Журнали представлені на виставці:
Physical review . D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology/ American physical society, American institute of physics ; ed. D. L. Nordstrom. - Woodbury (NY) : [б.в.]. - (Third Series). - Виходить щомісяця.- Отримується з 1970.
Physical Review is an American scientific journal founded in 1893 by. It publishes original research and scientific and literature reviews on all aspects of physics. It is published by the American Physical Society (APS). The journal is in its third series, and is split in several sub-journals (series A, B, C, D, E), each covering a particular field of physics. It has a sister journal, Physical Review Letters (PRL), which publishes shorter articles of broader interest. All of the journals of the APS are recognized internationally as among the best and well known in physics. Many of the most famous physics papers published in the 20th century have appeared in the pages of the Physical Review family of journals.
Physical Review D (PRD), a leading journal in elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation, and cosmology, appears monthly in two sections, D1 and D15. D1: reports on experimental high energy physics, phenomenologically oriented theory of particles and fields, cosmic-ray physics, electroweak interactions, applications of QCD and lattice gauge theory. D15: covers general relativity, quantum theory of gravitation, cosmology, particle astrophysics, formal aspects of theory of particles and fields, general and formal development in gauge field theories and string theory.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3881:D
Journal of the American Chemical Society [Text]/ American Chemical Society ; ed. P. J. Stanf. - Wash. : [б.в.]. - Виходить щотижня.- Отримується з 1888-1895; 1920-1948; 1950-1976; 1990-.
The Journal of the American Chemical Society is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal that was established in 1879 by the American Chemical Society. The journal has absorbed two other publications in its history, the Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry (July 1893) and the American Chemical Journal (January 1914). This periodical is devoted to the publication of research papers in all fields of chemistry and publishes approximately 13,000 pages of new chemistry a year. Published weekly, JACS provides research essential to the field of chemistry. The Journal of the American Chemical Society publishes articles, communications to the Editor, book reviews, and computer software reviews.
The most cited journal in chemistry, the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) received 408,307 total citations and an increase in Impact Factor to 9.907, as reported in the 2011 Journal Citation Reports® by Thomson Reuters.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж3785
Systematics and biodiversity [Text]/ The natural history museum ; ed. B. Rosen. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2003 . - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2003.
Systematics and Biodiversity is a quarterly, international, peer-reviewed life science journal devoted to whole-organism biology, especially systematics, biodiversity and conservation.
The criterion for publication is scientific merit. The journal records the diversity of organisms through taxonomic papers, which have broad biological and contextual significance, using descriptive and analytical approaches.
The underlying basis of biodiversity is addressed through studies of systematic relationships and of growth, form, adaptation and function, and through analysis of biodiversity patterns in time and space, especially with respect to environmental and human factors.
Coverage also includes relevant theory and methodology, developments in taxonomy and classification and conservation biology.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42545
Przeglad spawalnictwa [Text] : miesięcznik naukowo-techniczny/ Forum Spawalników Polskich ; red. J. Nowacki. - Warszawa : [б.в.], 1928 . - * - z CDR.- Отримується з 1952.
Przegląd Spawalnictwa – miesięcznik naukowo-techniczny wydawany przez SIMP, adresowany do inżynierów-konstruktorów i technologów. Na łamach czasopisma poruszane są podstawowe i ogólne zagadnienia spawalnictwa między innymi: przegląd materiałów konstrukcyjnych, materiałów dodatkowych stosowanych w wytwórstwie wyrobów i konstrukcji spawanych.
. W czasopiśmie Przegląd Spawalnictwa są publikowane recenzowane, oryginalne artykuły dotyczące: techniki spajania, cięcia, powłok spawalniczych; metalurgii, metaloznawstwa i modelowania procesów spawalniczych; metod badań struktury i właściwości złączy; charakterystyki urządzeń, sprzętu i materiałów; automatyzacji i robotyzacji; technik klejenia tworzyw konstrukcyjnych i spawania tworzyw polimerowych; szkolenia, przepisów i normalizacji; praktyki spawalniczej i poradnictwa technologicznego; wydarzeń, prezentacji karier spawalników i ich doświadczeń zawodowych.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж33408
The architectural review [Text]/ ed. P. Finch. - Lnd. : [б.в.], 1896 . - Виходить щомісяця.- Отримується з 1910.
The Architectural Review is a monthly international architectural magazine published in London since 1896.
Articles cover the built environment which includes landscape, building design, interior design and urbanism as well as theory of these subjects. Every month, it presents a wide-ranging vision of international design to architects and architectural students worldwide. It is a source of inspiration to thousands, providing subscribers with detailed and finely-illustrated reviews of architectural projects - from small to large, residential to commercial, all over the globe.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж2073
Europe-Asia studies [Text]/ University of Glasgow ; ed. R. Arnot ; d. R. A. Clarke. - Abingdon : Carfax, 1949 . - Виходить 10 разів на рік.- Отримується з 1955.
Europe-Asia Studies remains the principal academic journal in the world focusing on the political, social and economic affairs of what were once the Soviet bloc countries, including their history. At the same time, the journal explores the economic, political and social transformation of these countries and the changing character of their relationship with the rest of Europe and Asia. From its first publication in 1949, until January 1993, the title of Europe-Asia Studies was Soviet Studies. The Editors' decision to change the title to Europe-Asia Studies followed the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. In 2007 the Editors took a further decision to extend the journal's scope to include China and other Asian countries that are or were under communist rule. Europe-Asia Studies is published by Routledge on behalf of the Department of Central and East European Studies, a centre for teaching and research at the University of Glasgow, UK.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж40066
Osteuropa [Text] : zeitschrift für Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens/ Deutschen Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde ; red. M. Sapper. - Berlin : Sellier- Druck. - * - z CDR.- Отримується з 1935.
Osteuropa ist mehr als eine Zeitschrift. Sie analysiert Politik und Kultur, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Osten Europas als Teil der globalisierten Welt. Themenhefte rücken Probleme in eine vergleichende Perspektive; Länderhefte bieten Orientierung zur Osterweiterung des europäischen Denkens; handbuchartige Doppelhefte stellen als Referenzwerke die Grundlagen des Wissens zur Verfügung: von Beutekunst bis Zentralasien. Aufwendige Farbkarten gestatten ungewohnte Blicke. Das alles in einem Periodikum, frei von Jargon, thematisch breit, offen für Debatte.
Osteuropa wird herausgegeben von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde (DGO).
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж39743
Review of world economics [Text]/ Kiel institute for world economics ; ed. D. Snower. - Kiel : Springer. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2003.
The Review of World Economics is an official quarterly journal of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. Under the name of Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, it was founded in 1913 as the world's first journal with a focus on international economics. The special emphasis is on empirical studies in international economics. Areas of interest include trade and trade policies, international factor movements and international business, international finance, currency systems and exchange rates, monetary and fiscal policies in open economies, economic development, technological change and growth. Renowned scholars from all over the world have contributed to the journal in recent years.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж42541
European journal of Criminology [Text]/ European Society of Criminology ; ed. D. J. Smith. - Lnd. : [б.в.]. - Виходить щоквартально.- Отримується з 2007.
The European Journal of Criminology is an international, peer reviewed journal publishing high quality original research. It is the prime European source for authoritative information and analysis on crime and criminal justice issues.
The European Journal of Criminology published by SAGE publications and the European Society of Criminology. It provides a forum for research and scholarship on crime and criminal justice institutions. The journal published high quality articles using varied approaches, including discussion of theory, analysis of quantitative data, comparative studies, systematic evaluation of interventions, and study of institutions of political process. Each issue will include a 'country survey' of a selected country within the wider Europe (the EU and beyond). Country surveys will summarize essential facts about the criminal justice system, review trends in crime and punishment, and discuss major publications in recent years. The journal also covers analysis of policy, but not description of policy developments. There is a particular emphasis on the use of evidence generated by sound social science methods to evaluate criminological ideas and policy.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж61158
Art review [Text] : the essential monthly guide/ ed. J. Weich. - London : [б.в.].- Отримується з 2000.
ArtReview is an international contemporary art magazine based in London. Since 1949, the magazine has been published under the names Art News and Review (1949–1961), The Arts Review (1962–69), Arts Review (1970–1992), Art Review (1992–2000) and ArtReview (2000–present). ArtReview covers established and emerging artists in a mixture of international exhibition reviews, artist profiles, city art tours and artist commissions, including artist projects published as supplements to the regular edition of the magazine. Annual features include the Power 100, a guide to the 100 most powerful figures in contemporary art, published in the November issue of the magazine; and Future Greats, a selection of emerging artists, published in the March issue.
The magazine is one of the leading global guides to contemporary art today. It can be read by specialist art collectors, people who own galleries or maybe those readers with a more general interest in art.
Шифр зберігання журналу у НБУВ: Ж41897
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