Шановні користувачі! З 9 по 28 вересня 2015 року в Залі іноземних періодичних видань (кімн. 313) експонується виставка нових надходжень зарубіжних періодичних видань, які передаються бібліотекам науково-дослідних установ НАН України.
Журнали представлені на виставці:
1. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. – London. – ISSN 0024 -6107
Volume 92, Part 1, August 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Uniform measures and uniform rectifiability Xavier Tolsa
Equivalences of equivariant derived categories Andreas Krug and Pawel Sosna
On the boundary behavior of left-invariant Hitchin and hypo flows Florin Belgun, Vicente Cortés, Marco Freibert, and Oliver Goertsches
Groupes d’extensions et foncteurs polynomiaux Aurélien Djament
Spectral edge regularity of magnetic Hamiltonians Horia D. Cornean and Radu Purice
Permutations avoiding 1324 and patterns in Łukasiewicz paths David Bevan
Induced automorphisms on irreducible symplectic manifolds G. Mongardi and M. Wandel
Absorbing sets and Baker domains for holomorphic maps Krzysztof Barański, Núria Fagella, Xavier Jarque, and Bogusława Karpińska
Free independence in ultraproduct von Neumann algebras and applications Cyril Houdayer and Yusuke Isono
Infinitely presented C(6)-groups are SQ-universal Dominik Gruber
Models for the Eremenko–Lyubich class Christopher J. Bishop
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2. Indiana University Mathematics Journal. – Bloomington. – ISSN 0022-2518
Volume 64, Number 3, 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
On the problem of characterizing multipliers for the Drury-Arveson space Jingbo Xia, Quanlei Fang
Uniform regularity estimates in parabolic homogenization Zhongwei Shen, Jun Geng
Dual Affine invariant points Elisabeth Werner, Mathieu Meyer, Carsten Schuett
Proper holomorphic mappings into ℓ-concave quadric domains in projective space Peter Ebenfelt
Locally uniform convergence to an equilibrium for nonlinear parabolic equations on RN Peter Polacik, Yihong Du
Completely bounded isomorphisms of operator algebras and similarity to complete isometries Raphael Clouatre
Operator Theory on Symmetrized Bidisc Jaydeb Sarkar
Metastability for parabolic equations with drift: part 1 Hitoshi Ishii, Panagiotis E. Souganidis
The weak Cartan property for the ρ-fine topology on metric spaces Anders Bjorn, Jana Bjorn, Visa Latvala
Combinatorial negative curvature and triangulations of three-manifolds Damian Osajda
Weighted norm inequalities for fractional maximal operators: a Bellman function approach Rodrigo Banuelos, Adam Osekowski
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3. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. – Berkeley. – ISSN 0030-8730
Volume 276, Number 1, July 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
On the degree of certain local L-functions U. K. Anandavardhanan and Amiya Kumar Mondal
Torus actions and tensor products of intersection cohomology Asilata Bapat
Cyclicity in Dirichlet-type spaces and extremal polynomials II: functions on the bidisk Catherine Bénéteau, Alberto A. Condori, Constanze Liaw, Daniel Seco and Alan A. Sola
Compactness results for sequences of approximate biharmonic maps Christine Breiner and Tobias Lamm
Criteria for vanishing of Tor over complete intersections Olgur Celikbas, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Greg Piepmeyer and Roger Wiegand
Convex solutions to the power-of-mean curvature flow Shibing Chen
Constructions of periodic minimal surfaces and minimal annuli in Sol3 Christophe Desmonts
Quasi-exceptional domains Alexandre Eremenko and Erik Lundberg
Endoscopic transfer for unitary groups and holomorphy of Asai L-functions Neven Grbac and Freydoon Shahidi
Quasiconformal harmonic mappings between Dini-smooth Jordan domains David Kalaj
Semisimple super Tannakian categories with a small tensor generator Thomas Krämer and Rainer Weissauer
On maximal Lindenstrauss spaces Petr Petráček and Jiří Spurný
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4. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. – Berkeley. – ISSN 0030-8730
Volume 276, Number 2, August 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Free evolution on algebras with two states, II Michael Anshelevich
Systems of parameters and holonomicity of A-hypergeometric systems Christine Berkesch Zamaere, Stephen Griffeth and Ezra Miller
Complex interpolation and twisted twisted Hilbert spaces Félix Cabello Sánchez, Jesús M. F. Castillo and Nigel J. Kalton
The ramification group filtrations of certain function field extensions Jeffrey A. Castañeda and Qingquan Wu
A mean field type flow, II: Existence and convergence Jean-Baptiste Castéras
Isometric embedding of negatively curved complete surfaces in Lorentz–Minkowski space Bing-Long Chen and Le Yin
The complex Monge–Ampère equation on some compact Hermitian manifolds Jianchun Chu
Topological and physical link theory are distinct Alexander Coward and Joel Hass
The measures of asymmetry for coproducts of convex bodies Qi Guo, JinFeng Guo and XunLi Su
Regularity and analyticity of solutions in a direction for elliptic equations Yongyang Jin, Dongsheng Li and Xu-Jia Wang
On the density theorem for the subdifferential of convex functions on Hadamard spaces Mina Movahedi, Daryoush Behmardi and Seyedehsomayeh Hosseini
Lp regularity of weighted Szegő projections on the unit disc Samangi Munasinghe and Yunus E. Zeytuncu
Topology of complete Finsler manifolds admitting convex functions Sorin V. Sabau and Katsuhiro Shiohama
Variations of the telescope conjecture and Bousfield lattices for localized categories of spectra F. Luke Wolcott
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5. Annals of Mathematics. – Princeton. – ISSN 0003-486X
Volume 182, No. 1, July 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
The good pants homology and the Ehrenpreis Conjecture Jeremy Kahn and Vladimir Markovic
Positivity for cluster algebras Kyungyong Lee and Ralf Schiffler
Anomalous dissipation for 1/5-Hölder Euler flows Tristan Buckmaster, Camillo De Lellis, Philip Isett and László Székelyhidi, Jr.
Mutations of puzzles and equivariant cohomology of two-step flag varieties Anders Skovsted Buch
Uniqueness of blowups and Łojasiewicz inequalities Tobias Holck Colding and William P. Minicozzi II
Chern slopes of simply connected complex surfaces of general type are dense in [2,3] Xavier Roulleau and Giancarlo Urzúa
Interlacing families I: Bipartite Ramanujan graphs of all degrees Adam W. Marcus, Daniel A. Spielman and Nikhil Srivastava
Interlacing families II: Mixed characteristic polynomials and the Kadison–Singer problem Adam W. Marcus, Daniel A. Spielman and Nikhil Srivastava
The proof of the l2 Decoupling Conjecture Jean Bourgain and Ciprian Demeter
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6. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics. – Ibaraki. – ISSN 0387-4982
Volume 39, Number 1, July 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Lie algebras associated with a standard quadruplet and prehomogeneous vector spaces Nagatoshi Sasano
Generalized Fourier-Stieltjes algebra G. A. Bagheri-Bardi
The Baire property of certain hypo-graph spaces Katsuhisa Koshino
On certain conformally invariant systems of differential equations II: Further study of type A systems Anthony C. Kable
Structural properties of ideals over Pkλ I Yoshihiro Abe
A characterization of the tempered distributions supported by a regular closed set in the Heisenberg group Yasuyuki Oka
On the Cauchy problem for a class of hyperbolic operators whose coefficients depend only on the time variable Seiichiro Wakabayashi
Erratum to "Asymptotic dimension and boundary dimension of proper CAT(0) spaces" Naotsugu Chinen and Tetsuya Hosaka
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7. Hokkaido Mathematical Journal. – Sapporo. – ISSN 0385-4035
Volume LXIV, Number 2, June 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
A curve of genus 5 having 24 Weierstrass points of weight 5 Takao Kato
Minimal unfolded regions of a convex hull and parallel bodies Jun O’Hara
Boundedness of maximal operators and Sobolev’s theorem for non-homogeneous central Morrey spaces of variable exponent Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura
Bi-flows on a network Hisayasu Kurata and Magetsugu Yamasaki
Projection of generic 1 and 2-parameter families of space curves Fabio Scalco Dias
On the indices of minimal orbits of Hermann actions Naoyuki Koike
Finding numerically Newhouse sinks near a homoclinic tangency and investigation of their chaotic transients Takayuki Yamaguchi
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8. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae. – Praha. – ISSN 0010-2628
Volume 56, 2, June 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Algebra and Combinatorics
Note on enumeration of labeled split graphs Bína V., Přibil J.
On finite commutative loops which are centrally nilpotent Leppälä E., Niemenmaa M.
Results on generalized models and singular products of distributions in the Colombeau algebra G(R) Damyanov B.
Universally divergent Fourier series via Landau's extremal functions Herzog G., Kunstmann P.Chr.
Differential Equations
Global existence and energy decay of solutions to a Bresse system with delay terms Benaissa A., Miloudi M., Mokhtari M.
Positive solutions for a system of third-order differential equation with multi-point and integral conditions Jebari R., Boukricha A.
Symmetric products of the Euclidean spaces and the spheres Chinen N.
A new Lindelöf space with points Gδ Dow A.
The subspace of weak P-points of N* García-Ferreira S., Ortiz-Castillo Y. F.
On nowhere first-countable compact spaces with countable π-weight van Mill J.
∑s-products revisited Rojas-Hernández R.
Coherent ultrafilters and nonhomogeneity Starý J.
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9. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. – New York. – ISSN 0010-3640
Volume LXVIII, Number 8, August 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Corrigendum: Improved Diffusion Monte Carlo M. Hairer and J. Weare
Global C2-Estimates for Convex Solution of Curvature Equation P. Guan, C. Ren, and Z. Wang
The Small Deborah Number Limit of the Doi-Onsager Equation to the Ericksen-Leslie Equation W. Wang, P. Zhang, and Z. Zhang
Quantitative Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation N. Benedikter, G. de Oliveira, and B. Schlein
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10. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. – New York. – ISSN 0010-3640
Volume LXVIII, Number 9, September 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Isoperimetry in Two-Dimensional Percolation M. Biskup, O. Louidor, E.B. Procaccia, and R. Rosenthal
Asymptotic Localization of Energy in Nondisordered Oscillator Chains W. De Roeck and F. Huveneers
Variational Characterizations of Weak Solutions to the Dirichlet Problem for Mixed-Type Equations D. Lupo, D. D. Monticelli, and K. R. Payne
Coercivity of Combined Boundary Integral Equations in High-Frequency Scattering E. A. Spence, I. V. Kamotski, and V. P. Smyshlyaev
The Heat Equation Shrinks Ising Droplets to Points H. Lacoin, F. Simenhaus, and F. Toninelli
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11. The Leading Edge. – Tulsa. – ISSN 1070-485X
Volume 34, Number 6, June 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Conference Preview: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) set 20–22 July in San Antonio G. Sparkman
Geophysical Tutorial: Seismic petrophysics: Part 2 A. Amato del Monte
SEG Wiki Interview Series: Schleicher: Open data are available in the SEG Wiki I. Farley
Special section: Injection-induced seismicity
Emerging challenges to the oil and gas industry from induced seismicity — An introduction to this special section: Injection-induced seismicity R. Habiger and G. Beroza
Increased seismicity in Kansas R. C. Buchanan
Increasing seismicity in the U. S. midcontinent: Implications for earthquake hazard W. L. Ellsworth, A. L. Llenos, A. F. McGarr, A. J. Michael, J. L. Rubinstein, C. S. Mueller, M. D. Petersen, and E. Calais
Efforts to monitor and characterize the recent increasing seismicity in central Oklahoma D. E. McNamara, J. L. Rubinstein, E. Myers, G. Smoczyk, H. M. Benz, R. A. Williams, G. Hayes, D. Wilson, R. Herrmann, N. D. McMahon,. C. Aster, E. Bergman, A. Holland, and P. Earle
A comparison of seismicity rates and fluid-injection operations in Oklahoma and California: Implications for crustal stresses T. Göbel
A century of oil-field operations and earthquakes in the greater Los Angeles Basin, southern California E. Hauksson, T. Göbel, J.-P. Ampuero, and E. Cochran
How did hydraulic-fracturing operations in the Horn River Basin change seismicity patterns in northeastern British Columbia, Canada? A. M. Farahbod, H. Kao, J. F. Cassidy, and D. Walker
Induced seismicity of the Groningen gas field: History and recent developments K. van Thienen-Visser and J. N. Breunese
A guideline for assessing seismic risk induced by gas extraction in the Netherlands A. G. Muntendam-Bos, J. P. A. Roest, and J. A. de Waal
Geomechanical modeling of induced seismicity resulting from hydraulic fracturing S. C. Maxwell, F. Zhang, and B. Damjanac
Modeling pressure response into a fractured zone of Precambrian basement to understand deep induced-earthquake hypocenters from shallow injection S. Raziperchikolaee and J. F. Miller
Shaking intensity from injection-induced versus tectonic earthquakes in the central-eastern United States S. E. Hough
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12. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration. – Ankara. – ISSN 0026-4563.
Number 150, 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
The Geology of Gökçeada (Çanakkale) Ramazan SARI, Ahmet TÜRKECAN, Mustafa DÖNMEZ, Şahset KÜÇÜKEFE, Ümit AYDIN and Öner ÖZMEN
Benthic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of Malatya Oligo-Miocene Succession, (Eastern Taurids, Eastern Turkey) Fatma GEDİK
The Secrets of Massive Sulfide Deposits on Mid-Ocean Ridges and Küre-Mağaradoruk Copper Deposit Yılmaz ALTUN, Hüseyin YILMAZ, İlyas ŞİNER and Fatih YAZAR
Orogenic Gold Prospectivity Mapping Using Geospatial Data Integration, Region of Saqez, NW of Iran Alireza ALMASI, Alireza JAFARİRAD, Peyman AFZAL and Mana RAHİMİ
Geological Factors Controlling Potential of Lignite Beds within the Danişmen Formation in the Thrace Basin Doğan PERİNÇEK, Nurdan ATAŞ, Şeyma KARATUT and Esra ERENSOY
Element Enrichments in Bituminous Rocks, Hatıldağ Field, Göynük/Bolu Ali SARI, Murad ÇİLSAL and Şükrü KOÇ
Halloysite Intercalation of Northwest Anatolia Bülent BAŞARA and Saruhan SAKLAR
Refinement of the Reverse Extrusion Test to Determine the Two Consistency Limits Kamil KAYABALI, Ayla BULUT ÜSTÜN and Ali ÖZKESER
Investigation of Irrigation Water Quality of Surface and Groundwater in the Kütahya Plain, Turkey Berihu Abadi BERHE, Mehmet ÇELİK and Uğur Erdem DOKUZ
Brief Note on Neogene Volcanism in Kemalpaşa–Torbalı Basin (İzmir) Fikret GÖKTAŞ
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13. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. – Boston. – ISSN 0003-0007
Volume 96, Number 5, May 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Weather Forecasting Using GPU-Based Large-Eddy Simulations J. Schalkwijk et al.
Harnessing the Environmental Data Flood: A Comparative Analysis of Hydrologic, Oceanographic, and Meteorological Informatics Platforms A. K. Dow et al.
NOAA’s African Desk: Twenty Years of Developing Capacity in Weather and Climate Forecasting in Africa W. M. Thiaw and V. B. Kumar
Driving Blind: Weather-Related Vision Hazards and Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes W. S. Ashley et al.
Meteorology, Air Quality, and Health in London: The ClearfLo Project S. I. Bohnenstengel et al.
Key Conclusions of the First International Urban Land Surface Model Comparison Project M. J. Best and C. S. B. Grimmond
Joining Forces in a Global Flood Partnership J. Thielen et al.
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14. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. – Boston. – ISSN 0003-0007
Volume 96, Number 5, June 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
IWAL–An Interactive Weather Analysis Laboratory S. Limbach et al.
Rethinking the Default Construction of Multimodel Climate Ensembles F. Rauser, P. Gleckler and J. Marotzke
Understanding ENSO Diversity A. Capotondi et al.
The DYMECS Project: A Statistical Approach for the Evaluation of Convective Storms in High-Resolution NWP Models T. H. M. Stein et al.
Community Support and Transition of Research to Operations for the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model L. Bernardet et al.
A Long-Term, High-Quality, High-Vertical-Resolution GPS Dropsonde Dataset for Hurricane and Other Studies J. Wang et al.
Transformation of the CSU–CHILL Radar Facility to a Dual-Frequency, Dual-Polarization Doppler System F. Junyent et al.
Hurricanes and Climate: The U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Hurricanes K. J. E. Walsh et al.
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15. Anales de Biología. – Murcia. – ISSN 1138-3399
Volumen 36, 2014
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Primeras citas de Ecnomus tenellus (Rambur, 1842) (Trichoptera: Ecnomidae) para las provincias de Castellón, Cuenca y Valencia (Este de España) Juan Rueda, Cristina Molina & Joan Miquel Benavent
New chorological data on Hedwigia striata (Bruch & Schimp.) Bosw. (Hedwigiaceae, Musci) in Spain, and remarks on its morphological characters María Teresa Gallego, María Jesús Cano & Juan Guerra
El cultivo de Lepista nuda en sustrato con hojas de olivo para el aprovechamiento de subproductos agroindustriales en almazaras Francisco José Castro, Alberto Moreno, Antonio García & Francisco Ortiz
A low-altitude new location for Equisetum palustre L. (Equisetales: Equisetaceae) in Jaén province (Spain) Gonzalo González-Jurado
Riqueza de herpetofauna de la reserva natural privada Los Tarrales, Cuenca del Lago Atitlán, Guatemala Dennis Guerra-Centeno, David Morán-Villatoro, Héctor Fuentes-Rousselin, Edy Meoño-Sánchez & Carlos Valdez-Sandoval
Record of a wild specimen of Redline torpedo fish, Puntius denisonii (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) with vertebral deformity Sajeevan, Thoranam Varkey Anna Mercy & Malika Vadakkedath
La ictiofauna continental de la Cuenca del río Segura (S.E. Península Ibérica): décadas después de Mas (1986) Francisco José Oliva-Paterna, David Verdiell-Cubedo, Ana Ruiz-Navarro & Mar Torralva
Evaluación sobre la cantidad y procedencia de especies nuevas de animales, plantas y hongos descritas en el año 2012 Pablo Zamorano
Accumulation and tolerance of cadmium in a non-metallicolous ecotype of Silene vulgaris Garcke (Moench) Begoña Miras-Moreno, Lorena Almagro, María Angeles Pedreño & María Ángeles Ferrer
A new record of Desmarestia dudresnayi J.V. Lamouroux ex Léman (Desmarestiaceae, Heterokontophyta) represents a new southernmost limit of its distribution in the North Atlantic Ocean María Altamirano, Elena Bañares & Marianela Zanolla
Primeros datos sobre la distribución de grandes branquiópodos (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) en la Región de Murcia (SE España) David Verdiell-Cubedo & Dani Boix
First confirmed outdoor winter reproductive activity of Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) in Europe Francisco Collantes, Juan Antonio Delgado, Pedro María Alarcón-Elbal, Sarah Delacour & Javier Lucientes
Novedades florísticas para la provincia de Albacete II Pedro Sánchez-Gómez, Juan Francisco Jiménez, Eduardo Picazo, José Luis Cánovas, Antonio Catalán & José Antonio López-Donate
Novedades florísticas para la provincia de Albacete III Pedro Sánchez-Gómez, Juan Francisco Jiménez, José Luis Cánovas, Antonio Catalán & José Antonio López-Donate
Reporte de reservorios domiciliares de agua colonizados por Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) en un área de Camagüey (Cuba) Lorenzo Diéguez-Fernández, Julio Andrés García, Pedro María Alarcón-Elbal, Ricardo Alejandro Rodríguez de la Vega & José Luis San Martín-Martínez.
Primera cita de mosquito tigre, Aedes albopictus (Diptera, Culicidae), para Andalucía y primera corroboración de los datos de la aplicación Tigatrapp Sarah Delacour-Estrella, Francisco Collantes, Ignacio Ruiz Arrondo, Pedro María Alarcón-Elbal, Juan Antonio Delgado, Roger Eritja, Frederic Bartumeus, Aitana Oltra, John R.B. Palmer & Javier Lucientes.
Evaluating the toxicity of oil of lemon eucalyptus, Corymbia citriodora (Hook.), against larvae of the Asian tiger mosquito and non-target fish and larval amphibians Santi Escartín & Simone Mariani
Producción de metabolitos secundarios en cultivo de raíces in vitro y suspensiones celulares de Ipomoea carnea spp. carnea Jacq. Consuelo Rojas-Idrogo, Massuo J. Kato, Guillermo E. Delgado-Paredes, Eny I.S. Floh & Walter Handro
Rapid differentiation of Alectoris rufa L., 1758 and Alectoris chukar (Gray, 1830) (Galliformes: Phasianidae) by melting curve analysis of a parathyroid hormone gene SNP María Juliana Rodríguez-García & José Galián
Nuevo registro de Thorectes valencianus Baraud, 1966 (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) para el sudeste iberolevantino (España) Elena Cortés & Jose Ramón Verdú
Firsts records of melanistic genet (Genetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758) in North Portugal Paulo Barros, Abrandino Ledesma & Luis Moreira
Aportaciones al conocimiento de la distribución y el estado de conservación del endemismo amenazado Solenanthus reverchonii Debeaux ex Degen (Boraginaceae) en Andalucía (España) Leonardo Gutiérrez, Sandra García, David Cuerda & Francisco Marcha
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16. Kew Bulletin. – London. – ISSN 0075-5974
Volume 70, Number 2, 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Dendrobium bigibbum (sect. Phalaenanthe) in Australia — analysis of diagnostic characters, review of taxa and a new classification Adams, Peter B.
Lectotypification of species of Wunderlichia (Asteraceae) Souza-Buturi, Fátima O., Simão-Bianchini, Rosângela & Semir João.
“Oocephalus lythroides” (Lamiaceae: Ocimeae: Hyptidinae) from the Distrito Federal of Brazil is a new species: Oocephalus grazielae Harley, Raymond M.
Two new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Borneo Girmansyah, Deden & Susanti, Ruliyana
Cyphostemma auriculatum (Roxb.) P. Singh & B. V. Shetty (Vitaceae): typification and a new generic record confirmed for Thailand Trias-Blasi, A., Chayamarit, K. & Parnell, J. A. N.
Oxygonum pterocarpum (Polygonaceae), a striking new species from the Tabora Region of Tanzania Osborne, J., Vollesen, K. & Darbyshire, I.
Depicting Barbacenia flava and Vellozia intermedia with a short history of illustrated Velloziaceae Mello-Silva, Renato & Montserrat, Laura
Huberantha, a replacement name for Hubera (Annonaceae: Malmeoideae: Miliuseae) Chaowasku, Tanawat, Johnson, David M., van der Ham, Raymond W. J. M. & Chatrou, Lars W.
Pilea nguruensis (Urticaceae), a new species from the Eastern Arc Mountains, central Tanzania Friis, I., Darbyshire, I., Wilmot-Dear, C. M. & Luke, W. R. Q.
A synopsis of the genus Embelia in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Studies in Malaysian Myrsinaceae III Dubéarnès, Anne, Julius, Avelinah & Utteridge, Timothy M. A.
Blepharis gypsophila (Acanthaceae), a new species from Ethiopia Thulin, Mats & Vollesen, Kaj
A new species and a new combination in Meiogyne (Annonaceae) of New Guinea. Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, XXI Turner, I. M. & Utteridge T. M. A.
Eriospermum adpressifolium (Asparagaceae) and Emilia blittersdorffii (Asteraceae) — two new species from Tanzania with nearly identical leaves Weber, Odile, von Blittersdorff, Robert & Beentje, Henk
The Gilbertiodendron ogoouense species complex (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae), Central Africa van der Burgt, Xander M., Mackinder, Barbara A., Wieringa, Jan J. & de la Estrella, Manuel
Book Reviews Marshall, A.
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17. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. – St. Louis. – ISSN 0026-6493
Volume 100, Number 4, August 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Integrating Approaches to Macroevolution: Combining Fossils and Philogeny. The 61st Annual Systematic Symposium of the Missouri Garden
Evolutionary Trends and Specialization in the Euglossine Bee–pollinated Orchid Genus Gongora Molly C. Hetherington-Rauth and Santiago R. Ramírez
Avian Diversification Patterns across the K-Pg Boundary: Influence of Calibrations, Datasets, and Model Misspecification Daniel T. Ksepka and Matthew J. Phillips
Assessing the Fossil Record of Asterids in the Context of Our Current Phylogenetic Framework Steven R. Manchester, Friðgeir Grímsson and Reinhard Zetter
Taxonomic Revision of the Moss Genus Lepidopilidium (Pilotrichaceae) John J. Atwood
The Evolution of Violaceae from an Anatomical and Morphological Perspective Saúl E. Hoyos-Gómez
Botany of the 1841 Frémont–Geyer Expedition to the Des Moines River Thomas G. Lammers
A Multivariate Morphometric Analysis of the Solidago chilensis Group in South America and Related Taxa in North America (Asteraceae, Astereae) Rita M. Lopez Laphitz and John C. Semple
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18. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. – Barcelona. – ISSN 1578-665 X
Volume 38.1, 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Habitat preference of the endangered Ethiopian walia ibex (Capra walie) in the Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia Ejigu, D., Bekele, A., Powell, L., Lernould, J.–M.
Effect of supplementary food on age ratios of European turtle doves (Streptopelia turtur L.) Rocha, G., Quillfeldt, P.
A new species of Laemostenus Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Els Ports Natural Park (Catalonia, northeastern Iberian peninsula) Prieto, M., Mederos, J., Comas, J.
Minimally invasive blood sampling method for genetic studies on Gopherus tortoises García–Feria, L. M., Ureña–Aranda, C. A., Espinosa de los Monteros, A.
Clear as daylight: analysis of diurnal raptor pellets for small mammal studies Matos, M., Alves, M., Ramos Pereira, M. J., Torres, I., Marques, S., Fonseca, C.
Critical steps to ensure the successful reintroduction of the Eurasian red squirrel Vieira, B. P., Fonseca, C., Rocha, R. G.
El estado ecológico de las pequeñas cuencas de cabecera en las serranías béticas húmedas (parque natural Los Alcornocales, sur de España) según la Directiva Marco del Agua: ¿su aplicación garantiza la conservación? Ruiz–García, A., Ferreras–Romero, M.
Confirmation of the presence of Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842) on the Canary Islands Sánchez–Guillén R. A., Cordero–Rivera, A.
Estimating population size of the cave shrimp Troglocaris anophthalmus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) using mark–release–recapture data Jugovic, J., Praprotnik, E., Buzan, E. V., Lužnik, M.
Una nueva especie troglobiomorfa de Trechus Clairville, 1806 y evidencias de colonizaciones múltiples del medio subterráneo de los montes cantábricos (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) Fresneda, J., Bourdeau, C., Faille, A.
Population estimates, density–dependence and the risk of disease outbreaks in the Alpine ibex Capra ibex De Danieli, C., Sarasa, M.
A survey of recent introduction events, spread and mitigation efforts of mynas (Acridotheres sp.) in Spain and Portugal Saavedra, S., Maraver, A., Anadón, J. D., Tella, J. L.
Red squirrels from south–east Iberia: low genetic diversity at the southernmost species distribution limit Lucas, J. M., Prieto, P. , Galián, J.
Joaquím Mateu (1921–2015), tota una vida dedicada a l’estudi dels insectes Bellés, X.
Журнал надходить до Інституту зоології ім. І. І. Шмальгаузена міста Києва.
19. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. – Chicago. – ISSN 1522-2152
Volume 88, Number 4, July/August 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Ionoregulatory Aspects of the Osmorespiratory Compromise during Acute Environmental Hypoxia in 12 Tropical and Temperate Teleosts Lisa M. Robertson, Adalberto Luis Val, Vera F. Almeida-Val, and Chris M. Wood
Reduction of Energetic Demands through Modification of Body Size and Routine Metabolic Rates in Extremophile Fish Courtney N. Passow, Ryan Greenway, Lenin Arias-Rodriguez, Punidan D. Jeyasingh, and Michael Tobler
The Behavior-Physiology Nexus: Behavioral and Physiological Compensation Are Relied on to Different Extents between Seasons Christine H. Basson and Susana Clusella-Trullas
Seasonal Patterns and Relationships among Coccidian Infestations, Measures of Oxidative Physiology, and Immune Function in Free-Living House Sparrows over an Annual Cycle Péter L. Pap, Laura Pătraş, Gergely Osváth, Deborah M. Buehler, Maaike A. Versteegh, Alina Sesarman, Manuela Banciu, and Csongor I. Vágási
Energy Expenditure of Free-Ranging Chicks of the Cape Gannet Morus capensis René A. Navarro, Ralf H. E. Mullers, Haro A. J. Meijer, and Les G. Underhill
Does Exurban Housing Development Affect the Physiological Condition of Forest-Breeding Songbirds? A Case Study of Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapillus) in the Largest Protected Area in the Contiguous United States Chad L. Seewagen, Michale Glennon, and Susan B. Smith
Glycerophospholipid Profiles of Bats with White-Nose Syndrome Evan L. Pannkuk, Liam P. McGuire, Lisa Warnecke, James M. Turner, Craig K. R. Willis, and Thomas S. Risch
The Acid Test: pH Tolerance of the Eggs and Larvae of the Invasive Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) in Southeastern Australia Uditha Wijethunga, Matthew Greenlees, and Richard Shine
Brief Communications
High Concentrations of Ketocarotenoids in Hepatic Mitochondria of Haemorhous mexicanus Zhiyuan Ge, James D. Johnson, Paul A. Cobine, Kevin J. McGraw, Rosana Garcia, and Geoffrey E. Hill
Superoxide Anion Radical Production in the Tardigrade Paramacrobiotus richtersi, the First Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spin-Trapping Study Aleksandar G. Savic, Roberto Guidetti, Ana Turi, Aleksandra Pavicevic, Ilaria Giovannini, Lorena Rebecchi, and Milos Mojovic
Журнал надходить до Інституту зоології ім. І. І. Шмальгаузена міста Києва.
20. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. – Hagerstown. – ISSN 2163-0755
Volume 79, Number 2, August 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
AAST 2014 Plenary Papers
Characteristics of chest wall injuries that predict postrecovery pulmonary symptoms: A secondary analysis of data from a randomized trial Tejveer S. Dhillon, Joseph M. Galante, Edgardo S. Salcedo, and Garth H. Utter
Pneumomediastinum following blunt trauma: Worth an exhaustive workup? Konstantinos Chouliaras, Elias Bench, Peep Talving, Aaron Strumwasser, Elizabeth Benjamin, Lydia Lam, Kenji Inaba, and Demetrios Demetriades
Original Articles
Venous thromboembolic risk assessment models should not solely guide prophylaxis and surveillance in trauma patients Ashley L. Zander, Jan-Michael Van Gent, Erik J. Olson, Steven R. Shackford, Jayraan Badiee, Casey E. Dunne, C. Beth Sise, and Michael J. Sise
Complete ultrasonography of trauma in screening blunt abdominal trauma patients is equivalent to computed tomographic scanning while reducing radiation exposure and cost Zia A. Dehqanzada, Quinn Meisinger, Jay Doucet, Alan Smith, Giovanna Casola, and Raul Coimbra
Management of children with solid organ injuries after blunt torso trauma David H. Wisner, Nathan Kuppermann, Arthur Cooper, Jay Menaker, Peter Ehrlich, Josh Kooistra, Prashant Mahajan, Lois Lee, Lawrence J. Cook, Kenneth Yen, Kathy Lillis, and James F. Holmes
Pediatric solid organ injury operative interventions and outcomes at Harborview Medical Center, before and after introduction of a solid organ injury pathway for pediatrics Leslie A. Dervan, Mary A. King, Joseph Cuschieri, Frederick P. Rivara, and Noel S. Weiss
Intravenous access in the prehospital settings: What can be learned from point-of-injury experience Roy Nadler, Sami Gendler, Avi Benov, Avi; Baruch, Erez Shina, Gilad Twig, and Elon Glassberg
Decreased mortality after prehospital interventions in severely injured trauma patients Jonathan P. Meizoso, Evan J. Valle, Casey J. Allen, Juliet J. Ray, Jassin M. Jouria, Laura F. Teisch, David V. Shatz, Nicholas Namias, Carl I. Schulman, and Kenneth G. Proctor
Tourniquet use for civilian extremity trauma Kenji Inaba, Stefano Siboni, Shelby Resnick, Jay Zhu, Monica Darlene Wong, Tobias Haltmeier, Elizabeth Benjamin, and Demetrios Demetriades
Discrete roles of intracellular phospholipases A2 in human neutrophil cytotoxicity Saori Mikami, Junichi Aiboshi, Tetsuyuki Kobayashi, Mitsuaki Kojima, Koji Morishita, and Yasuhiro Otomo
The therapeutic effect and mechanism of niacin on acute lung injury in a rat model of hemorrhagic shock: Down-regulation of the reactive oxygen species–dependent nuclear factor κB... Ki Young Jeong, Gil Joon Suh, Woon Yong Kwon, Kyung Su Kim, Yoon Sun Jung, and Yu Chan Kye
Effects of rapid wound sealing on survival and blood loss in a swine model of lethal junctional arterial hemorrhage Alexander E. St. John, Xu Wang, Esther B. Lim, Diana Chien, Susan A. Stern, and Nathan J. White
Measuring trauma system performance: Right patient, right place—Mission accomplished? David J. Ciesla, Etienne E. Pracht, Joseph J. III Tepas, Nicholas Namias, Frederick A. Moore, John Y. Cha, Andrew Kerwin, and Barbara Langland-Orban
A comparison of Injury Severity Score and New Injury Severity Score after penetrating trauma: A prospective analysis Brian P. Smith, Amy J. Goldberg, John P. Gaughan, and Mark J. Seamon
Development of a trauma-specific quality-of-life measurement John Paul Wanner, Terri deRoon-Cassini, Lisa Kodadek, and Karen Brasel
The impact of acute care surgery on appendicitis outcomes: Results from a national sample of university-affiliated hospitals John C. Madore, Courtney E. Collins, M. Didem Ayturk, and Heena P. Santry
Stress-induced hyperglycemia is associated with higher mortality in severe traumatic brain injury Patrick L. Bosarge, Thomas H. Shoultz, Russell L. Griffin, and Jeffrey D. Kerby
Impaired coagulation is a risk factor for clinical and radiologic deterioration in patients with traumatic brain injury and isolated traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage Christian von der Brelie, Insa Schneegans, Leander van den Boom, Ullrich Meier, Juergen Hedderich, and Johannes Lemcke
Review Articles
Mechanisms of early trauma-induced coagulopathy: The clot thickens or not? Geoffrey P. Dobson, Hayley L. Letson, Rajiv Sharma, Forest R. Sheppard, and Andrew P. Cap
Delayed intracranial hemorrhage in the anticoagulated patient: A systematic review Joseph Miller, Leedor Lieberman, Bashar Nahab, Gina Hurst, Jayna Gardner-Gray, Aaron Lewandowski, Shaw Natsui, and Jill Watras
Conflict management teams in the intensive care unit: A concise definitive review Adrian A. Maung, Christine C. Toevs, Joshua B. Kayser, and Lewis J. Kaplan
Special Report
Implementing and preserving the advances in combat casualty care from Iraq and Afghanistan throughout the US Military Frank K. Butler, David J. Smith, and Richard H. Carmona
Current Opinion
Redefining acute care surgery: Surgical rescue Andrew B. Peitzman, Jason L. Sperry, Matthew E. Kutcher, Brian S. Zuckerbraun, Raquel M. Forsythe, Timothy R. Billiar, Louis Alarcon, Matthew R. Rosengart, Deepika Mohan, Gregory Watson, Juan Carlos Puyana, Graciela Bauza, Vaishali Dixit Schuchert, and Matthew Neal
Procedures and Techniques
An experimental novel alternative for temporary abdominal closure of the open abdomen: Transfascial continuous tension Moustafa M. El Khatib, Johnathon M. Aho, Cornelius A. Thiels, David R. Farley, and Henry J. Schiller
Letter to the Editor
Re: Optimal training for emergency needle thoracostomy Nicholas M. Studer and Gregory T. Horn
Журнал надходить до Інституту фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця міста Києва.
21. Folia Medica. – Plovdiv. – ISSN 0204-8043
Volume 57, Suppl. 1/2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Anniversary Scientific Conference - 70 Years Medical University of Plovdiv (20-23 May 2015)
Журнал надходить до Інституту експериментальної патології, онкології і радіобіології ім. Р. Є. Кавецького міста Києва.
22. Folia Medica. – Plovdiv. – ISSN 0204-8043
Volume 57, Suppl. 2/2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Журнал надходить до Інституту експериментальної патології, онкології і радіобіології ім. Р. Є. Кавецького міста Києва.
23. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. – London. – ISSN 0076-0730
Volume 58-1, 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
From Gabii and Gordion to Eretria and Methone: the rise of the Greek alphabet Richard Janko
Heroic fiction, combat scenes, and the scholarly reconstruction of Archaic Greek warfare Fernando Echeverría
How to recognize a hero in Euripides’ Electra Victoria Wohl
Exquisite corpses and other bodies in the Electra plays Nancy Worman
Textual notes on Herodas Mim. 8, Enhypnion or The dream William Furley
The goddess Ops in Archaic Rome Daniele Miano
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24. Studies in Philology. – Chapel Hill. – ISSN 0039-3738
Volume 112, Number 3, Summer 2015
Статті, опубліковані в номері:
Language Barriers John M. Fyler
Dualism in Old English Literature: The Body-and-Soul Theme and Vercelli Homily IV Jacob Riyeff
The Politics of Translation: Sanitizing Violence in William of Palerne Renée Ward
“The Gardyn is Enclosed Al Aboute”: The Inversion of Exclusivity in the Merchant’s Tale John Zedolik
Sidney’s Greek Poetics Micha Lazarus
“fuimus Torys”: Swift and Regime Change, 1714–1718 Ashley Marshall
“A loftier tone”: “Laodamia,” the Aeneid, and Wordsworth’s Virgilian Imagination Steven Stryer
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