Журнали, представлені на виставці:
1. Acta Polytecnica Hungarica [Text] : journal of applied sciences at Badapest tech Hungary/ ed. A. Bako. - Budapest : [б.в.].- Отримується з 2007.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (APH) is a multidisciplinary international peer reviewed journal of applied sciences publishing high-quality articles quarterly. The journal aims to provide an international forum for the publication of original, novel fundamental research and applications-based investigation topics, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in engineering sciences as listed below:
Articles published may deal with and limited to Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Chemical and Process Engineering; Transportation, Logistic; Wood and Light Industry; Informatics; Mechatronics; Numerical an Implementation Issues; Engineering Education; Machine Intelligence; Benchmarking.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43254
2. Acta Mechanica Slovaca [Text] : časopis/ red. M. Badida. - Kosice : [б.в.].- Отримується з 2008., - ISSN 1335-2393
Journal provides a spaces for publishing scientific and professional articles in the field of basic and applied research in branches such as machine elements and mechanisms, transport machines and equipment, production machines and equipment, energetic machines and equipment, mechanical technology and materials, technical systems safety and work safety, automatization and control, applied mechanics, bionics and biomechanics, production quality engineering, judicial engineering, mineralogy and environmentally engineering, mechatronics, material engineering and limiting conditions.
Acta Mechanica Slovaca is covered by the following services: Index Copernicus – Journal Masters List, Versita Emerging Science Publishers – Journals, Issuu You Publish – Publications, Google Scholar.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43196
3. Archives of mechanical technology and automation [Текст] = Atchiwum technologii maszyn i automatyzacji : quarterly/ Comm. of mech. eng. Polish Acad. of sciences; Poznan Div. ; red. M. Kawalec. - Poznań : Publ. House of Poznan Univ. of technology. - Текст пол., англ. -Назва на корінці: Atmia. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2011., - ISSN 1233-9709
In the quarterly Archives of mechanical technology and automation there are published original works in the field of Construction and Exploitation of Machines and Technological Devices, especially concerning: foundry and Powder Sintering; Welding, Pressure Welding and Gluing; Heat and Chemical Treatment; Plastic Working; Polimer Processing; Machining (Cutting and Abrasive Machining); Eroding; Inspection and Measurements; designing of Planing and Automation and Robotisation of Process and Technological Devices; assemble of Machines and Devices; research on joined and hybrid technological processes.
Текст видання польською та англійською мовами
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43734
4. Computer assisted mechanics and engineering sciences [Text] : a refereed international journal/ Central European Association for Computational Mechanics ; ed. M. Kleiber. - Warsaw : [б.в.]. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 1997., - ISSN 1232-308X
“Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Sciences” (CAMES) is a refereed international journal, published quarterly, providing a scientific exchange forum and an authoritative source of information in the field of computational sciences and related areas of applied engineering. The objective of the journal is to support researchers and practitioners by offering them a means facilitating access to newest research results reported by leading experts in the field, publication of own contributions, and dissemination of information relevant to the scope of the journal.
The journal is published by Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research under the auspices of European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS).
Abstracted and indexed in: Applied Mechanical Reviews, Current Mathematical Publications, Inspec, Mathematical Reviews, MathSci, Zentralblatt für Mathematik.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41569
5. Journal of engineering studies and research [Текст] : quart. intern. sci. j./ "Vasile Alecsandri" Univ. of Bacău ; ed.-in-chief V. Nedeff . - Bacău : Alma Mater. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2011., - ISSN 2068-7559
JESR is a quarterly scientific journal edited by an Editorial Office from the Engineering Faculty – “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau. The journal continues the activity of another journal, Modelling and Optimization in the Machines Building Field (MOCM), starting with volume 16 no.3, from August 2010.
JESR publishes the most recent theoretical and experimental studies concerning the topical and perspective problems in the conception and manufacturing fields of the technological plants and equipments, focusing but not limiting on: Industrial Engineering; Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronic; Technologies and Equipment from Process Industries; Environmental Engineering and Environmental Protection; Engineering and Management; Applied Engineering Sciences; Materials Science and Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Automation, Computers and Information Technology; Chemical Engineering.
The papers published in the journal are indexed and abstracted in the following International Data Bases: ProQuest CSA (SUA), VINITI (RUSIA), EBSCO, Index Copernicus, Academic Journals Database, Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI). The journal is also member of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The journal is also formally recognized by the Romanian Ministry of National Education, through its National University Research Council (CNCS).
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43617
6. Journal of mechanical and transport engineering [Текст]/ Poznan Univ. of Technology ; ed. board: P. Krawiec (ed.-in-chief) [at al.]. - Poznań : Publ. House of Poznan Univ. of Technology.- Отримується з 2013., - ISSN 2300-3596
Journal of Mechanical and Transport Engineering to czasopismo, które swoim zakresem obejmuje szeroko rozumianą tematykę związaną z zagadnieniami budowy i eksploatacji maszyn oraz transportem.
Tematyka publikacji dotyczy: budowy i eksploatacji silników spalinowych; techniki cieplnej, maszyn przepływowych; konstrukcji maszyn, mechatroniki; modelowania, symulacji, CAx; transportu drogowego, maszyn roboczych; transportu szynowego; transportu żywności, chłodnictwa; logistyki i zarządzania transportem; ekonomiki transportu, ekologii.
Текст видання польською та англійською мовами
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43912
7. Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics [Текст]/ Polish society of theoretical and applied mechanics ; ред. W. Nowacki. - Warsaw : [б.в.]. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 1963., - ISSN 1429-2955
Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics (JTAM) is devoted to all aspects of solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and applied problems of structural mechanics, mechatronics, biomechanics and robotics. JTAM publishes original theoretical, experimental papers and surveys, scientific information. It also contains reports on activities of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, on Congresses, Conferences and Symposia.
Beginning with Vol. 45, No. 1, 2007, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuters products and custom information services. Now it is indexed and abstracted in the following: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж36248
8. Mechanics and mechanical engineering [Текст] : international journal/ Technical University of Lodz ; ed. T. Kapitaniak. - Lodz : [б.в.].- Отримується з 1998., - ISSN 1428-1511
Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering publishes original papers, notes, and invited review articles from all fields of theoretical and applied mechanics as well as mechanical engineering. In addition to the classical fields, such as Rigid Body Dynamics, Elasticity, Plasticity, Hydrodynamics and Gas Dynamics, it gives special attention to recently developed and boundary areas of mechanics.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41575
9. Revue Romaine des sciences techniques. Ser [Text], Mecaninique appliquee/ Academie Romaine ; red. R. P. Voinea. - Bucaresti : EA. - Tekst rum., eng.- Отримується з 1977., - ISSN 0035-4074
The journal publishes original papers of high scientific standard in Applied Mechanics, namely:
• Astronautics (optimisation of paths generation, computation of orbits or arcs of orbits, optimisation of interorbital transfer, synchronous orbits, astrorelativity, rarefied atmosphere flight, recovering in high density atmosphere, braking and interception of spatial vehicles).
• Aeronautics (aerodynamics, flight theory, aeroelasticity, aerodynamics of internal combustion engines, aerothermodynamics of jet engines).
• Fluid mechanics (dynamics of newtonian and of non-newtonian fluids, dynamics of compressible fluids, flow of miscible fluids, flow of fluids through porous media).
• Hydromechanics (hydraulics, hydraulic structures, hydraulic turbines and pumps).
• General mechanics (elasticity, plasticity, elastoplasticity, viscoelasticity, viscoplasticity, strength of materials, vibrations, stability).
• Mechanical engineering (kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms, friction, wear, lubrication, new methods for the analysis of machines, automation, study of surfaces, technology of solids).
• Civil engineering (methods for the static and dynamic analysis of structures, study of heterogeneous materials, soil mechanics and stability, new construction methods).
• Measurement technique (electronic equipment for measuring mechanical quantities, use of ultrasonics and radioisotopes in technique).
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж33806:T
10. Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering [Текст], Mechanical Engineering/ Technical University of Budapest. - Budapest : [б.в.]. - Виходить двічі на рік.- Отримується з 1963-., - ISSN 0324-6051
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering is a peer reviewed scientific journal published by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. It was founded in 1957.
The main scope of the journal is to publish original research articles in the wide field of mechanical engineering, including materials science and technology, applied mechanics, fluid dynamics, energetics, machine and production design, manufacturing science and technology, mechatronics, optics, polymer technology, hydrodynamic systems, building service engineering.
The journal is abstracted by several international databases, e.g. SCOPUS, Google Scholar. We also aim at being referred in the future by Web of Science of Thomson Reuters, and thus to have an impact factor.
This is an open access journal; publishing and downloading articles are both free of charge. The journal is recommended to researchers, faculty professors, and PhD students active in its field.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж36053:M
11. Delft Outlook [Текст] : research and education at Delft Univ. of Technology/ Delft Univ. of Technology ; ed.-in-chief F. Nuijens. - Delft : [s. n.]. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2010., - ISSN 0920-508X
Delft Outlook is the scientific magazine on research at TU Delft. It treats new developments and backgrounds of research.
The magazine appears five times a year. Delft Integraal is the Dutch version.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43662
12. Haló TU [Текст] : štvrťroč. techn. univ. v Kośiciach / Techn. univ. v Kośiciach ; red. B. Bakova. - Košice : [s. n.]. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2006.
Celouniverzitný časopis Haló TU okrem informácii o súčasnom dianí na akademickej pôde poskytuje priestor pre zamestnávateľov na trhu práce s ponukami pracovných príležitostí. Ide o rôzne oblasti priemyslu a ekonomiky. V každom vydaní sa prezentuje minimálne jedna spoločnosť, ktorej zameranie úzko súvisí so zameraním niektorej fakulty TUKE.
Текст видання словацькою мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43195
13. MM Průmyslové spektrum [Text] : časopis/ red. J. Čelechovský. - Praha : [б.в.], 1997 .- Отримується з 2009., - ISSN 1212-2572
MM Průmyslové spektrum je technický měsíčník specializovaný na strojírenství vycházející v České republice od roku 1997. Přináší zejména informace o současných domácích i světových trendech v jednotlivých odvětvích oboru s důrazem na výrobu a praxi. Dalšími okruhy zájmu jsou poslední novinky vědecko-technického výzkumu, otázky související s řízením a financováním průmyslových podniků, rozhovory se zajímavými lidmi, recenze, informace o veletrzích a výstavách, technické zajímavosti a další.
Časopis je určen střednímu a vyššímu managementu podniků, konstruktérům a technologům, dovozcům a vývozcům, pracovníkům výzkumu a vývoje, učitelům a studentům vysokých a středních odborných škol.
Текст видання словацькою мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43342
14. Politechnika częstochowska [Текст] : pismo Środowiska akademickiego/ ред. D. Kulesza. - Częstochowa : [б.в.], S. a...- Отримується з 1997., - ISSN 1428-7633
Pismo środowiska akademickiego “Politechnika Częstochowska” istnieje od 1997 roku. Jego łamy otwarte są zarówno dla pracowników, jak i studentów. Zamieszczane artykuły mają różnorodne tematykę: od historii Uczelni poprzez relacje z zagranicznych staży i stypendiów oraz ważne wydarzenia z życia Politechniki aż po informacje o awansach naukowych pracowników.
Текст видання польською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41532
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
15. PTB news [Текст] : english edition/ Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt ; ed. J. Simon. - Braunschweig : [б.в.].- Отримується з 2004., - ISSN 1611-163X
The PTB News is a four-page information leaflet in German and English which is published three times yearly.
It informs about important and topical news from the areas of activity: Fundamentals of metrology; Applied metrology for industry, medicine and environmental protection; Measuring technology for the area under legal control; international cooperation.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42760
16. Strojnícky časopis [Text] : časopis pre problémy mechaniky v strojníctve/ Ústav materiálov a mechaniky strojov SAV ; red. S. Markuš. - Bratislava : [б.в.].- Отримується з 1959., - ISSN 0039-2472
Strojnícky časopis (Journal of Mechanical Engineering) published by Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics Slovak Academy of Sciences in cooperation with Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava.
Journal presents papers concerned with problems theoretical, computational and experimental mechanics of machines and mechanism, dynamics and stability of discrete and continuous systems, strength and fatigue, mechatronics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.
Journal homepage http://www.strojcas.sav.sk/
Текст видання англійською та словацькою мовами
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж35446
17. Tap chí Khoa học công nghệ Việt Nam [Текст] = Vietnam science technology review/ Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ ; tổng biên tập Đăng Ngọc Bảo. - Hà Nội : [s. n.], 1959 .- Отримується з 2013., - ISSN 1859-4794
Vietnam science technology review publishes papers which are in all areas of sciences and technology.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Текст видання в’єтнамською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43873
18. ThyssenKrupp techforum [Текст]. - Düsseldorf : [б.в.]. - Text angl. mov. - Виходить двічі на рік.- Отримується з 2003., - ISSN 1612-2771
Technology magazines at ThyssenKrupp form a tradition that dates back more than 90 years: the “Kruppsche Monatshefte” (Krupp Monthly Journal) first appeared in 1920, and since then we have published titles such as “Technische und wissenschaftliche Berichte” (Technical and Scientific Reports), “Berichte aus Forschung und Entwicklung” (Reports on Research and Development), and now the ThyssenKrupp techforum. Over this time, we have not merely repeatedly changed the visual appearance – we have also constantly adapted the language and style of reporting, in order to remain right up to date. One thing has never changed, however: the paramount importance of research and innovation for ThyssenKrupp. Engineering skill is and remains part of our Group’s DNA.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42655
19. Environment. Protection. Engineering [Текст] : journal/ State Committee for Scientific Research ; ed. K. Majewska - Nowak. - Wroclaw : [б.в.]. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 1998., - ISSN 0324-8828
Environment Protection Engineering published quarterly by Wroclaw University of Technology the Department of Environmental Engineering. The Journal publishes original theoretical and experimental papers dealing with: water purification, wastewater treatment, water reuse, solid waste disposal, neutralization and utilization of industrial gases, emission abatement, degusting processes, noise and vibration control, systems of water and air pollution control, land recultivation, ecological problems, environmental economy, legislation and forecasting.
Environment Protection Engineering is indexed and abstracted in the following Thomson Reuters products and information services: Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®); Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41639
20. Challenges of modern technology [Текст] : quart. sci. j./ Warszaw Univ. of Technology ; ed. A. Badyda. - Warszawa. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2010.
“Challenges of modern technology” is a quarterly interdisciplinary journal dedicated mainly to young scientists who are at the beginning of their scientific career. This journal enables young scientists to present their achievements in an international publication. In “Challenges of modern technology” journal you will find interesting topics covering an extensive range of research areas in science and technology. Multidisciplinarity of the articles and variety of scientific aspects make the journal interesting for readers who wants to have broad perspective on the challenges of modern civilization.
Currently the following areas define the scope of the journal: Applied Mathematics; Biomedical Engineering; Chemistry and Pharmacy; Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics; Mechanics, Automatics and Robotics; Nanotechnologies and Materials; Natural Sciences; Social Sciences in Technology; Town and Urban Planning, Architecture and Building Engineering; Power Engineering; Logistics.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global Exchange of knowledge.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43614
21. Inźynieria i ochrona środowiska [Текст]/ Politechnika Częstochowska ; ред. W. Sułkowski. - Częstochowa : [б.в.], 1998 . - Рез. англ.- Отримується з 1998., - ISSN 1505-3695
W “Inżynierii i Ochronie Środowiska” publikuje się oryginalne prace doświadczalne i przeglądowe, a także opisy nowych rozwiązań technologicznych i konstrukcyjnych z zakresu: wodociągów i kanalizacji; uzdatniania wody i oczyszczania ścieków; składowania i zagospodarowania odpadów i osadów ściekowych; biotechnologii; ochrony gleby, wody i powietrza; bezpiecznego spalania paliw; wentylacji i klimatyzacji; monitoringu zanieczyszczeń w środowisku; analizy przemian zanieczyszczeń w środowisku.
Текст видання польською та англійською мовами
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41721
22. Composites theory and practice [Текст] : research journal/ ed.-in-chief J. Braszczyński ; Polish Soc. of composite materials. - Częstochowa : PTMK, 2001 . - Текст англ. - Рез. пол. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2001., - ISSN 2084-6096
The “Composites theory and practice” Journal has been published by the Polish Society of Composite Materials since 2001 (formerly: KOMPOZYTY (COMPOSITES) - to 2011). At the beginning it was issued annually and then, since 2005 quarterly.
The Journal is addressed to all employees of scientific and research institutes, candidates for doctor's degree, students and all working with and interested in composite materials.
The Journal publishes mainly experimental and research works in the areas of production techniques, properties, structure and wide range composite implementation (based on plastics, ceramics and alloys, etc.). Publications of papers read out at annual seminars “Composites – theory and practice” organized by PSCM (according to standard procedure) and occasional ordered review articles are also printed here.
Текст видання англійською та польською мовами
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42306
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