 2, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Tergitol as a possible thinning agent for peach cv. Redhaven    Ambrožič Turk B., Fajt N., Stopar M.
Cryopreservation of cherry rootstock Gisela 5 using vitrification procedure Ružić Dj., Vujović T., Cerović R.
Nutritional and sensory value of conventionally vs organically grown Chinese radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. longipinnatus)   Jurica M., Petříková K.
Chilling stress applied to broccoli transplants of different age affects yield of the plants cultivated in summer       Grabowska A., Kunicki E., Kalisz A., Wojciechowska R., Leja M., Sękara A.
Seasonal dynamics of the cabbage armyworm (Mamestra brassicae [L.]) and the bright-line brown-eyes moth (Mamestra oleracea [L.]) in Slovenia  Devetak M., Bohinc T., Kač M., Trdan S.
Effect of bulb size on growth, flowering and bulb formation in lachenalia cultivars Kapczyńska A.
In vitro elimination of Black raspberry necrosis virus from black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) – Short Communication Cheong E. J., Jeon A.R., Kang J. W., Mock R., Kinard G., Li R.

Журнал надходить до Центрального ботанічного саду ім. М. М. Гришка  міста Києва.

27. Research in Agricultural Engineering. – Prague. – ISSN 1212-9151
Volume 60, Number 1, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Effect of rapeseed methyl ester on emission production  Pexa M., Kubín K.
Analysis of using brewery mash for energy  Konrád Z., Los J., Fryč J., Kudělka J.
Decomposition of the biodiesel by-product, crude glycerol, in soil     Dalias P., Polycarpou P.
Impact of the size of nitrogen fertiliser application rate on N2O flux    Šima T., Nozdrovický L., Krištof K., Krupička J.
Effect of moisture content on some engineering properties of mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) seed and kernel   Aviara N.A., Lawal A.A., Mshelia H.M., Musa D.
Environmental degradation aspects influencing coach-working one-component epoxy adhesives    Müller M., Valášek P.

Журнал надходить до Львівської Національної наукової бібліотеки ім. В. Стефаника міста Львова.

28. Research in Agricultural Engineering. – Prague. – ISSN 1212-9151
Volume 60, Number 2, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Technical possibilities of the cutting oils filtration residues combustion        Pešek M., Přikryl M.
Use of waste material mixtures for energy purposes in small combustion devices   Malaťák J., Bradna J.
Evaluation of the influence of fermentation input substrates preparation on biogas production intensity       Sochr D., Adamovský R., Kára J., Hanzlíková I.
Deformation energy of Jatropha curcas L. seeds under compression loading        Kabutey A., Herák D., Dajbych O., Divišová M., Boatri W.E., Sigalingging R.
Moisture-dependent physical properties of kokum seed (Garcinia indica Choisy) Sonawane S.P., Sharma G.P., Thakor N.J., Verma R.C.

Журнал надходить до Львівської Національної наукової бібліотеки ім. В. Стефаника міста Львова.

29. Veterinarni Medicina. –Prague. –ISSN 0375-8427
Volume 59, Number 2, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Original Paper

Reliability of ultrasonographic examination of the large intestine in healthy cows    Imran S, Tyagi SP
Changes of amino acid concentrations in Polish Merino sheep between 21 and 150 days of life         Tatara MR, Brodzki A, Pasternak K, Szpetnar M, Rosenbeiger P, Tymczyna B, Niedziela D,Krupski W
Aberrant cytoplasmic accumulation of retinoblastoma protein in basal cells may lead to increased survival in malignant canine mammary tumours Gautam S, Sood NK, Gupta K
The effects of four anaesthetics on haematological and blood biochemical profiles in vimba bream, Vimba vimba      Lepic P, Stara A, Turek J, Kozak P, Velisek J
The effect of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist arachidonylcyclopropylamide (ACPA) on behavioural sensitisation to methamphetamine in mice     Landa L, Slais K, Machalova A, Sulcova A

Case Report

Homozygous Pelger-Huet anomaly in three different crossbred rabbits: a case report         Supuka P, Mazensky D, Supukova A, Parkanyi V, Ondruska L, Hornak S, Hromada R, Petrovic V
Uterine and ovarian remnants in an incorrectly spayed bitch: a case report    Perez-Marin CC, Molina L, Vizuete G, Sanchez JM, Zafra R, Bautista MJ
Prepubic urethrostomy opening within a prepuce in a dog: a case report      Vnuk D, Brkljaca Bottegaro N, Slunjski L, Skrlin B, Musulin A, Stejskal M
Sodium carbonate intoxication on a chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) farm: a case report           Wojtacka J, Szarek J, Babinska I, Felsmann M, Strzyzewska E, Szarek-Beska A, Dublan K, Micinski

Журнал надходить до Інституту мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного міста Києва.

30. Veterinarni Medicina. – Prague. – ISSN 0375-8427
Volume 59, Number 3, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Review article

Protection of animals used in experiments in Polish law – history, present day and perspective: a review       Felsmann MZ, Szarek J, Felsmann M, Strzyzewska E

Original Paper

The use of shape memory NiTi alloy clips in small bowel anastomosis in pigs       Holak P, Jalynski M, Adamiak Z, Lekston Z, Morawiec H, Otrocka-Domagala I, Przyborowska P, Pazdzior K
Molecular prevalence and risk factors for the occurrence of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis         Milanjeet, Singh H, Singh NK, Singh ND, Singh C, Rath SS

Case Report

Equine grass sickness in the Czech Republic a case report       Melkova P, Cizek P, Ludvikova E, Bezdekova B
Surgical correction of bilateral polydactyly in a dromedary camel: a case report     Ahmed AF
Diagnosis of a brachial plexus tumour using magnetic resonance imaging assisted by fine-needle aspiration biopsy in a dog: a case report     Zhalniarovich Y, Adamiak Z, Holak P, Przyborowska P, Pomianowski A
Combined surgical and endoscopic approach for the reduction of a congenital hiatal hernia in a cat: a case report          Pisoni L, Del Magno S, Cinti F, Baron Toaldo M, Joechler M, Pietra M
Dura mater marsupialisation and outcome in a cat with a spinal subarachnoid pseudocyst: a case report  Pisoni L, Cinti F, Gallucci A, Diana A, Del Magno S, Bellei E, Gandini G.

Журнал надходить до Інституту мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного міста Києва.

31. Veterinarni Medicina. – Prague. – ISSN 0375-8427
Volume 59, Number 4, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Review article

Acute phase proteins and their use in the diagnosis of diseases in ruminants: a review         Tothova C, Nagy O, Kovac G
The behaviour and productivity of water buffalo in different breeding systems: a review  De la Cruz-Cruz LA, Guerrero-Legarreta I, Ramirez-Necoechea R, Roldan-Santiago P, Mora-Medina P, Hernandez-gonzalez R, Morta-Rojas D
Causes and factors related to pig carcass condemnation Garcia-Diez J, Coelho AC
The effects of in vitro exposure to progesterone and estradiol-17β on the activity of canine neutrophils  Bartoskova A, Ondrackova P, Leva L, Vitasek R, Novotny R, Janosovska M, Faldyna M

Case Report

Fatal canine adenovirus type 1 acute infection in a Yorkshire Terrier puppy in Portugal: a case report Duarte MD, Henriques AM, Lima C, Ochoa C, Mendes F, Monteiro M, Ramos F, Luis T,Neves R, Fevereiro M.

Журнал надходить до Інституту мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного міста Києва.

32. Veterinarni Medicina. – Prague. – ISSN 0375-8427
Volume 59, Number 5, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Original Paper

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a novel amoxicillin/sulbactam/prednisolone intramammary infusion in lactating cows after repeated administrations         Li H, Wu GQ, Tang SS, Xiao XL, Li JC
Immunohistochemical evaluation of akabane virus infection in aborted and new-born calves          Haligur M, Hasircioglu S, Ozmen O, Kale M, Aydogan A
The use of inflammatory markers as a prognostic aid for traumatic reticuloperitonitis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)        El-Ashker M, Salama M, Rizk A, El-Boshy M
Evaluation of dietary sources of protein on growth performance in pigs       Mohana Devi S, Devi US, Kim IH
Cuttlebone used as a bone xenograft in bone healing       Dogan E, Okumus Z
Histological study of the gall bladder of the common quail (Coturnix coturnix)      Mobini B

Case Report

Atypical fibroepithelial hyperplasia of the teats in a Sphynx cat: a case report         Ozenc E, Bozkurt MF

Журнал надходить до Інституту мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного міста Києва.

33. Folia Medica. – Plovdiv. – ISSN 0204-8043
Volume 56, Issue 2, Apr-Jun 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Invited Review

Adaptive maternal immune deviations as a ground for autism spectrum disorders development in children   Alexander B. Poletaev, Alina A. Poletaeva, Alexander I. Pukhalenko, Roza S. Zamaleeva, Natalia A. Cherepanova, Dmitry V. Frizin


Modern imaging modalities in the assessment of acute stroke    Dora K. Zlatareva, Nikoleta I. Traykova

Original Articles

Clinical investigations

Somatosensory evoked potentials in full-term neonates with perinatal asphyxia      Ina E. Geneva, Maya B. Krasteva, Stefan S. Kostianev
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: dynamics of the main antioxidant enzymes - superoxide dismutase and catalase    Mariya N. Negreva, Atanas P. Penev, Svetoslav Zh. Georgiev, Albena A. Aleksandrova
Fourier analysis of peripheral blood pressure and flow in intraoperative assessment of infrainguinal arterial reconstructions    Mihail V. Cheshmedzhiev, Iskra S. Mircheva, Emil D. Jordanov 1, Nina R. Kovacheva

Experimental investigations

Efficiency of nonsurgical periodontal therapy in moderate chronic periodontitis Antoaneta M. Mlachkova, Christina L. Popova

Public Health

Validating a short bulgarian version of a psychometric instrument for multidimensional noise sensitivity assessment     Angel M. Dzhambov, Donka D.Dimitrova

Case Report

Endoscopic diagnosis of intramural hematoma in the colon sigmoideum in a child with high titer inhibitory hemophilia A     Ivan V. Yankov, Maria I. Spasova, Vladimir N. Andonov, Efimia N. Cholakova, Alexander S. Yonkov
A case of trap sequence with immense acardiac twin Georgi I. Amaliev, Maria L. Malinova, Blagovest K. Pehlivanov, Hristina A. Ivancheva
Myxopapillary ependymoma of filum terminale Ilian G. Koev, Elena G. Poryazova, Tania T. Kitova, Petar Zh. Miryanov, Borislav D. Kitov

Журнал надходить до Інституту експериментальної патології, онкології і радіобіології ім. Р. Є. Кавецького міста Києва.

34. Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice – Bucureşti. – ISSN 0076-5147

Vol. X, 2014

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Histria after 100 Years of Archaeological Research ALEXANDRU VULPE


L’ineffaçable souvenir de Pârvan       SCARLAT LAMBRINO
Petre Alexandrescu         MIHAELA MĂNUCU-ADAMEŞTEANU
Alexandru Suceveanu (March 11, 1940 – May 23, 2013) ALEXANDRU BARNEA
Histria tinereţii mele/ Histria de ma jeunesse (1951–1961) NUBAR HAMPARŢUMIAN
Fantoma lui Pârvan/ Le fantôme de Pârvan   ZOE PETRE
Cent ans de recherches en images      ROXANA DOBRESCU, ADRIANA PANAITE
Histria – un siècle de recherches        MIRCEA VICTOR ANGELESCU, ALEXANDRU AVRAM


Anaxandros ZOE PETRE

Retour sur les soi-disant « bols lydiens » d’Histria          PIERRE DUPONT
Materiale arheologice noi, descoperite la Histria, Punctul „Pescărie” (New Archaeological Finds Discovered at Histria – “Pescărie”)    LIVIA BUZOIANU, CĂTĂLIN NOPCEA
Istros et les Séleucides au IIIe siècle av. J.-C. à la lumière des sources numismatiques         AUREL VÎLCU


Early Roman Pottery Groups from the Central Sector of the Late Roman City at Histria CONSTANTIN BĂJENARU
The Histria Sud Sector. Recent Archaeological Research on an ‘Imposing’ Early Roman Public Building      MIRCEA DABÎCA
Coin Finds in the Southern Area of Histria THEODOR ISVORANU, MIRCEA DABÎCA
Oriental Amphorae Discovered at Histria in the Central-North Sector (Campaign 2012)         ALEXANDRU BĂDESCU, LAURENŢIU CLIANTE
A Mould Used for Manufacturing Metal Crosses Discovered in the Vicinity of the Episcopal Basilica from Histria                 LAURENŢIU CLIANTE
Recent Research at the Basilica Extra Muros in Histria at 100 Years Since the Initiation of Archaeological Research on the Site   VIORICA RUSU-BOLINDEŢ, ALEXANDRU BĂDESCU, VLAD-ANDREI LĂZĂRESCU, MIHAI DIMA, CLAUDIA RADU, NORBERT SZEREDAI, BEATRICE KELEMEN
Histria. The Basilica “Pârvan” Sector (II). Late Roman Buildings West of the Christian Basilica (2001–2013)      VALENTIN BOTTEZ
La Basilique à crypte d’Istros : dix campagnes de fouilles (2002–2013)        IRINA ACHIM
On the Depictions of Roman Soldiers on Funerary Monuments in Moesia Inferior CRISTINA-GEORGETA ALEXANDRESCU

Журнал надходить до Одеського археологічного музею.

35. Archeologia Polski. – Warszawa. – ISSN 0003-8180

Tom LVIII, Zeszyt 1-2, 2013

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Profesor dr hab. Zofia Kurnatowska (9.06.1932 - 11.08.2013) Andrzej Buko
Bibliografia prac prof. dr hab. Zofii Kurnatowskiej za lata 1998-2011  Kinga Zamelska-Monczak, oprac.


Wyroby ze szkła i "szklistego fajansu" odkryte na cmentarzysku kultury łużyckiej i regionalnej grupy kręgu halsztackiego w Domasławiu, pow. wrocławski     Tomasz Purowski
Ze studiów na zagadnieniem napływu przedmiotów proweniencji bizantyńskiej na ziemie Polski na przykładzie Ostrowa Lednickiego Janusz Górecki
Okucie ze znakiem Ruryka znalezione w Gieczu    Teresa Krysztofiak
Okrucia z wczesnośredniowiecznego grodu w Miliczu    Justyna Kolenda
Grób z wagą szalkową z wczesnośredniowiecznego cmentarzyska w Bodzi pod Włocławkiem         Michał Kara
Znalezisko ozdobnego zakończenia rękojeści wczesnośredniowiecznej nahajki z Ostrowa Lednickiego Arkadiusz Tabaka
Zespoły ceramiczne ze starszych faz wczesnego średniowiecza na wybranych stanowiskach Środkowego Nadodrza w świetle najnowszych wyników datowań przyrodniczych Bartłomiej Gruszka, Ewa Pawlak, Paweł Pawlak
Problem sakralizacji wina i chleba w późnym średniowieczu i czasach nowożytnych         Jakub Szajt, Krzysztof Wachowski


O winniczkach (Helix pomatia L.) z Wyspy Komorowskiej na Jeziorze Brytyńskim w kontekście chronologiczno-kulturowym       Tadeusz Malinowski


Lascaux et la conservation en milieu souterrain. Actes du symposium international Paris, 26 et 28 fevrier 2009      Tomasz Boroń
Marek Gedl, Die Lanzenspitzen in Polen      Joanna Urban
Rastko Vasić, Die Halsringe im Zentralbalkan (Vojvodina, Serbien, Kosovo und Mazedonien)         Tomasz Purowski


Doc dr hab. Hanna Więckowska (2.04.1927 - 6.07.2013)          Zofia Sulgostowska
Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowo-konserwatorska "Prehistoryczna kopalnia 'Krzemionki Opatowskie' - Pomnik Historii na tle problemów badań, ochrony i zagospodarowania pradziejowych kopalń krzemienia w Polsce i w Europie", Krzemionki, 18 - 20 kwietnia 2013 r.      Paulina Potocka, Katarzyna Zdeb

Журнал надходить до Інституту археології міста Києва.

36. Etnografia Polska. – Warszawa. –ISSN 0071-1861

Tom LVII, Zeszyt 1-2, 2013

Статті, опубліковані в номері:

Życie wiejskie w obiektywie fotograficznym Katarzyna Kość-Ryżko


"Zróbmy coś" - "dajcie coś". Dwie konceptualizacje projektów rozwojowych       Ryszard Vorbrich
Sudan wyimaginowany - refleksje na temat kształtowania się pojęcia Sudanu w okresie wpływów europejskich   Maciej Kurcz
Krzyżować czy nie? Misterium Męki Pańskiej w Oberammergau jako powód sporów międzyreligijnych   Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska
Między diasporą a mniejszością etniczną i narodową. Kilka uwag na marginesie badań nie tylko polonijnych Jarosław Derlicki
"Kultura uczestnictwa" na współczesnej wsi polskiej w kontekście najnowszych teorii medioznawczych   Anna Woźniak
Jak (nie) przygotować studentów do pracy w biznesie     Paweł Krzyworzeka, Olga Rodak
Komentarze do artykułu  Katarzyna Gawlik, Ewa Jagiełło, Marta Strumińska-Kutra, Robert Zydel. Podsumowanie Paweł Krzyworzeka i Olga Rodak

Ceramika Quichua i jej rola nad rzeką Napo w Ekwadorze Aleksandra Wierucka

Antropologiczne studium zmiany w relacjach pacjentów chorych onkologicznie     Hubert Wierciński


Wszechobecne upokarzanie. (Na marginesie artykułu Andrzeja Szahaja pod tytułem "Kultura upokarzania")        Michał Rydlewski
Czy upokarzanie jest "wszechobecne"?       Iwona Kabzińska
Wokół kultury upokarzania, chamstwa i pogardy. Rozmowa z profesorem Wojciech J. Bursztą        Michał Rydlewski


Jubileusz Profesora Lecha Mroza, 22 kwiecień, Warszawa        Wojceiech Lipiński

VII Congreso Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de America Latina, 12-15 czerwca, Porto (Portugalia)      Jędrzej Kotarski

Obchody jubileuszu 70. urodzin i 40-lecia pracy naukowej Profesora Aleksandra Posern-Zielińskiego, 4 listopad, Poznań         Anna Szymoszyn, Agnieszka Szczepaniak-Kroll


Anna Engelking, Kołchoźnicy. Antropologiczne studium tożsamości wsi białoruskiej przełomu XX i XXI wieku, Fundacja na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej, Toruń 2012, ss. 858         Iwona Kabzińska
Wojciech Lipiński, Ludzie Tundry. Tożsamość i granice etniczne na północy Syberii, Studia Ethnologica, DiG, Warszawa 2011, ss. 222 oraz aneks fotograficzny          Jarosław Derlicki
Tematy trudne. Sytuacje badawcze, pod red. Ingi B. Kuźmy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2013, ss. 220          Grzegorz Pełczyński
Helena Krasowska, Mniejszość polska na południowo-wschodniej Ukrainie, Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy, Warszawa 2012, ss. 435           Iwona Kabzińska
Aleksander Woźny, Odtąd już nic nigdy nie będzie tak samo... Media, kryzysy, eventy... i peryferie, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2013, ss. 281    Michał Rydlewski
David Livingstone Smith, Najbardziej niebezpieczne ze zwierząt: natura ludzka i przyczyny wojen, Wydawnictwo CiS, Warszawa 2011, ss. 344       Michał Kurcwald
La huella arabe en el Peru, pod red. Leyli Barret i Farida Kahhata, Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Peru, Lima 2011, ss. 257        Jędrzej Kotarski
Sociedad, cultura de los Chinos en Peru, pod red. Davida chu Changa, APCH (Associacion Peruano - Chino), Lima 2013, ss. 429 Jędrzej Kotarski

Журнал надходить до Інституту мистецтвознавства, фольклористики та етнології ім. М.Т. Рильського міста Києва.


За довідками звертатись до чергового бібліотекаря Залу періодики за тел. 524-44-19

2. Kodai Mathematical Journal. – Tokio. – ISSN  0025nbsp;-5645
Volume 37, Number 2, June 2014
Статті, опубліковані в номері: