1. Building engineer : journal/ The Association of building engineers (ABE) ; ed. J. Turkington. - London, UK : ABE. - Виходить щомісяця.- Отримується з 2000.
Building Engineer is the Journal of the Chartered Association of Building Engineers and has its roots in the publication ‘The Parthenon’ which was first published in 1926.
Building Engineer is widely respected throughout the industry and renowned for its relevant technical content. Published on a monthly basis and with a circulation of over 8,000 copies, Building Engineer has a different technical theme each month, for 2017 those themes include: Environmental Comfort, Fire Safety, Structures, Reclamation & Re-Use, Water Usage, Health & Safety, Renewable Energy, Intelligent Buildings, Heritage & Conservation, Building Management, Building Information Modelling (BIM), and Energy Efficiency of Buildings.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42053
2. BAWAktuell : Info-Magazin/ Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW) ; Hrsg. C. Heinzelmann. - Karlsruhe : BAW.- Отримується з 2011.
Im Magazin BAWAktuell informiert die BAW quartalsweise über Aktuelles aus der Arbeit der BAW. Das Magazin richtet sich an die Kunden der BAW in der Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes, an Partner in Ingenieurbüros, Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen sowie an die interessierte Öffentlichkeit.
Текст видання німецькою мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43564
3. The architectural review [Text]/ ed. P. Finch. - Lnd. : [б.в.], 1896 . - Виходить щомісяця.- Отримується з 1910.
The Architectural Review is a monthly international architectural magazine published in London since 1896.
Articles cover the built environment which includes landscape, building design, interior design and urbanism as well as theory of these subjects. Every month, it presents a wide-ranging vision of international design to architects and architectural students worldwide. It is a source of inspiration to thousands, providing subscribers with detailed and finely-illustrated reviews of architectural projects - from small to large, residential to commercial, all over the globe.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж2073
4. Architektúra & urbanizmus [Text] : časopis pre teóriu architektúry a urbanizmu/ red. M. Dulla. - Bratislava : [б.в.].- Отримується з 1967.
Časopis Architektúra & urbanizmus uverejňuje vedecké štúdie z oblasti architektúry a urbanizmu. Zameriava sa na teóriu, históriu, filozofiu a kultúru architektúry a urbanizmu v 20. a 21. storočí, na otázky ich umeleckého i technického charakteru. Zaoberá sa vzťahom architektúry a urbanizmu k umeniu, technike a k životnému prostrediu. Publikuje výsledky sociológie a psychológie architektúry a urbanizmu, sociálnej ekológie, výsledky výskumov z oblasti techniky prostredia a z iných disciplín, ktoré prispievajú k rozvoju teoretického poznania v architektúre a urbanizme. Zaoberá sa ďalej metódami hodnotenia a kritiky architektonickej a urbanistickej tvorby a hodnotením význačných architektov, architektonických diel a období. Publikuje príspevky o výučbe architektúry a urbanizmu, recenzie odborných kníh, ako aj informácie a správy o dôležitých vedeckých a umeleckých podujatiach. Časopis Architektúra & urbanizmus vydáva Ústav stavebníctva a architektúry Slovenskej akadémie vied v spolupráci s Ústavom dějin umění Akademie věd Českej republiky.
Текст видання англійською, чеською та словацькою мовами
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж37383
5. Czasopismo techniczne , Architektura/ Politech. Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki ; red. M. Pawlicki. - Kraków : PK. - Rez. eng.- Отримується з 2000.
Czasopismo Techniczne ukazuje się od roku 1883. Na początku publikowane było we Lwowie. Od roku 1946 tradycje wydawnicze Czasopisma kontynuuje Politechnika Krakowska. Seria Architektura ukazuje się od 1991 roku.
Czasopismo dostępne jest w całości w formie elektronicznej. Od roku 2013 artykuły publikowane są wyłącznie w języku angielskim.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42055:Ar.
6. Czasopismo techniczne . Ser., Budownictwo/ Politech. Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszka ; red. E. Maciąg. - Kraków : PK. - Rez. eng.- Отримується з 1999.
Czasopismo Techniczne ukazuje się od roku 1883. Na początku publikowane było we Lwowie. Od roku 1946 tradycje wydawnicze Czasopisma kontynuuje Politechnika Krakowska. Seria Budownictwo ukazuje się od 1961 roku.
Czasopismo dostępne jest w całości w formie elektronicznej. Od roku 2013 artykuły publikowane są wyłącznie w języku angielskim.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42055:B
7. Universitatea "Politehnica" (Timişoara).
Buletinul ştiinţific al Universităţii "Politehnica" din Timişoara, România = Scientific bulletin of the "Politehnica" University of Timişoara, România. Trans. on Hydrotechnics. Ser, Hidrotehnica/ Univ. "Politehnica" ; ed.-in-chief I. David. - Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 1956 .- Отримується з 1956.
The Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica of Timisoara, Transactions on Hydrotechnics is dedicated for publishing theoretical and applicative research results, considerations and overview related to Water Engineering. More detailed fields of the Bulletin consist in Hydrotechnical Constructions and Arrangements, Theoretical and Applied Hydraulics, Hydrology and Water Management, Sanitary Engineering such as Water Supply and Sewerages, Modern Technologies related to Water Engineering, Land Reclamation and Improvement. The Bulletin is published by Politehnica Publishing House under the coordination of the Department of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, included in Politehnica University of Timisoara.
The revue is known for experts from home and abroad, is included in the database (Viniti, Russia) and international catalogs (SUWECO, Czech Republic). The Bulletin is broadcast in 26 foreign institutions and foreign publications received in exchange are in number of 19.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж35470:H
8. Transport / Vilnius Gediminas Techn. Univ. ; ed.-in-chief O. Prentkovskis. - Vilnius : Taylor&Francis. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2003.
The journal Transport publishes articles in the fields of transport policy, fundamentals of the transport system, technology for carrying passengers and freight using road, railway, inland waterways, sea and air transport, technology for multimodal transportation and logistics, loading technology, roads, railways, airports, ports, pipeline transport, industrial and technological transport, agricultural motor vehicles, traffic safety and environment protection, design, manufacture and exploitation of motor vehicles, transport energetics, fuels, lubricants and maintenance materials, teamwork of customs and transport, insurance, transport information technologies, transport economics and management, transport standards, transport educology, transport history, etc.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42560
9. Today's railways Europe / ed. D. Haydock. - Sheffield : Platform 5 Publ... - Виходить щомісяця.- Отримується з 2012.
Today’s Railways Europe is a complete guide to railways in Europe, issued monthly. With loads of colour photos of trains and railways, news and regular features and articles on different aspects of European railways as well as event information, Today’s Railways Europe is about the modern innovations in trains and railways changing the face of Europe today. There are articles on new railway stock as well as routes, so you can stay up-to-date with all the latest European railway and train information.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43699:Eur.
10. Railvolution : the professional two-monthly mag. of rail transport wordwide/ ed. in chief Ja. Pernička. - Praha : M-Press plus, 2001 . - Виходить двічі на місяць.- Отримується з 2012.
Railvolution is Europe's Number One rail technology journal, offering in addition to professionally written features and news items an unsurpassed level of quality in layout, printing and illustrations.
Magazine circulation is 20 000 copies and it is intended for technical staff and managers of railway transportation industry - state an railway institutions, private carriers, railway vehicle manufactures and their contactors, infrastructure administrators, Authorities, Development institutes, etc.
The magazine content is focused on railway activities in the whole world, that is to railway vehicles, infrastructure and sales.
The magazine is of unique and progressive visual and layout quality. A part of each issue is large-sized poster of A2 format with the newest vehicle or railway construction.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43698
11. Technika transportu szynowego : koleje. tramwaje. metro; forum producentów, konstruktorów i użytkowników/ red. Tadeusz Dyr. - Łódź : SITK. - Виходить щомісяця.- Отримується з 2011.
Technika Transportu Szynowego is a monthly magazine aimed at professionals in the industry. Experienced of authors, reviewing articles and co-operation with foreign magazines enables readers to provide competent information useful in their daily work.
In June 1994, the first issue of the monthly magazine of Technika Transportu Szynowego was released. From the very beginning formula of the forum for manufacturers, designers and exploiters was combined with the idea of recognition in one journal all modes of transport from railway to rail municipal transport. This formula and the content underwent evolution over time from a magazine about the fundamental technological issues to a wide range of professional information in various fields.
Текст видання польською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43849
12. Railway Research Review [Text]. - Tokyo, Japan : [б.в.].- Отримується з 2008. - ISSN 0913-7009
Railway Research Review is a monthly magazine published by the Railway Technical Research Institute of Japan. It is easily readable technical magazine for non technical readers in Japanese.
Текст видання японською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж43259
13. Polish maritime research / ed. W. Kirkor. - Gdansk : [б.в.].- Отримується з 2001.
Polish maritime research is a scientific journal of worldwide circulation. The journal appears as a quarterly four times a year. The first issue of it was published in September 1994. Its main aim is to present original, innovative scientific ideas and Research & Development achievements in the field of: Engineering, Computing & Technology, Mechanical Engineering, which could find applications in the broad domain of maritime economy. Hence there are published papers which concern methods of the designing, manufacturing and operating processes of such technical objects and devices as: ships, port equipment, ocean engineering units, underwater vehicles and equipment as well as harbour facilities, with accounting for marine environment protection.
The Editors of Polish maritime research make also efforts to present problems dealing with education of engineers and scientific and teaching personnel. As a rule, the basic papers are supplemented by information on conferences, important scientific events as well as cooperation in carrying out international scientific research projects.
Текст видання англійською мовою
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42221
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