Журнали, представлені на виставці:
1. Acta energetica [Text] : electrical power engineering/ Gdansk University of Technology ; ed. Z. Lubosny. - Gdansk : [б.в.]. - Rez. pol. m. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2009.
The Acta Energetica Quarterly has been published since 2009 by ENERGA SA and operates under the additional patronage of the Gdansk University of Technology. The theme of the magazine is related to energy and power engineering, as well as related fields. Each issue contains from 8 to 12 scientific publications, along with short biographies of the authors. Among the authors are both scientists, who conduct research in the field of energy on a daily basis, and experts representing businesses operating in the power generation and distribution market. With this combination, Acta Energetica contributes to the promotion of knowledge useful in the development of scientific expertise and practical applications of this expertise in business projects.
The magazine is targeted at professionals – engineers and technicians, managers, university staff and power engineering students. One of the strategic objectives of Acta Energetica is to support cooperation between science and industry. The quarterly provides a platform to exchange ideas and experiences between representatives of science and industry.
Providing the resources of Acta Energetica freely in electronic format is intended to help spread new knowledge promoted in the journal. The Acta Energetica website offers additional opportunities to promote cooperation between scientific and business communities. It offers the possibility to publish material at a high professional level in a form that does not fit within the printed version.
Текст видання англійською та польською мовами
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43471
2. Wind directions [Текст]/ ed. S. Azau ; European Wind Energy Association. - Brussels : EWEA. - Періодичність: 5 разів на рік.- Отримується з 2010.
Wind Directions, a bi-monthly magazine, is essential reading for those who want to keep in touch with the world’s fastest growing energy source. Every issue contains a concise and readable update on the wind energy industry – its achievements, its challenges and its prospects.
Brightly designed, with full colour spreads of the latest wind power projects, Wind Directions provides a prominent shop window for an expanding clean technology.
Wind Directions provides conference listings, useful web sites and updated statistics on wind power in every European country.
Wind Directions is read both by people from throughout the wind industry – manufacturers, suppliers, investors, consultants – as well as those in organisations and the media concerned to keep up with the latest developments.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43967
3. Електротехника и електроника [Текст] : научно- техническое списание/ Съюз по електроника, електротехника и съобщения ; ред. С. Табаков. - София : [б.в.].- Отримується з 1968., - ISSN 0861-4717
The monthly scientific journal “Electrotechnica and Electronica”, (“E+E”) publishes papers in the areas of electrical engineering, electronics, telecommunications and computer sciences. It has more than half a century of history and is the most recognized peer reviewed scientific journal in the area of electrical engineering in Bulgaria.
The Scientific Journal E+E is published by Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC) since 1965.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж61158
4. Instytut elektrotechniki (Warszawa).
Prace Instytutu elektrotechniki [Текст] = Proceedings of electrotechnical institute/ Inst. elektrotechniki ; red. nacz. W. Krajewski. - Warswawa : IEl.- Отримується з 2013., - ISSN 0032-6216
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki – wydawnictwo nieperiodyczne ukazujące się od 1951 r. W czasopiśmie publikowane są artykuły oryginalne i przeglądowe oraz prace habilitacyjne i skrócone prace doktorskie. Prace IEl otwarte są dla autorów spoza Instytutu – z kraju i zagranicy.
W Pracach IEl publikowane są artykuły z zakresu szeroko pojętej elektrotechniki ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem następujących dziedzin: automatyka i robotyka; budowa i eksploatacja maszyn i aparatów elektrycznych; energoelektronika; elektroenergetyka; elektrotechnika teoretyczna; energia odnawialna; informatyka w elektrotechnice; inżynieria materiałowa (materiałoznawstwo elektrotechniczne); kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna; miernictwo elektryczne; nadprzewodnictwo; trakcja elektryczna; ochrona środowiska.
Prace IEl indeksowane są w bazach: Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology), Index Copernicus Journal Master List, BazTech (internetowa baza danych polskich czasopism technicznych) oraz Google Scholar.
Текст видання польською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43895
5. University "Politehnica" of Bucharest.
Scientific bulletin [University "Politehnica" of Bucharest (UPB)]. Ser.C: Electrical engineering [Text] = Buletin stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Bucuresti. Ser.C: Ingineria electrica, Electrical engineering/ University "Politehnica" of Bucharest ; ed. P. Postolache. - Bucharest : [б.в.]. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2001., - ISSN 1454-234X
Founded in 1929, “The Scientific Bulletin” edited by University Politehnica of Bucharest has managed along its 80 years of existence to gather in its pages the most remarkable scientific contributions of professors and PhD students. Approaching an extremely diversified line of topics from engineer sciences, the Bulletin is structured today in 4 series.
Scientific Bulletin, Series C. publishes papers presenting theoretical and experimental contributions concerning up-to-date research and book reviews in the field of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
The Journal is indexed in: Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, Inspec, Scopus, Elsevier Sciences’s Bibliographic Databases, Engineering Village, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Engineered Materials Abstracts.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41884:Ing.
6. Cybernetics and information technologies [Text]/ Bulgarian academy of sciences ; ed. D. Dochev. - Sofia : Дринов, 2001 .- Отримується з 2001., - ISSN 1311-9702
The Cybernetics and Information Technologies presents scientific papers including original theoretical as well as application contributions to the subject areas: information processes and systems, operational research, pattern recognition, signal and image processing, artificial intelligence, linguistic modelling, control theory and applications, high performance computing, scientific computations, computer communication technologies, software technologies, information technologies in education (the list is not exhausting).
The journal publishes 4 regular issues per annum and some additional special thematic issues with selection of extended papers from international scientific events.
The journal “Cybernetics and Information Technologies” is abstracted/indexed in: EI Compendex, INSPEC (The Database for Physics, Electronics and Computing), AMS Digital Mathematics Registry (American Mathematical Society), Elsevier SCOPUS and other 14 data bases.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42364
7. Informatica [Text]/ Lithuanian Academy of sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Inormatics ; ed. J. Mockus. - Vilnius : Mokslo aidai, 1990 . - Рез. лит. мовою.- Отримується з 1990., - ISSN 0868-4952
The quarterly journal INFORMATICA provides an international forum for high-quality original research and publishes papers on mathematical simulation and optimization, recognition and control, programming theory and systems, automation systems and elements. INFORMATICA provides a multidisciplinary forum for scientists and engineers involved in research and design including experts who implement and manage information systems applications.
An International Journal Published by Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania. The journal was founded in 1990.
INFORMATICA is abstracted/indexed by: ACM Computing Reviews, ACM Guide to Computing Literature, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, CompuMath Citation Index, Computer Literature Index, CPX Interactive, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing & Technology, Current Mathematical Publications, DBLP (Computer Science Bibliography), EBSCO Database, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases (SCOPUS), INSPEC, International Abstracts in Operations Research (IAOR), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, MasterFILE, Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, Science Citation Index Expanded, VINITI, Zentralblatt fur Mathematik/ Mathematics Abstracts.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж14356:inf.
8. Serdica [Text] : journal of computing/ Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences ; ed. S. Dodunekov. - Sofia : [б.в.], 2007 . - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2007., - ISSN 1312-6555
Serdica Journal of Computing publishes original research and review articles in all major areas of computing in accordance with the ACM Computing Classification System (1998). The journal is an essential scientific forum, especially for young researchers and doctoral candidates in computer science, information and communication technology, knowledge processing technology and innovative applications of science. It offers high-impact articles by authors from Bulgaria and abroad. The journal is published regularly and enjoys great interest. Serdica Journal of Computing has a special rubric. It features review articles containing the principal results of PhD and MSc theses in the subject area of the journal. The goal is to popularise the scientific achievements of young researchers beginning a career in the domain of computer science.
Serdica Journal of Computing is indexed by the main European review service Zentralblatt für Mathematik. This journal is referenced by: Zentralblatt MATH, The European Mathematics Library - EuDML, Google Scholar and DRIVER Search Portal.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43097
9. Informatik Spektrum [Text] : organ der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. und mit ihr assoziierter Organisationen/ Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. ; red. H. Engesser. - Heidelberg : Springer, 1978 .- Отримується з 2000.
Informatik Spektrum veröffentlicht aktuelle, praktisch verwertbare Informationen über technische und wissenschaftliche Fortschritte aus allen Bereichen der Informatik und ihren Anwendungen in Industrie, Wirtschaft, Verwaltung, Forschung.
Übersichtsartikel und einführende Darstellungen, Berichte über Trends und Fallstudien (Praxisberichte) bilden den Hauptteil der Zeitschrift. Die Rubrik „Das aktuelle Schlagwort“ bringt ausführliche Beschreibungen und Erläuterungen zu neuen Begriffen. In der Rubrik „Zur Diskussion gestellt“ werden aktuelle Themen unter verschiedenen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet.
In den Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik und der Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft wird über das aktuelle Geschehen in GI und SI berichtet. Buchbespre-chungen, Tagungsberichte und ein ausführlicher Tagungskalender ergänzen das Informationsangebot.
Abstracts publiziert in / Indexiert in SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, Academic OneFile, Bibliography of Linguistic Literature, DBLP, EI-Compendex, Gale, INIS Atomindex, io-port.net, MathEDUC, OCLC, SCImago, SPOLIT, Summon by ProQuest.
Текст видання німецькою мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42056
10. Interdisciplinary information sciences [Текст]/ Graduate School of Inform. Sciences Tohoku Univ. ; ed. board: Nobuaki Obata (ed.-in-chief) [et al.]. - Sendai : GSIS. - Виходить двічі на рік.- Отримується з 2012., - ISSN 1340-9050
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIS), semiannually published by the Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS), Tohoku University, is intended to span the ever increasing range of information sciences. It aims at providing a forum for worldwide scholarly discussion and serving as a valuable knowledge resource for the academic community.
IIS publishes original research and state-of-the-art reviews on all aspects of information sciences, ranging from theoretical foundations to practical applications. Special issues/sections, typically conference proceedings, are published from time to time.
All issues are available online: J-STAGE (Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic).
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43810
11. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security [Text]/ Union of Scientists. - Sofia : [б.в.], 2009 .- Отримується з 2009., - ISSN 1313-8251
International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS) is an international peer-reviewed journal published in English by Union of Scientists in Bulgaria and printed by TUS-Technology Ltd.
The journal publishes original papers in the field of Information Technologies and Security which covers, but not limited to, the following scope: Information Technologies; Information Security; Security Policy; Innovation Policy.
IJITS is indexed and included in scientific database of: EBSCO Publishing (USA), EBSCOHost database: Academic Search Research & Development, EBSCOHost database: Applied Science & Technology Source. IJITS is refereed by Referativnii Jurnal “Informatics” (Russia). Papers Indexed and Abstracted by: EBSCO Publishing, Google Scholar, AAAS, Academic Resources, WorldCat (OCLC), eBookspdfs, ECOOM, Virtual Library of Lithuania.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43340
12. International journal of parallel programming [Текст]. - N.Y. : [б.в.]. - Виходить раз на два місяці.- Отримується з 2003., - ISSN 0885-7458
International Journal of Parallel Programming is a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed, high-quality original papers in the computer and information sciences, focusing specifically on programming aspects of parallel computing systems. Such systems are characterized by the coexistence over time of multiple coordinated activities. The journal publishes both original research and survey papers. Fields of interest include: linguistic foundations, conceptual frameworks, high-level languages, evaluation methods, implementation techniques, programming support systems, pragmatic considerations, architectural characteristics, software engineering aspects, advances in parallel algorithms, performance studies, and application studies.
Abstracted/Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Zentralblatt Math, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, ProQuest, Academic OneFile, Academic Search, ACM Digital Library, Computer Abstracts International Database, Computer Science Index, CSA Environmental Sciences, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology, DBLP, Earthquake Engineering Abstracts, EI-Compendex, Expanded Academic, Gale, INIS Atomindex, io-port.net, MLA International Bibliography, OCLC, Referativnyi Zhurnal (VINITI), SCImago, STMA-Z, Summon by ProQuest.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42703
13. National institute information and communications technology (NICT).
Journal of the National institute of information and communications technology [Text]/ National institute information and communications technology (NICT) ; ed. K. Noriyuki. - Tokyo, Japan : [б.в.].- Отримується з 1989., - ISSN 1349-3205
Journal of National Institute of Information and Communications is English-language publication, highlighting the latest research at National Institute of Information and Communications.
The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) promotes the full spectrum of research and development in ICT from basic to applied research with an integrated perspective. Moreover, NICT forms close ties with the academic and business communities in Japan as well as with research institutes overseas and returns its R&D findings to society in a broad range of fields.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж40289
14. Romanian journal of information science and technology [Текст]/ Romanian academy. - Buc. : [б.в.], 1998 .- Отримується з 1998., - ISSN 1453-8245
Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST) is an academic journal with a very broad scope. As its name suggests (and as it also follows from the fact that the journal is edited by the Information Science and Technology Section of the Romanian Academy), the journal is devoted to papers in all domains related to information processing, from mathematical theories related to this subject to technological areas in the full meaning of the term (from the mathematical theory of information, automata and formal language theory, mathematical and computational linguistics, through general systems theory, to practical computer science-programming languages and techniques, information systems of various types, artificial intelligence, software engineering, etc.) to engineering-technological areas, such as electronics, telecommunications, hardware, and so on and so forth. One deals both with traditional developments and with very modern new areas (such as molecular computing).
Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology is indexed and abstracted in the following Thomson Reuters products and information services: Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42342
15. Journal of information and organizational sciences [Text]/ University of Zagreb. Faculty of Organization and Informatics ; ed. T. Hunjak. - Varazdin, Croatia : [б.в.]. - Виходить двічі на рік.- Отримується з 2006., - ISSN 1846-3312
Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varazdin publishes original scientific papers, preliminary communications, review articles, conference papers and professional papers from the field of information and organizational sciences, as well as relevant contributions from related scientific disciplines.
JIOS is indexed in following databases: Computer and Information Systems Abstracts, CSA Technology Research Database, Directory of Open Access Journals, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Index Copernicus, INSPEC, Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), Library Literature & Information Science Full Text database – EBSCO, OAIster, SCOPUS, VINITI RAN.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43358
16. TASK quarterly [Text] : scientific bulletin/ Academic computer centre in Gdansk ; ed. P. Doerffer. - Gdansk : [б.в.], 1997 .- Отримується з 1997., - ISSN 1428-6394
The journal provides a common platform for the presentation of papers and exchange of views on numerical methods in their applications to solve a variety of problems in science and engineering with the aid of high performance computers.
The magazine is targeted to scientists and engineers involved in computational and numerical methods, applied mathematicians.
TASK quarterly is abstracted/indexed in: INSPEC databases, BazTech.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41539
17. University of Niš.
Facta Universitatis [Текст]. Series: Mathematics and informatics/ Univ. of Niš ; ed.-in-chief P. S. Stanimirović. - Niš : Univ. of Niš.- Отримується з 2012., - ISSN 0352-9665
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics (FU Math Inform) is an open access peer-reviewed international journal published by the University of Niš, Serbia and Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Niš, Serbia.
University of Niš publishes Facta Universitatis journals more over than 25 years (since 1986). The series Mathematics and Informatics was founded in 1986 by Gradimir V. Milovanović, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia.
The journal publishes original papers of high scientific value in all areas of Mathematics and Computer Science, with a special emphasis on articles in the field of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Survey articles dealing with interaction between different fields are welcome.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43842:MI
18. PC world [Текст] : computer mag./ Intern. Data Group ; ed. P. Lemmons. - San Francisco, CA : IDG, 1983 . - Виходить щомісяця.- Отримується з 1999., - ISSN 0737-8939
PCWorld is the established leader for news, reviews, and insight on the PC ecosystem. We focus on how to get the most out of your PC, for business, home and even play. Covering everything from ultrabooks to servers, from Windows 8 to virtualization, PCWorld reaches a savvy and discerning audience looking for trusted, expert advice. This trust is underscored in the weight marketers give our reviews and in-depth studies, touting our findings in national ad campaigns. Across print, online, mobile, and social, PCWorld continues to innovate, delivering value to our audience in new and meaningful ways. PCWorld publishes a growing list of helpful Superguides and How-to books.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42046
19. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
ERCIM news [Текст] : the mag. of ERCIM/ ERCIM ; ed. board: P. Kunz (centr. ed.) [et al.]. - Sophia-Antipolis Cedex : ERCIM EEIG. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2013., - ISSN 0926-4981
ERCIM News is the magazine of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. It reports on joint actions of the ERCIM partners, and aims to reflect the contribution made by ERCIM to the European community in information technology and applied mathematics. Through short articles and news items, it provides a forum for the exchange of information between the institutes and also with the wider scientific community. ERCIM News is published quarterly.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43806
20. Sei technical review [Text]/ Sumitomo Electric Industries. - Tokyo : [б.в.].- Отримується з 2006., - ISSN 1343-4349
The SEI TECHNICAL REVIEW is a journal of technical papers explaining the Sumitomo Electric Group’s technologies. Technical papers are available in PDF format from webpage http://global-sei.com/technology/tr/
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43055
21. Czasopismo techniczne [Текст] = Technical transactions. Automatic control. Seria: Automatyka/ Politech. Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki ; red. serii P. Kulczycki. - Kraków : PK. - Текст англ., пол.- Отримується з 2013., - ISSN 0011-4561, - ISSN 2300-1526
Czasopismo Techniczne jest wydawnictwem naukowym o zasięgu międzynarodowym. Publikowane są w nim wyniki badań pracowników instytucji naukowych. Wzrastająca liczba autorów z zagraniczną afiliacją świadczy o jakości i wysokim poziomie merytorycznym Czasopisma. Celem Czasopisma Technicznego jest umożliwienie pracownikom naukowym zaprezentowania swoich osiągnięć na arenie międzynarodowej oraz stworzenie przestrzeni naukowej do wymiany doświadczeń.
Czasopismo Techniczne jest indeksowane w następujących bazach danych: BazTech, Bibliografia Geografii Polskiej, EBSCO, Index Copernicus, Chemical Abstracts Service Database (CAS), ZBD, Worldcat.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42055:AC
22. "Politehnica", Universităţii din Timişoara.
Buletinul ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara România [Текст] = Scientific bulletin of the "Politehnica" University of Timişoara, Romania. Transactions on automatic control and computer science. Ser.: Automatică şi calculatoare/ Univ. "Politehnica" din Timişoara ; ред. C. Şora. - Timişoara : Ed. Politehnica. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2012., - ISSN 1224-600X
The journal is dedicated to publishing original theoretical and applicative research results and overviews on the current research status in Automation, Computer Science and Applied Informatics. The Bulletin has the periodicity of four issues per year starting with 2006.
Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science is indexed by: Index COPERNICUS (Journals Master List), VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information), (CNCSIS B+ journal). The access to publication of research results is open to researchers all over the world.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж35470:AC
23. Автоматика и информатика [Текст] : двумесечно списание/ Съюз по автоматика и информатика ; ред. М. Доцинска. - София : [б.в.]. - Виходить раз на два місяці.- Отримується з 1969., - ISSN 0861-7562
Списание “Автоматика и информатика” – приложно-информационно издание на САИ (Съюз по автоматика и информатика), в което се обхващат проблемите на приложението на научно-техническите постижения в практиката, бизнеса и научно-техническата политика на страната в цялата област на автоматиката и информатиката. Публикуват се също информационни материали, производствени и делови съобщения, обяви и реклами. Списанието е индексирано в STN и ВИНИТИ.
Текст видання болгарською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж61789
Виставку підготували зав. сектору Верещагіна С.В., провідний бібліотекар Стаховська А.А.
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